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A Week In the Life of a SWA Flight Attendant

Adventurer A
I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you what it is like to be a Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant. I figure the easiest way to do this is to describe a recent trip. It's a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday three-day trip with layovers in Los Angelas (LAX) and Salt Lake City (SLC). It's Sunday night and tomorrow, I have a trip. I'm a commuter so my first order of business is getting to work. I log on to SWALife (our Company's internal web site) to check the loads for the flights to Baltimore/Washington International Airport (BWI) report time is at 12:10PM, so I try for the 7:40AM departure. Now that I'm listed for the flight, I make the last preparations for tomorrow. MONDAY It's 6:15AM and my alarm clock just went off...after a quick shower, I'm out the door headed for the airport by 6:45. We arrive in BWI right on time at 9AM and head for the Crew lounge, where I check in for duty by computer and print out a copy of my trip so I know where I'm going and when for the next three days. My trip sheet also lists the name and phone numbers of the hotels where I'll be staying.SupsOffice-1.JPGFA_CrewLounge.JPGMDW_CrewLounge.JPG Since I don't have to be at the gate until 12:40PM, I've got time for a nap and lunch. After a quick bite, I put on my uniform...I never commute in uniform because it's easier to stay looking crisp if I wait until it's time to actually work to suit up. 12:30PM, and I'm off to the gate. I meet my Crew, "Jack" and "Jill" (not their real names), in the jetbridge. The Captain briefs us for the flight, and before we know it the aircraft is pulling up to the's time to go to work. As the passengers begin deplaning, Jill and I step onboard to help the inbound Crew tidy up. I'm flying C position (we have three positions, A, B, and C, at Southwest) so I also need to check the presence and operation of all the emergency equipment, and Jack stays in the jetbridge and watches the luggage. We complete our Crew change, board the flight, and depart BWI right on time for Phoenix, AZ (PHX). Even though the flight is full, the next thing I know, we're descending for PHX. Five hours went by faster than I thought. We have two hours of ground time in PHX before working a flight to LAX. We tidy up the aircraft, complete our Crew change, and head into the terminal for a bit of "airport appreciation." It's nearly 7:00PM Eastern, and it's dinner time! By the time we find, purchase, and eat our dinner, it's time to report for our flight to LAX. After a quick Crew change, we're boarded and off for California. We get to LAX right on time and turn the plane over to an Oakland, CA (OAK)-based Crew who will take it on one more leg, and we're finally finished flying but not quite done. Jack and Jill have sold liquor on their flights today, and they have cash and coupons to record and deposit. Out we go to the curb to catch the hotel shuttle, and we only have to wait a few minutes. Once at the hotel, Jack signs us in; we decide on a time to head back to the airport tomorrow; and we're done for the night. Once I get to my room I grab a quick shower, iron tomorrow's uniform, and it's off to bed. It's almost 10PM eastern, and I'm asleep before my head hits the pillow. TUESDAY Lobby call is 8:45AM Eastern, but I still could have used a few more winks. Fortunately, there's a Starbuck's in the hotel lobby...mmmmmmm caramel macchiato. Today looks pretty easy on paper--only four legs, and they are all relatively short. We arrive at the gate 30 minutes prior to departure. It's the aircraft's first flight of the day, and it's clean as a whistle and ready to go. We perform our various pre-flight duties, board up, and off we go. Three stops and just under seven hours later we arrive in Salt Lake City (SLC). We change Crews and head for the hotel. Jill wants to check out a shopping center she heard about and asks us to come along. After a quick change, we meet up again in the lobby, and the hotel van driver gives us a lift to the mall. We go our separate ways with plans to meet up in a couple of hours for dinner. At dinner, we check out the Hard Rock Cafe. Dinner is good, and we all get to know each other a bit over the meal. Jill has a three-year-old daughter, and her husband is an attorney. Jack is working on his real estate license and plans to sell commercial property on