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Southwest Airlines Community

Liquid Free Travel Tips

Adventurer C
Edward wrote about life after traveling without liquids. I would agree and even say my travel experience has actually improved. Security has been easier now that the word is out on acceptable carry on items. As a commuter, you find little things that make the travel experience go a little smoother. Since I travel primarily to one location, I make things easier by keeping a bag with my make up, hairspray and tennis shoes at my desk in Dallas. That makes packing easier and lighter. Automation has also helped keep the necessary travel stuff quick and easy like flight status messaging, flight status online, 24 hour online checkin and wireless checkin. I did find a list of potentially helpful "accepted forms" of items that wouldn't make it past security in their normal liquid state. Heck, I think I'm buying the cake mascara to check it out. Anyone have alternatives for hairspray other than flat hair? Any other helpful travel tips that you've found? Hotels that provide hair gel, contact solution, toothpaste amenities? Meetings without hairspray? Fellow Road Warriors, share your ingenuity, resourcefulness, and stories.
Explorer A
Here's a quote from this web site: "We were impacted in the month by the security event," Southwest spokeswoman Beth Harbin said. "We are hoping it is a short-term blip ... but we don't know that yet."
Explorer C
Chris, My experience, as a traveler, has actually been good. I was looking for some tips that might help others make their travel experience easier as well and some discussion on recent trips. Do you have any yourself?
Explorer C
Personally, I like the new war against liquids and find it quite amusing. First of all, metal detectors are not liquid detectors. Secondly, getting on and off the plane is faster because the majority of people have checked their bags which contain their liquids. And last, it's amazing that they let people on the planes at all since humans are 90% liquid.
Explorer C
Can't live without my liquid foundation and masscarra. But in situations such as now. I better start getting used to soap and water and nothing else. Isn't that sad! It is so awful!
Explorer C
I am the Station Manager for International RAM Associates in Long Island, NY or ISP. I am responsible for the Ticket Verifiers, Sky Caps, Bag Runners, Passenger Assistants, etc. International RAM is contracted by Southwest among many other airlines all over the US. I came across this blog by accident and I have to say that Southwest you did it again! I dont think there is a better airline out there that goes the extra mile for their employees or their customers. I live 50 miles east of the Twin Towers. It was a day that no one will ever forget. I want to send prayers out to the Southwest Families and the Heroes who gave up their lives on that fateful day. May all the departed find comfort in God's company. May God bless your families.
Explorer C
I do all my travel on Southwest. I have never found a thing to complain about. The crews are awesome... The humor they bring to the flight helps to relax even the most nervous traveler. (In fact, I have earned many free flights with my credit card) Keep up the good work!
Explorer C
I have always enjoyed flying on Southwest(Greatest Airlines on this continent). I do not enjoy flying in general these days because of the security mess at all airports. Now we can't take liquids on board and we can pack them in our checked luggage, Wow, so even the terrorist can do the same, if packaged in normal toothpaste tubes, bottles etc, are'nt these liquids undetectable? Now the Terrorist don't have to be so nervious about boarding a plane and security. I just think it is amazing that something happens in another country(and it wasn't found on a plane) and it affected our country. Looks like the Terrorist can control our country from a distance,UGH! What's next? It's a wonderful Life!! Norma
Explorer C
I have a suggestion for an improvement to flight status messaging - have a way for RR members to automatically have it set up (to their preferences of course) for any flights booked. For example, I love the notification (especially when I'm on the run and forget to double check my flight status), but I don't always remember to set it up. I want to be notified two hours before all my flights of the status. C'mon southwest!
Explorer C
The airport screeners take it too far. The liquid and gel restrictions were applied to my lunch accessories. I was relieved of small bottles of juice--orange, apple, and grapefruit. Dole fruit cups, and yogurt. Can't they differentiate between those FOOD items and the chemical items that may be used by terrorists to attack us like nail polish remover, bleach, ammonia, hair gels, etc. Liquids are restricted, not banned, and I should have been allowed to proceed with the items I had.
Explorer C
These restrictions can be a major inconvenience to me, since I am used to carrying on everything in one bag on most of my trips. I wear contacts and am concerned that my contact solution would be taken away if I carry on my luggage. Yes, medicines are an exception to the rule, but will the TSA agents understand that contact solution is a necessary medicine for contact lens wearers? And contact solution is generally not sold in containers of 3 oz. or less, so I wouldn't be able to carry it in a ziploc bag. Apparently liquid medicines in containers over 3 oz. have to be declared, and that would be a hassle.
Explorer C
Sad to say but it's true. We are in this situation for security reasons. Just find alternatives to what you usually carry. After all, we could have a safer flight.