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Southwest Airlines Community

Land of the Lost…and Found

Frequent Flyer B
Southwest Airlines moves a lot of people every day. Those people carry a lot of stuff with them. So if you lost something on a flight, what are the odds of someone you know finding it?[asset|aid=240|format=image|formatter=asset|title=RBRiPodLogoSmall.gif|width=177|height=177|resizable=true|align=right]Southwest Airlines moves a lot of people every day. Those people carry a lot of stuff with them. So if you lost something on a flight, what are the odds of someone you know finding it? Well that is what this episode of Red Belly Radio is about, two Employees, Ginger and Paula, traveling on the same plane—just not together.
Adventurer C
After working in Southwest Airlines Baggage Service Office I realized the more information you give in detail about the item you lost the easier it would be to identify once located. I encourage anybody who will listen to put those return address labels on everything from your cell phone, camera, passport,laptop,cane, wheelchair, walker,purse,wallet,video player, i-pod, walkman or any item you have that you would like back if lost. If anything found or turned in has a name on it we will page you in the airport or hunt you down through your travel history. If you loose something do not have a secretary, wife or girfriend call. Third party inquiries are too much trouble. I have lost my cell phone 3 times and if it had not been for that sticker with my info I would never had it returned to me. The back of my drivers liscense has my cell phone number on it with a Sharpie marker and yes I have been called when I left it at a vegatable market. If something is lost and it has a name on it with contact information it is less likely to be lost forever.
Explorer C
This is all great and all BUT Anyone who wants to return something to you, will! It shouldn't matter if your info is posted on lets say...a phone...or not. Unfortunately everything that I have ever lost on Southwest, has been lost for good 😞
Explorer C
I left my Carhart jacket on Flight #0649 from Spokane, WA, to Oakland, CA on 3-18-10. If anyone finds this black jacket with the Thermalgaurd logo on it, could it please be returned to Spokane, WA lost & found desk. I'll be returning to Spokane on the 23rd of March. Thankyou.
Explorer C
Lost DVD case--- My daughter lost her DVD case on a flight from Baltimore to Phoenix on The morning of April 9th... Please, please return it to SWA if you've located it. My six year old daughter is so sad because some of the disks contained her favorite movies and we are unable to obtain new copies. Thank you!
Explorer C
I lost my Cannon digital camera on Saturday, May 22 (11:30 departure/2:30 arrival) on a Southwest flight (#1443) from LA to Denver. We were sitting in row 5 on right side. Pictures are of our family reunion, my little girl's 2nd birthday party and Disneyland trip. Reward of $1000 for memory card (with or without camera), please help me, these pictures are irreplaceable. Thanks. Call 310 776 7210
Explorer C
Lost digital camera, black .. aboard Southwest flight from Baltimore to Orlando, then Orlando to Fort Myers. Lots of baby pictures and now we have a broken hearted Mama. Please email me if you find. Thanks, Concerned Grandma
Adventurer A
Hi Donna! Please give Customer Support a call at 1-800-IFLYSWA, and they can take down your information in case your digital camera is found. Fingers crossed that it's located!
Explorer C
I lost a blue pen with ND on the clip part, sentimental reason for return I flew from houston to chicago midway yesterday which was june 24th
Explorer C
I was traveling from Oklahoma City to Dallas Love Field (On my way to houston,tx) on 28th June,2010, monday on flight no.1257. I was carrying a Laptop bag. It does not have laptop inside it but it has all my certificates(my masters degree, bachelors degree, some training certificates), my resumes, passport, visa, and some other important things. I was actually returning from an interview from Oklahoma City. After boarding the flight, we were told that there was some bad weather in Dallas and hence the flight would be delayed for an hour. I got off the plane and after that the flight started a little earlier than previously told and I missed the flight. I approached the local Southwest employee and he informed a Dallas Southwest baggage claim employee about my luggage. I was told that the employee in Dallas woudl pickup my bag and put it in the next flight to houston and arranged my flight to houston. So I come to houston and wait at the baggage claim for about 4 hours, all the while checking with the houston baggage claim employees. But to my deep disappointment, I could not trace the bag. I have filed a lost and found report and calling every possible number to trace the bag. While the whole Southwest staff have been more than helpful, some going out of the way to trace it, (Ex: Ray in Dallas Baggage claim, Bill at the Central Baggae claim in Dallas), I am still looking for the bag. Could any one let me know if they found a blackish brown laptop bag with no shoulder strap, with a passport, visa degree certificates etc. My Cell no is (361) 228-8222. email: I am really desperate to get it back. Thanks.
Explorer C
Lost: GAMEBOY Tues.evening 6/29/10 ,returning to San Jose flt.#3855 from Denver Please return.