the side. We call the shuttle for a lift back to the hotel, confirm tomorrow's lobby time, and head off to our rooms. I make a few phone calls, check my e-mail, watch a little TV, and it's time for bed. Wednesday 7:00AM Eastern, and we're on the Crew van headed for the airport and then to Phoenix, AZ (PHX). It's day three of a three-day, and we're looking forward to going home at the end of the day. We depart SLC right on time, but getting out of PHX is a different story. It's raining in PHX this morning, and traffic is delayed. Unfortunately, we are about an hour behind schedule when we lift off for Austin, TX (AUS). We like to stop in AUS because the airport has excellent food, and we nominate Jack to make a food run while Jill and I tidy up and board the aircraft. He gets barbecue (another mmmmmmmm). Two and half days, nine legs, four states, and countless peanuts later we are back in BWI at 4:00PM local time. We're only 20 minutes late, which isn't bad considering we left PHX over an hour late. We complete one last Crew change, and we're done. Jill dashes off to catch her flight home, Jack heads to the parking shuttle, and me? I've got about two hours before my own flight to home checks in. I change out of my uniform and find a quiet spot in the terminal to relax. I make it home around 9:00PM. It's been a long day. There's three days' worth of mail in my PO Box and laundry to be done, but that can wait til tomorrow. I had a great Crew to fly with, and now I've got Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off.
Explorer C
The way you relate your time 'on the road' makes it sound like musicians or actors on tour. All you need is a good team and a mistake proof schedule. Serge Biz: Blog:
Adventurer B
Thanks, James, for posting this! It's an interesting topic (all of them are), & it helps me to have even more of an idea of what things will be like when I become an FA. 🙂
Explorer A
Serge - yeah...I guess you could relate it to a musician/actor on tour. But we do have the best TEAM in the industry! From our Inflight Leadership Team, our Inflight Crew Planning and Scheduling departments, our Ground Operations / Provisioning Team. It takes each and EVERY individual to get over 3000+ flights a day off the ground! Have a GREAT weekend! James Malone MDW FA
Explorer A
Also, if you are interested on becoming a SWA FA check out our Careers page at This post originally came from Check out that page to if you are a SWA FA Wannabe!
Explorer C
James, Thanks for the insight, any and all information helps. The more I learn the more I can't wait to go throught the process and become a SWA FA. All of the information I read and learn just confirms what I already knew, that SW is the best airline in the industry. I have been a SW customer for 20 years and alot of flights. I am ready to join the fun and experience the SW family spirit. My GI is in MDW on the 13th Wish me luck!! Gary A. in BNA
Explorer C
James, Thank you for the run down. You shared a great "day in the life". It is just about what I had hope for, and expected. I am really pumped up just now. Like Gary, I have been a super loyal SWA customer for years, enjoying the great attitudes of the people wearing those SWA Uniforms. Now, I get to start training the end of this month in Dallas. So, no doubt you know why I am so pumped. I am flat excited to start studying, learning and training. Also eager to gain clearance and access to SWALife and learn the intricacies there, as I will commute to work as well. SWA is the best. I am fortunate to be a trainee. I want to meet, learn, contribute and appreciate my co-workers. Learning how my days will fit together has helped. You guys are great; the team I want to join. Thank you again, James. Steve S. SLC
Explorer C
James, Thanks for the great write up. I too am going to be joining the ranks. Like Steve S. , I too will be training in Dallas the end of the month. He expressed alot of my sentiments. Pete P.S. See you in Dallas Steve
Explorer A
Steve and Pete, I look forward to seeing you on the line. My only advice to you re: training is to KNOW your PA's BEFORE you get to class. The training is pretty intense and you won't have time to memorize those with everything else that is going on! Training is also GREAT fun. You make some lasting relationships that will carry you through your career here at SWA. I wish you the best of luck and have a BLAST! Sincerely, James Malone MDW FA P.S. Gary, good luck on your GI (Group Interview)!
