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Southwest Airlines Community

Happy Green Tuesday: Celebrate in April

Adventurer B

Hello, everyone and Happy Green Tuesday!  April is a pretty special month and one that is right up our alley!  Did you know that Earth Day is on April 22?  Did you know that the week leading up to Earth Day is National Volunteer Week?  April is an opportunity to celebrate our planet and taking care of our communities and each other! 

We all know that we are an airline that relies on fossil fuels to keep us flying high, but we also know environmental decisions make good sense and that it’s important to use our resources wisely and be efficient.  In the coming weeks, you will see a bunch of blog posts from volunteers around our system, fun Customer and Employee opportunities to celebrate those that give back their time to our planet that sustains us, and plenty of ideas if you want to get out in nature and combine volunteerism and environmental stewardship. 

So, to get you started, below are a couple of resources on National Volunteer Week and Earth Day.  Enjoy the month and a big thank you to all our Employees who make a difference each and every day, whether it’s by volunteering time, showing compassion to those less fortunate, lending a helping hand, recycling, or demonstrating a Servant’s Heart. 

Have any plans to give back this month or celebrate Earth Day?  Let us know my commenting below.  Have tips for how to live and work Green?   E-mail us at!

DING!  You are now free to be Green.