Explorer C
LOST DOLLS - My daughter lost her 2 most precious dolls on a Southwest flight into Dallas Love Field on July 3... These dolls are old and are different from each other. They are around 9 inches in length, and the slightly larger one has straight brown hair and removable clothes (was wearing a red plaid shirt and brown pants). The other doll has brown hair in braids and is wearing a blue dress that cannot be removed. These dolls are the first things my daughter went to unpack when we got home. If you picked up these dolls, please return them. We are offering a $20 reward for the return of the correct dolls. 214-621-0666
Explorer C
On June 24 I flew into Orlando International Airport on flight 303 from RDU/Raleigh NC and I left my bible in the pocket in front of the seat. The flight was full and we sat to the back of the plane. It is a New King James Version/Open Study Bible in a reddish cover with a handle and zips all around. You would not know it is a bible unless you unzip the cover. This bible means alot to me, it has notes --highlights--and family pictures in it. I called every baggage area the plane flew into that day---but no one turned it in. I can't understand how or why it would not have been turned in--anyone who opened it would have been able to see how personal and precious it is to the owner---Please--Please turn it in--or contact me at maybe it is still in the pocket flying the friendly skies--and if it is never returned I hope whom ever has it is blessed by the Love of God that is expressed in its pages---just know my tears are in those pages.
Explorer C
On May 17th, I LEFT MY CAMERA IN THE FRONT POCKET OF MY SEAT IT WAS A PINK KODAK EASY SHARE CAMERA M341 IT WAS IN A PINK CASE. MY HUSBAND HAD JUST GIVEN THAT TO ME FOR CHRISTMAS :-( WE WERE ON FLIGHT :Mon May 17 # 1223 Depart LAS VEGAS NV (LAS) at 4:10 PM Arrive in FT LAUDERDALE FL (FLL) at 11:55 PM If anyone has found it, please call me at@ 954-237-7655 or email me at:
Explorer C
On the Wed 7th June 2010 we flew from Boston to Chicago to Los Angeles on flight 0536. I left my cosmetic bag (brown/tan plastic with a metallic speckly pattern, about 8 by 6 inches) in the overhead locker with al my makeup, some medication, jewellery andd most importantly my camera memory card with 5 weeks of holiday photos on it (we were holidaying from Australia.) These memories are priceless so if you know anything or have found my cosmetic bag please email me ASAP Thanks.
Explorer C
Hey, I lost my black kodak camera on a flight to baltimore! If anybody here has it please shoot me an email! I will give reward money! I care more about my memory card than the actually camera. It was of me and my firends at a leadership conference to help students with intellectaual and developmental disablities... my email:
Explorer C
Lost a 8x11 inch daily planner on 8/1 a flight to Denver (where I got off) which I think went on to Tucson. Would really like it back has info useful to me.
Explorer C
Lost DVD/CD case -- Sunday, August 8, 2010 on a flight from Houston to Albuquerque! Black case with "Pimsleur" on the outside. Will pay shipping costs to get it back!!! 512-338-1206. Thanks!
Explorer C
I left my bible in the seat pocket on Flight 303 from RDU to Orlando on June 24, 2010--and I have yet to receive it. I can not comprehend anyone wanting it or keeping it. If the staff "sweeps" the cabin it should have been located and turned in or did they just toss it. Or once it arrived in Dallas the staff just sent it off to the Salvation Army--I don't know. I have called several time to the central location and today the Rep was rude--I have almost given up hope on ever having it returned. I don't think Southwest airlines even cares about lost items they just ship them to the Salvation Army or throw them away.
Explorer C
I believe I left my Samsung Behold cell phone on flight number 3417 from Minneapolis to St. Louis, then continuing on to Dallas. It has a clear case with a crack on the upper left hand side. I have left my information with several different people, but obviously need to get this back ASAP.
Explorer C
I lost a brand new racerback bra!! and a multi-colored teal memo book on Aug 6th, 2010.
Explorer C
On 9/27, I left my camera either at the check in at Midway Airport or on the flight from Chicago to Tampa, Fl. It is a Canon Camera inside a small black case with a blue and black strap. The flight was: Mon Sep 27 # 1672 Depart CHICAGO MIDWAY (MDW) at 2:35 PM Arrive in TAMPA INTL (TPA) at 6:10 PM (It actually left at 3:00, and arrived in Tampa at 7:00 pm. If anyone has found it, please call me at@ 813-964-9085 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              813-964-9085      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, or email at
Explorer C
Left my Kindle on flight 2993 from Kansas City to Dallas on 9/17/10. Black binder with white Kindle 2nd edition, turn it on and it says welcome edwin. Thanks for its return if you find it.