Explorer A
Also, those pictures are of our FA Lounge in MDW and those two helpful people at the desk are two of our Inflight Supervisors! James Malone MDW FA
Explorer C
A week in the life sounds great. I wish I had made it too and was going to training soon. I made it through the GI several months ago and somehow didn't make it through the one-on-ones. I was so disappointed. I had never wanted a job as bad as I wanted this one. Working for any other airline just won't do. All of the SWA FAs are great -- I have never encountered anyone with SWA that wasn't. Good luck to the new trainees and just give it everything you've got.
Explorer C
Hello....I have to start by saying we love southwest! It was the first plane my son flew on at the age of two, and he still calls the UT orange planes, 'his planes'. His dream is to be an airline pilot, but that takes alot of time. So, he is considering being a flight attendant for awhile. He makes good grades, is an Eagle Scout, good athlete. He will be in the 10th grade in the fall and is 15 years old. Any advice for him? We know he has to be 20 to apply for the flight attendant's position, but what should he do until then? Associates degree is our plan, but in what? Thank you ahead of time...and thank you for makeing flying so pleasurable. :O)
Adventurer B
Terri, I went through the same thing you did; I made it through the group interview & went for a one-on-one. Unfortunately, I didn't get asked back for training. I was so disappointed, & this has been a strong dream of mine since elementary school (I'll be 30 this month). However, I sent my resumÃ
Explorer C
Yep, Austin airport has great food. The breakfast tacos used to be $2, BTW. Prices went up...they're now $3 a pop. (I blame it on Bush.) :-P Your entry reads kind of like my book, except my book is about a DYSFUNCTIONAL flight attendant. See here for an out-take:
Explorer C
It warms my heart to see such a positive swing in our life of being a Flight Attendant. I LOVE being a Flight Attendant. I LOVE working for Southwest Airlines. I am what the company would call a "Kool-Aid Drinker". But in my almost 10 year career with Southwest, I became a mommy. And now, I have to question the compromise of giving up giggling, learning, and growing pains with that of my dedication to a company I love so much. When I go to work, I feel I am one of the BEST Customer Service Representatives Southwest has to offer: I enjoy the company of Customers, I (believe it or not) enjoy catering to their needs and wants, and get a kick out of making a difference in our Customer's days with a lil' extra POS. I struggle on a week to week basis with whether or not to leave the company so that I don't have to worry about being away from my little ones for 3-5 days a week. So for some, the job may seem like that of a "Rock Star", but for us mommies, it's VERY difficult to give up those precious hours at home. If Southwest Airlines wasn't such a darn good company to work for, my decision would not be so difficult. I recommend being a Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant to any and all that apply. But next time you're flying the friendly skies, consider the sacrafices that are made on a personal level that continuously prove to be a benefit to all those involved.
Explorer A
Lynn - sounds like you have done a great job of raising your son! Check out to find out what the requirements are for being a F/A. I actually think they have to be 21 at the time they graduate training to be a FA. I have a degree in Computer Science, but I'm not sure how that helps me in my daily job now. 🙂 Tell your son to keep plugging away and his dreams will come true! James Malone MDW FA
Explorer C
I love my job as a Flight Attendant for Southwest. I don't even think of it as a job. I look forward to going to work , every day is so different. It is truly a blessing.
Explorer C
The life of a SWA FA put a smile on my face! It sounds like the life for me, I just sent my resume yesterday. I work at a nice hotel in Tempe, AZ and each day I check in at least two employees for SWA. I have become good friends with them and repsect and enjoy having them in the hotel. So if I get the job i'll see all of my SWA friends in the air!
Adventurer B
I wish you well, Megan! Please let us know how things go! Who knows, maybe sometime we'll work together!
Explorer C
I appreciate all the previous comments. I, too, have heard that Southwest Airlines is a great company to work for. I have been a public school teacher for nineteen years and feel a deep desire to try another line of work at this time in my life. Having acquired extensive customer and communication skills through my teaching experience, I thought that I might enjoy and qualify for a job within the airline industry. Any thoughts about getting in with Southwest here in Phoenix?....I'm not sure whether ticket counter or flight attendant would be the direction to go? I am in my early 40' it very common for women of my age to start careers with Southwest Airlines? Thanks for any thoughts.
