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Southwest Airlines Community

Captain Lou Freeman: Pilot and History-Maker


Captain Lou Freeman was Southwest's first African American Pilot, and the first black Chief Pilot at any major U.S. carrier. But he doesn't see himself as a history-maker, just a Pilot who loves to put smiles on people's faces. That's his legacy.



Explorer C

Thanks Cap. Freeman for giving SWA so many years of smiles with productivity. God Bless you for the rest of your life and I hope to meet you in the near future in one of those SWA visits.  Nicky Ortiz

Explorer C

One of my first Capts, back in the day in Ops,  awesome, awesome personality, always a smile, warm, friendly welcome. Please enjoy the next journey and thank you for always leaving a positive impact...  Donna S. 

Explorer C

CONGRATULATIONS LOU!!!   Thank you for paving the path to new opportunities for the young men and women following in your footsteps.  You are a blessing to you come in contact with...enjoy retirement!! 


Be blessed!!