Explorer C
Lost my Nikon L4 Cool Pic camera flying SW 1770 from Denver to Houston on Sat., Oct. 2. Wish someone would return it...has pictures of my grandson's blessing and other family photos recently taken. It was not in a case, small digital camera. If someone finds it, please call me at 832-563-8845.
Explorer C
I lost my digital fujifilm finepix camera on a southwest flight on 10/6/10. we were on flight 1350 from sna-phx-slc. i lost in after we arrived in slc. it was left on the aircraft under the seat. this camera means so much to me and my family. i have over 1000 pictures on it from when my son was born and we were in the hospital, his first halloween, first christmas, first birthday, and our first trip to disneyland. basically it has the whole first 16 months of my first babies life on it. i am devistated. i just want the memory card. i am offering a reward. you can send me the memory card anonymously and keep the camera. i don't care i just want my pictures. please help! i am crushed and so is my husband. thanks
Explorer C
I lost a tennis bracelet on my flight from Burbank, California to Las Vegas on Friday September 24th. White gold, white diamonds, horizontal wave or "S" link. I think it had about 18 small stones on it. Very sentimental gift from a loved one. I do hope it was found and turned in!
Explorer C
hi, i posted about the fuji film fine pix camera. if you have it please contact me via e-mail. i am offering a reward! thanks
Explorer C
Left my 3rd generation Kindle on a Southwest flight from Baltimore BWI to Chicago MIDWAY on Friday, October 8th. Flight 1476 left BWI at 7:35 AM arrived at Chicago MIDWAY at 8:40 AM. The Kindle is in the granite color and it is in a red and black Neoprine foam case. If found when you turn it on and go to the MENU key there is a place for personal information. My name (Yvette) and contact information are located here. Please use contact information to let me know it has been found and will be returned. Thank you in advance, Yvette
Explorer C
Left my Evo by HTC on flight 363 Southwest flight Denver to Orange County on October 22, 2010. It was on the 3:20 flight arrived OC at 6:00. I was sitting a few rows behind the wing on the right sides as you face the nose. I was traveling with my 2 year old and 2 month old. It has all my pictures of my new baby on it! Please please help me find it. REWARD!! The phone is black with a touch screen and a grey rubber case on it. The camera has a red circle around the lens. Thank you! Kate Meairs 949-285-5385
Explorer C
I took Flight #2803 from Ontario International Airport to Denver today, and I left my Sony H50 digital camera in the pocket of the seat in front of me. The camera is black with a strap; it was not in a case. I was sitting a few rows behind the wing on the port side (= left side of the plane when facing forward towards the front). If anyone found this camera please let me know -- lots of one-of-a-kind pictures on it! Thank you!
Explorer C
I lost my iphon 3gs on Southwest Flight 2191 from Sacramento to San Diego on October 23 2010. It was left either on the seat or in the back pocket. It has pictures of my newborn baby girl on it as well as precious video of my two year old son. It was in a black Mophie case (the case charges the phone so it makes the phone thicker then a normal iphone). The pictures on the phone are very important to me. I am offering a reward and no questions asked. Please contact me
Explorer C
I lost my iphone3Gs on flight 2191 from sacramento to San Diego. It has very precious photos and videosof my newborn baby and 2year old son on it. It is in a black Mophie Case and because of that is thicker then the average iphone. Please contact me if you found it There is a reward for it.
Explorer C
Hi! I have a pair of women's (I think) reading glasses in a gold colored case. It showed up in my suitcase after a southwest flight from LAX to RDU via Nashville on Nov. 2, 2010. E-mail me to identify.
Explorer C
Was on Southwest flight 1498 on 11/16/2010 from SJC to RNO 7:35pm to 8:30pm, left Ipad in magazine pocket in front of seat, back about 10 rows on right side, aisle seat. Flight continued onto Vegas so it may have been found on or after that leg of the trip. In a black ipad case that apple sells also has screen protection. Please email, will definitely hook up a reward!!!
Explorer C
Left my Cannon T190 Digital SLR camera on flight 79 from Las Vegas to Chicago November 8 2010 . I've called several times, but they've now asked me to stop calling and they will call me should the camera be found. What are my chances? I mean I know the items go to Dallas facility, are they just sitting there? are you understaffed? are they honest? I'd like to think people are good and my camera will be found..It's disheartening to think that it is gone...
Explorer C
FOUND: iPod on flight leaving Oakland on 11/19/10. E-mail to identify.
Explorer C
E-mail address to attach to the reading glasses in gold colored case posting
Explorer C
LOST: black frame rayban wayfarer with prescription lenses! i need these glasses to see far! i left them on my flight from midway to denver 11/10/2010! please help!!!