Explorer B
Hi Lisa. First of all, thanks for all the time you have devoted to public education. You should be applauded!! Second, this IS a great company to work for. I have been flying for many years and still love it. I am married with no children, so it is easier for me than most. You spoke of both ticket counter and flight attendant positions. Both are terrific, but I guess I'm partial to flying. The only thing to consider is whether you would enjoy being away from home 2 or 3 nights a week. And we do have lots of folks who make this a second career. Early 40's is actually young!! You can go to the Southwest website and find information on both career paths. And maybe I will see you out on line one day!!
Adventurer B
I had my group interview today in DAL for FA position, & I got invited back for a one-on-one in DAL! I go Aug. 23rd, but will fly down again the day before. I'm so excited!
Explorer C
I had a group interview last year and didn't make it for a Customer Service Rep...I was and still am disappointed. I really want to work for SWA. I will keep on trying. Christie, like you I like catering to the needs of customers. I love woking with people. My son is twenty, so he would love it if I worked for SWA. If you are a Customer Service Rep. in Burbank, and make your decision to leave, I will happily fill in for you. Thanks. Theresa
Explorer C
James, Thanks so much for the insight to the life of a SWA FA....I'm currently waiting for my class to be called and like yourself, I'm going go probably be a commuter, but I'm certainly anxious to get going...Keep hoping that phone is going to ring each day and can't wait until it does...Thanks again... Dave
Explorer C
I really love this post, but I found myself mystified by a few things. I hope you don't mind my curiosity, it's just that I'm fascinated: - The concept of commuting to work by plane is amazing to me. How long is your flight? What happens if weather delays or such things cause you to clock in late? - If you put on work clothes for your commuting leg, I expect you attract questions and conversation that you might not want. Isn't that the REAL reason you wait to suit up? I know I would. - What's involved in these "crew changes" you speak of? Don't you just show up where you're supposed to be, and get on the plane? - Does LUV pay for your layover hotels? - What does C position do? Apparently it doesn't involve the selling of liquor. Why not? - It's understandable that you would "think" in your home time zone all over the country, but has that ever messed you up? "Oh, my flight's not till 9 AM..." and then whoops, I'm thinking of a different time zone... - What's lobby time? Why do they call it that?
Adventurer A
Jennifer - My commute is 2 legs from OKC (Oklahoma City to St. Louis or Kansas City) then to MDW (Chicago Midway). It takes approximately 3 hours or so. We do have a commuter policy in our contract that covers us in the event of bad weather, mechanicals, does NOT however cover us in the event of an oversell situation. I should have planned better! :-) Sometimes I commute in uniform, sometimes I don't. It just depends on what day and time I am commuting up. A Crew change is simply when the AM Crew gets off and the PM crew gets on. The C Flight Attendant MUST check all of the emergency equipment on each aircraft change. The A and B Flight Attendants must conduct their security checks as well. Yes, the Company does pay for our layover hotels. Each position, A, B and C has their individual responsibilities, they are to numerous to mention in this posting. But yes, the C can sell liquor, the A and B are just responsible for the accounting of the liquor in their respective galleys. I personally choose to stay in "Herb" time or central time as the case may be. My two travel alarm clocks are set to central time, then I set my cell phone alarm in local time, since it adjusts to the local time anyway and I get a wakeup call in local time as well. Overkill? Probably, but I haven't missed an assignement yet! Lobby time is when we have to be in the lobby of the hotel to get on the van and go to the airport to begin our work day. It is typically 1 hour prior to push, since we have to be at the aircraft 30 minutes prior to push. I hope I answered all or most of your questions! Best Wishes! James Malone MDW FA
Explorer C
Hey guy's. Made it through the GI now onto the 1 on 1 next week. I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. What a great experience and the SW people were fantastic. It only solidified what I already knew! SWA is truely the BEST company, airline out there today!!! I can't wait to bring all of my skills and personality to each SW customer and make a difference in their day! I hope that I can dive into that POOL soon! Get the floaties! Gary A.inBNA
Adventurer B
Theresa, yes, you should keep on trying. When I didn't get asked back for training after my one-on-one for FA seven years ago, it was awhile before I got over my disappointment; I finally did, though!
