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Southwest Airlines Community

Happy Birthday, SFO!

Explorer C

Happy Birthday SFO!  It’s been exactly one year since we returned service into San Francisco. As we reflect on this past year, we can’t even begin to describe the heartfelt welcome we’ve received from our Customers thus far.  San Francisco is perhaps one of the most rewarding markets we serve simply because of its people.  Not many cities can boast a population that is so community driven and so committed to the ideals of inclusion, acceptance, and togetherness than the people from San Francisco.  And because of that, you’ve made our jobs a whole lot easier.
This past year, we’ve had the privilege to partner with many prominent Bay Area organizations as well as the opportunity to sponsor such events as the Chinese New Year Festival and Parade, Bay to Breakers Race, and the Cool Globes extravaganza.  Being a part of the San Francisco market again, has given us the opportunity to continue sharing our passion of serving the community or as we call it “Sharing the Spirit”.  This past weekend, we, together with Mayor Newsom’s office gave away backpacks to underprivileged children in the Bayview District. Our Employees from across the system donated the school supplies which were included in the backpacks. We believe that education is the gateway to success and hopefully by us helping them with that first step, they will be able to achieve their goal to become successful in life.

Whether it be donating backpacks, or teaching the locals about the importance of being eco-friendly in everyday life, every single event that we’ve been a part of reflects our mission to do whatever we can to impact society in a positive way.  Thank you San Francisco for providing us with these phenomenal opportunities.
On August 26th, 2008, we’ll be celebrating our one-year anniversary at SFO.  As we take a moment to reflect, we can hardly believe the kind of impact we’ve made in San Francisco just this past year.  While we are very proud of our accomplishments, it’s exciting to think about the coming year, how many more lives we can touch, how many more community events we can participate in, and how much more positive change we can bring to the people of San Francisco.  Who knows?  All we know is that time sure flies when you’re having FUN!  Thank you San Francisco!