Explorer C
Hi, Left my round black headset case (with Sony headset and ipod inside) on a flight from BWI to Boston on November 17, flight #3773...probably the last one of the evening so hopefully some honest flight attendent found them!
Explorer C
I lost my 35 mm EOS Kodak camera on a southwest flight on 11/23 from Tampa to new Orleans. It didn't have a case or a cap for the lense. It didn't have too many pictures, maybe 10 from my daugthers play from school. The flight was going to Houston in case that someone found it, please contact me to my email address. It was a Xmas present from my husband and being taking a lot of pictures of my family. I'm heartbroken.
Explorer C
LOST - Kindle eReader. Flight 1252 on 11/21 from PVD to MCO . Left in seat back pocket left side of plane two rows behind wing in aisle seat. Very sentimental to me. If someone found it please contact me. I truly appreciate your help and honesty.
Explorer C
I found an iPOD on a flight to Burbank on 11/19/10. Who knows how long it was there or where it came from. It was in the seat back pocket on the right side of the plane (looking towards the rear) about half way down and at the window seat. E-mail to identify:
Aviator C
Hi everyone, I know that some of you are using this posting as a bulletin board for items you may have lost, which is all well and good, but you need to make sure that you are letting the Baggage Service agents in your destination city know of your loss (the more complete your description, the better.) One problem in returning your items to you is when folks may see your articles and take them off the airplane. It we don't have your item(s), we can't return them to you. And, if you find an item onboard, please give it either to our Crew Members or to one of the folks in your destination station. Brian
Explorer C
My son left his PSP on flight 404 from Milwaukee to Tampa on 12/10/2010. I reported it to airline but have not heard back. We are just sick about it! If anyone happens to find it please email me at I know there are still good people out there. Pleade help!
Explorer C
Lost: A small flash drive on a flight from Los Angeles to Chicago on 11/30/2010. It is looks kind of like a key chain. It black and silver with the word "Staples" embossed on it. I believe it fell out of my bag when I shoved it underneath the seat. It holds no real value other than hold some personal documents most improtantly all the information for my mother's funeral. I am heartsick about losing it. If anyone found it please contact me at I don't have much but I would be willing to offer a reward. Thanks.
Explorer C
I left my IPad with a black Apple case in the seatback pocket on SW1065 (Las Vegas to Albany) on Thursday, December 9th. I put in a lost and found claim with SouthWest Baggage Service agents in Albany and provided a complete your description of the item. Every previous experience I have had with Southwest has been excellent - bordering on phenomenal; however I was informed that Southwest will not provide a phone number to the lost and found office in Dallas due to anticipated call volume. I fully understand that I am at fault here...I should have been more careful. I also realize that managing a lost and found call center of this size would be a daunting and expensive task. Regardless, I still find it frustrating that the lost and found claim is stuck in limbo. Not sure how long to wait before I bite the bullet and purchase a new IPad??? On a positve note....I am confident that if anyone can assist in returning my property it is Southwest Airlines. You folks still totally rock!!!
Explorer C
On Tues 11/16/10, I lost a tan totebag with family pictures in it and my name and address are on a envelope in the bag.I was on a 7:30pm flight from Orlando to BWI so could have left it in the plane or at baggage claim area.Hoping to get these pictures back.
Explorer C
New to the site but trying everything I can. My sister lost a very precious family Rosary on a flight December 11th from BWI to Ft. Lauderdale, about 1:00pm. She was holding it and fell asleep. When she stood up she forgot and dropped it. We've called Ft. Lauderdale and the connecting terminals to check no luck. This is so important to the family. It's a brown Rosary wooden beads very used. Any thoughts or suggestions, I would appreciate. Reward available. Thanks!
Explorer C
Hi! I lost my prescription sunglasses on 12/23/10 on flight 2026 from Midway-Chicago to LaGaurdia around 8PM CST. The prescription sunglasses are by Oliver Peoples-brown with pink accent. They are in a black hard case about 2 inches tall in a half circle shape. The glasses were in a soft drawstring bag inside the case. I was sitting on the left side facing the cockpit) near the engine, about 2 or 3 rows from the exit row. If you have located these please email me at REWARD!!! I really need my glasses back! THANK YOU AND HAVE A HAPPY HOLIDAY!!
Explorer C
I left my iPad on a SWA flight 12/23/10 that was cancelled in NM and redirected to Phoenix. I was sitting on the isle if the emergency row over the left wing. It was bad enough to have our flight cancelled and sent to another destination, but leaving my laptop onboard really put me over the top. What steps can I take to find it in NM or AZ?
Aviator C
Jeremy, I'm sorry about the reroute, sometime they are necesary to ensure the most Customers reach their destinations, especially when we face a large weather disruption somewhere on our system. As to your laptop, please give the Baggage Service Office at your destination all your information. Brian