Adventurer B
James, I noticed you commute from OKC. I live in TUL! That's neat! 🙂
Adventurer A
Hey Gary - Congrats on making it "through" the General Interview (GI)! I wish you the best of luck as you enter your 1 on 1 phase. Regards, James Malone MDW FA
Explorer C
Thanks for all the great info. I just submitted my resume in June for FA and am waiting to hear back from them. I am an RN and love what I do but reallly feel like I need a new challenge in my life. My youngest daughter just graduated high school and is off to college so it seems like the perfect time to do something different. I love to fly and travel and it seems like the perfect job for me as I am very outgoing and have a lot of experience dealing with people. The health care industry is all about customer service these days thats for sure! I hope to be able to do both jobs part time. I am also in my early 40's and also live in OKC! Do they usually like to hire RNs? Any advice would be appreciated
Adventurer A
Yvonne - I know I would LUV to have an RN on my flight, in case of a medical emergency. A book I would recommend for your interview is 1001 Answers to Tough Interview Questions (or it may be 101 answers) 😉 . I'm not sure how long it is taking to get an interview now days, but I would give it a month or so and then call the People Department at HDQ in Dallas to check on the submission of your resume. The number is 214-792-4000. Good Luck! James
Explorer C
James - Thanks for the phone number. I will wait till the end of this month then give them a call. I will go check out that book you mentioned. A flight attendant I was talking to on a flight coming back to OKC told me it can take 4-6 months for them to contact you after you submit your resume so I am not worried yet ! Just thought I would mention I am a labor and delivery nurse so if a pregnant woman goes into early labor on the flight we would be in good shape !! Just curious as to why you are not based in Dallas when you live here in OKC?
Adventurer A
Yvonne - it is all about seniority. If I were based in DAL, I would be sitting Reserve for the rest of my life. After three years of being a Flight Attendant, I'm very close to holding a VR (Vacation Relief ) line in Chicago, which is basically like having a monthly schedule, which means you aren't on Reserve and "on call" so to speak. Have a good weekend! James Malone MDW FA
Explorer C
Hello James, I am heading to Dallas for training on Aug. 27. I received my info packet from SWA today. Can you give a short synopsis of what I can expect at training? Maybe a day in the life of an FA trainee? Does one really have to know all the pa's by rote on arrival to training? When SWA requires a trainee to wear business attire, what exactly does that mean? Etc. I am excited to become a part of the SWA family. I will be commuting from PVD and hope to be based in BWI. Any input will be appreciated, Bo
Explorer C
P.S. To any "mature" FA aspirees, I am 58 years old and i am going to training on Aug. 27. I am looking forward to starting a new career with SWA. I just found this site today. Thank you for it. It is a great and informative site! Bo
Adventurer A
Bo - You MUST have your PA's memorized before training. If you don't, you will not have any time to memorize them before the test. Training is intense, but also very fun! You get so much information each day and then most of the time have a test each morning over the previous days information. Business Casual is dockers, polo shirts, etc...I'm not sure if they are allowing denim jeans as part of business casual or not. It should say in the packet. If you have any questions, please just give the People department a call and they should be able to answer any questions that you may have. I don't think you will have a problem being based in BWI. It is our must junior base. Good luck in training! Study HARD!! James Malone MDW FA
Explorer C
Thank you for the information James. Could you maybe elaborate on how the FA reserve system works? Can one commute while on reserve? Thanks in advance for any info, Bo
Adventurer A
