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Merry Birthday?

Adventurer C
The Holiday Season has always been a special time of year for me; it's the time of year when I celebrate Christmas and my birthday.I was born the day after Christmas, and every time I'm with my parents during this time, my father brings up the subject of my birthday.  You see, he claims that I was born on Christmas Day; he says he remembers seeing and holding me on Christmas day; and if you hear his story, it sounds pretty convincing that there is a chance that I may be a Christmas baby. x-mas-birthday.bmp However my mother is quick to chime in and correct him by saying it was after midnight, early on the 26th when she gave birth to her bundle joy. She also points out that, at the time, my father was enjoying some "Christmas Spirits," (if you know what I mean) . He doesn't drink anymore, but he does agree that, that might have had something to do with his confusion about the time. My birth certificate says I was born on December 26th; my father says December 25th; and my mother will continue to correct him as the loving debate continues. Happy Holidays.
Aviator C
Merry Birthday, Gordon!
Adventurer C
We Wish You A Merry Birthday And A Happy New Year! Make it a great one Gordon!
Explorer C
Happy Birtthday no matter when! I'm a Christmas baby - just turned 58 -- and a long way from home. I'm in Vermont for 20 years now and was checking the www for southwest to help me take a much needed break home to San Antone while I have a window of time from classes. My sister, BeBe, who has Down Syndrome is of the fixed mindset that it must be this year, so I'm searching for prices within our ability. We may have to travel to a NH airport, so we can only pray for good weather on travel days. Anyway, somehow I came across this blog with your note on it. So, even if your real b'day is on 26th -- how have you been for taking in the 'loot' through out the years? Folks always remard on how I missed out -- on the contrary!! Because I was the "special" daughter/granddaughter/neice/cousin/friend's child/employee's child whose b'day was on Christmas, I always got extra gifts from folks who normally wouldn't give me anything. Pretty nifty. The only ONE thing that I have never gotten though is a birhday party. On my birthday or even around my birthday. That is one thing I plan to someday throw myself. . . . maybe when I turn 60. Happy Birthday! ronni lopez Essex Junction, Vt
Frequent Flyer B
Happy Birthday! *Has party with cake, candy corn, peanuts, Just Plane Crackers, & drinks.* *Hangs up sign & balloons.* SWA LUV! 🙂
Explorer C
Happy birthday to you all. I am a Christmas baby and turned 58 also; I'm a '49er! When I was a young girl, I had a pen pal from Norristown, PA, who shared my birthday.
Explorer A
My son Marshall is not a Christmas baby. He is however, a New Year's Eve baby born at 11:26 p.m. December 31st. A tax deduction for the whole year! woo hoo! I don't think the hubby & I will ever see a night out celebrating the new year least not for a long while. But it was fun having a sparkling grape juice toast in the hospital with the doctors and nurses at midnight.
Aviator C
Tamara, Are you talking about this New Year's Eve--did you just have Marshall? Blog Boy
Explorer C
Having a running argument over your actual birthdate is a hoot. I celebrated my birthday on July 29 with my family for the first 15 years. When I went to get a copy of my birth certificate at age 15 to apply for working papers, I didcovered that I was born on July 30th! My mother still insists they are wrong! She reminds me each year (and there have been about 50 of them) that I should go to Town Hall and set them straight!
Explorer C
Oh, God works! I was looking for a picture online to tell someone, "Happy Birthday," when I came upon the Santa picture holding the birthday cake. I grabbed my heart! I did so because that birthday card is EXACTLY the one my dad (now deceased) gave me as a gag one year, when I was young. I lost that card with some other keepsakes he gave me in an interstate move. Then I read the post and laughed....and I did so because my own birthday is Christmas Eve! Such a small, small world! :-) Merry Christmas (and Happy BIRTHDAY) to all December babies! 🙂 Thank you for a lovely memory.....