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Southwest Airlines Community

Going Green: Finding New Uses for Ordinary Household Items

Explorer C

Southwest just celebrated its 41st birthday, and it's a day that brings to mind all the success this Company has achieved, the millions of Customers we’ve had the pleasure of serving, and the thousands of Employees who affectionately call this place their second home and Family.  As a Southwest Intern, I have the opportunity to walk through these doors every day and know that I’m part of something bigger—a Company that makes decisions from the heart and has for four decades.

During the past 41 rewarding years, Southwest has been committed to the triple bottom line of Performance, People, and Planet. We know that environmental decisions make good business sense and going Green can also save green! You can go Green by taking small steps in your own home, because there are many creative ways you can not only recycle, but better yet, reuse items you have lying around your house. Recycling is great, but reusing an item you already have requires no throwing away at all! Here are some great ideas of ways you can reuse typical household items from the web site

  • Need a new notepad? Cut used pieces of paper into scrap pieces and, voila!, you have a homemade notepad.
  • Coffee drinker? Place your used coffee grinds right into your garden or soil for beautiful blooms.
  • Leftover overload? Clean used margarine and butter tubs and use as food containers.
  • Out of cleaning rags? Use old pillow covers as household rags and old curtains as rags for your car.
  • Looking for a new board game? Make your own checker set with used bottle caps as the playing pieces.
  • Green thumb? Crush old seafood shells to use as decoration in your garden or backyard.
  • Have an old keyboard you’re not using? You can plant seeds in it and use it as a seedling starter!

So go ahead and try some of these earth-friendly ideas in your home today and look for other ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle in your day-to-day life. 

Have another great idea for reusing old items? Let us know by e-mailing or by commenting below.

DING! You are now free to be Green.