For baseball fans, Ernie Banks is a household name. Hall of Famer Ernie Banks was a shortstop for the Chicago Cubs from 1953-1971. Recently my friend, Katie, and I had the chance to meet Ernie, a HUGE moment for the baseball fan in me. After quick introductions the conversation went something like this:
Ernie: Are you married?
Hollee & Katie: Yes
Ernie: So where are your husbands?
Hollee & Katie: In Dallas (we were in Phoenix at the time)
Ernie: Dallas! One thing I like about Dallas is that Kelleher, I want to get a copy of his book NUTS!.
Hollee & Katie: Funny you should mention Herb; we both work for Southwest Airlines. We will take care of getting you a copy of the book.
Ernie: reaches for his wallet to hand us his card
How cool! When Ernie Banks thinks of Dallas, he thinks of Herb Kelleher and Southwest Airlines. So Katie and I return to Dallas to share the news with Herb. He personally signs a book for Ernie with this note inside "I am certainly not sure why you admire me but you are certainly one of my heroes."
(Okay, we know a lot of you would LUV to have a Herb autograph too, but if Herb accommodated every request, his entire day would be spent signing books. We hope you understand.)