Bo - When you graduate training, you will get a line (a month of scheduled trips) for your first month. The next 5 months, you will sit Reserve. Here at SWA, we have 3 types of Reserve, AM Reserve, PM Reserve and Ready Reserve. I'm not exactly sure of the exact rules, but here is the gist. When you are on Reserve, you are basically the Companies to do with what they want. You are the insurance! AM Reserve, they can contact you from 3am - 11am and they have to have you back in Domicile at the end of an assigned Reserve trip by 1800 Central. PM Reserve, they can contact you from 10am - 1800 PM and there is no limit about when they can have you back from a assigned Reserve trip (I think). Ready Reserve, you are on call 24 hours a day the days that you liable for reserve. After you get off of probation, you go into the Reserve Rotation, which is the bottom 65% of the domicile rotates thru their monthly Reserve committment. Here in MDW, you sit a month of Reserve, then have 2-3 months of a line. I hope that helps! James Malone MDW FA
Adventurer A
P.S. You can commute while on Reserve, just go up THE NIGHT BEFORE and be available for contact! James
Explorer C
Thank you James, I have a much better understanding of the reserve system now. Bo
Explorer C
Hi. I am just now researching flight attendant careers and I've heard from friends that are flight attendants (not for SW) that if they did it again they'd want to work for SW. Anyway...Im a stay at home mom, mother of two young toddlers (2yr. and 4yr.) and my husband works full time, w/o having a sitter M-F - would this career choice be impossible for me? In other words, can one just work weekends as a flight attendant for SW? Im thinking most likely "no". Can anyone offer advise for a stay at home mom wanting to go back to work part-time as a flight attendant?
Explorer A
Jackie - as much as I hate to say it, we don't have any Part Time Flight Attendant positions. A lot of our Flight Attendants do have children and seem to find a way to make it work. With help from in-laws, working opposite days as their husbands, etc...Being a Flight Attendant is a great job with a great amount of flexibility. For more information, you can check out our website, Good luck in your future endeavors! James Malone MDW FA
Explorer C
James - Thank you for your response. Looks like I might have to wait until the kids are off to college 🙂 Until then I might research other career options in the airline industry. I appreciate your advice!
Explorer C
James, thanks for all the great info. One question though, what are PAs? -Robert
Adventurer A
Robert - PA's = Public Announcements. Have a good weekend, Ya'll! James
Explorer C
James, Thanks a lot for all your info. Five years ago, I went to fa training for an airline in Milwaukee. In the second week of training, I got a call that my Dad passed away suddenly. I was crushed and never tried the application process again. Guess, I didn't go back because they took their crew base out of OMA. At that time I did not want to commute to MKE. I loved every minute of training and want to persue a fa job with SWA. I live in Omaha. Is it very easy to commute from OMA ?? Thanks,
Explorer A
Jim - I would think the commute from OMA to MDW or any of our other bases for that matter would be pretty easy. I'm not sure how many commuters we have from OMA, but I don't think a lot. You can apply online to be a SWA Flight attendant. Check out: Good Luck! James Malone MDW FA
Explorer C
Hey Mr. Malone, I would like to know how long would it take to hear back from Southwest after applying for FA position?? I have sent in my resume 3 times and I never heard anything back from them. I have always wanted to work for Southwest because I love to travel and the level of customer sevice there. Thank you for a great post. Brian
Explorer C
Hello everybody! I was just curious to know, when in training, are you set up in a hotel room by yourself, or with a roomate? Are you allowed to have a person, if visiting, stay with you? What are the hours like, and the meals? Is training more lecture, or more hands on, such as being submersed in water for emergency procedures? Also, how far into training do you receive your base? And lastly, when training is over and you are officially hired, is there usually a time break to go home, get organized, and then report to work. If so, how long is that usually? Thank you for your time!
Explorer C
James thanks for the great article,it was very informative.My question is i applied for a flight attendant position with Ryan Air and 2 months later i got a phone call about 10.30 at night from a woman who was from Ryan Air and she was going to do an over the phone interview,The problem was that it caught me offguard I mean come on 10.30 at night.So we went thru the interview and at the end of it she asked me if i had any questions and i was still dumbfounded about getting a call like that all i could come up with was what type of aircraft does Ryan Air operate,so needless to say i was never called back.I would appreciate anything you could add to my story. Thank You Joseph Benham