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Southwest Airlines Community

Going Green: Energy Conservation During Record-Breaking Heat

Explorer C

Here in Dallas, we recently received word that due to extreme heat, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) was asking the public to help conserve energy to avoid mandatory rolling blackouts.  Peak demand for electricity last week reached an all-time high of 66,867 MW on August 2, breaking the previous record set just one year ago on August 23 of 65,776 MW.

Peak electrical demand is always the highest during the hottest part of the day between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., so it is during this time that our conservation efforts are most beneficial in avoiding the potential for a blackout. 

So, what can we do to conserve energy?

  • Turn off the lights when offices, conference rooms and break areas are vacant.
  • Close the blinds in your office to reduce heat load in the building.
  • Unplug electronic equipment that isn’t being utilized.
  • Turn your thermostats to 82 degrees or higher when you leave home in the morning, if no one is going to be there.
  • Close your blinds and drapes on windows that get direct sun.
  • Do not use your dishwasher, laundry equipment, hair dryers, coffee makers, etc during the peak hours.
  • Avoid opening refrigerators and freezers more than necessary.

I represent Facilities Maintenance on the Green Team, and I hope the above tips will help you conserve energy no matter what part of the country you live in during this summer of extreme temperatures.  Let us know how you plan to conserve by commenting below.

DING!  You are now free to be Green! 

Have a tip for Green Tuesday?  Let us know in the comments section!

Explorer C
I believe in siesta time. Right after the kids get home from school we close all the shades turn off all tvs/ game machines and appliances and take an hour nap. The kinds my not sleep but at least they rest and everyone is more refreshed and not as grumpy so that we can get more done in the evening when things are cooler.
Explorer C
Fans should be off when not in the room, change to cfl's they are cooler and use less energy.