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Southwest Airlines Community

More Fun Inflight...

Adventurer A
The other day on one of my flights, we had the opportunity to help Customer Martha celebrate her birthday.  Martha and her husband are frequent flyers here at Southwest AirlinesHappyBirthdayResize.JPGI got one of the other Flight Attendants, Brianna to help me me make her a toilet paper "birthday cake" and a Southwest Airlines goodie bag which I created from some of the items that the Culture Committee gives me to hand out.  As you can see from the photo, we had quite a bit of fun!
Explorer C
How does the flight crew find out about a person's birthday? I would fly on my birthday if the crew did this for me!
Adventurer B
I'm curious about that, too! My 30th birthday is this month-it really is! I'm flying Southwest again next week, but it won't be on my birthday; I'll be attending a group info. session in Dallas for flight attendant position, which I'm seriously more excited about than I am my own birthday!
Explorer C
Hi Matthew and Leah! If you let a Flight Attendant know that it is your birthday we will do all we can to make your birthday memorable! Of course, we will offer our Positively Outrageous Service to all the passengers on your flight as well. = ) Good luck to you Leah in your endeavor to become part of our family! It truly is the best company in the world to work for!!!
Adventurer B
Hi, Judy, & thanks! I'm very determined & I agree, even though I don't yet work for SWA, that it's the best company to work for. My parents have told the waiters/waitresses before that it was my birthday in restauarants at home & on vacation. They brought me out a birthday cake & sang to me. 🙂 Fun times, fun times! If I were flying on my birthday, I'd tell the FAs! Judy, I have an off-topic question but want to ask while I'm thinking about it (anyone who knows can answer). I'm flying standy-by, round-trip, for my group info. session. I've seriously flown thousands of miles, but never stand-by. My letter told me what to do, & when I made my reservations, (I'm going the day before) I was told to check 2 days before on the status-which I'll certainly do. When I check in & get my transfer pass & documents, don't I just go up to the gate & go ahead & board the plane unless I'm told otherwise? I chose a morning flight going, so if I don't make that one, I have other options (including having my parents drive me down later in the day, just in case; I hope that doesn't happen!); coming home the next day, I chose the last flight out. I'm prepared to stay an additional night, JIC-Just In Case!
Explorer C
Leah: You need to check-in at the Ticket Counter and get a gate pass. Then you need to go to the gate and get your name on the "stand-by" list. The gates open one hour prior to departure and it's first come first served. Because you will be flying "non-rev", you will be cleared after revenue paying Customers. Once you get your name on the list, have a seat in the gate area and wait for your name to be called. When you hear your name, go to the gate and get your boarding pass. If they don't clear you, your name will stay on the list for the next flight. Good luck. Nona
Adventurer B
Thanks, Nona! That helps.
Adventurer B
Oh, Nona (or anyone), will I be taken off the list for stand-by after a certain number of flights, or do they keep me on until I ask that they take me off for that day? Okay, that's my last off-topic question (I hope!) Grin 🙂 By the way, I'll be flying from (& obviously back to) Tulsa.
Explorer C
great site. i'm fascinated that a corporation can actually have a public blog like this. keep up the good work! 🙂
Explorer C
I can't speak for Southwest, but I would think they would keep listing you on the next available flight until you gave up or found other options. You should just make sure to communicate your intentions at the gate. They should also be able to check availability to see how much of a chance you have on the next flight.
Adventurer B
I will call Monday to check the availability, & even if it's full, I'll still show up for that flight (unless I'm told otherwise)-just in case. I've heard that since it's in the morning & the middle of the week, it shouldn't be too bad; two of my friends said that.
Explorer C
You are working with the best. The greatest outcome is what you get.
Explorer C
Aaaaww... I didn't get special treatment when I flew on my birthday a couple of years ago BWI-IND-LAX-OAK on a NON-CAPACITY-CONTROLLED award ticket.
Explorer C
Hi there and tks for the opportunity to blog. Another person made company flight res for me last Friday until Tues. They booked on another airlines!! This happened a few yrs ago and I knew I always wanted to fly SWA. See I am a paraplegic and SW is awesome. They take care of all my needs and then some. The handicap service is great. SW goes way out to make me feel they are glad I pick SW. The others are rude and they are determine it feels like, to make you understand that you !! NEED more help and it slows THEM down. I hope your peanuts are still free!! One suggestion I would like to see more Dings. I have a grandson in another state and I watch for dings to bring him to visit. We need Dings many times a day and we will fill up those seats that someone crazy! left empty. See my little SWA flyer @ WWW.GODKNEWILOVEDPIZZA.COM. Thanks, Julie
Explorer C
> . . .but what else might one expect from the airline that stars in my favorite televison show, "Airline". Laughing at that show has given me a new appreciation for the hard-working Southwest employees; it has also made me much more aware of being on time and following the rules. Southwest is innovative and often goes the extra mile for its . This sort of open corporate thinking and generous spirit is what keeps me coming back. Thanks, Southwest, and may "Airline" continue forever!
Explorer A
julie - if you happen to be flying on your birthday this year, just let us know and we will try and make it extra special for you! James MDW FA 🙂
Explorer C
Palal.... I hope you let us know the next time you fly on your birthday! We will do all we can (within time limits) for you to feel special! = )
Adventurer C
Leah, Happy Birthday!! You do make me feel old, we are celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary this year!! I wish I would have known about the Birthday surprises at SW, we are also frequent flyers and we just flew SW with a group of friends, 3 of which were celebrating their 50th B-days..!! Would have been fun to embarrass them a little on that flight :o) We do have 2 upcoming flights and will be earning yet another free flight and drink coupon book.. Great idea, the drink coupon books!! LUV reading the posts here!! Cindy
Explorer C
Southwest is my very favorite airline. The personnel is always in a joyful mood which makes flying less traumatic. Keep it up. One never knows what to expect when flying on Southwest. I luv it.
Explorer C
My daughter and I flew to Las Vegas on Southwest on June 24th which was my bithtday. I guess I should ahve mentioned that it was my birthday and I might have gotten a free drink or something for the crew. Oh well. If I fly next year on my birthday I will mention it.
Explorer C
Explorer C
Hey there SWA employees just got off one of your flights last night. Wanted to give attendants some hopefully helpful info and thought this would get it into the hands of you who actually service us hands on. The problem with able bodied people using wheelchairs for pre boarding is growing! I (and SWA personel) watched as some got out of their wheelchairs (airport owned) and went for sandwiches .. and then back to their pre board spots. They used the chairs to get through sercurity also and ACTUALLY stood up and kicked their shoes off to be searched. Some go pretty slow when it comes to beating the system. We had 50 something on our flight with 16 wheelchairs the staff was beat most of these people were not disabled to any point or certainly not to the point of needing asst. Ok suggestion, it is to a point of look for a new rule on sorry... Those of us who are truly disabled have a drs lic with handcontrols marked on it. Paras and Quads. That would be a good thing to ask for. It will take time but so do 16 wheelchairs. Others could be asked to bring a certified note of disability that prevents them from WALKING/ SWA employees on my flight were angry and I understand it. It is a big problem now. NEXT you folks are so great to help us and your the one that need this info. When you are facing the seats the one front and to your Left are the ones that need to be used for people who do not walk at all. They are one row clear of all others seats which allow are easier access due to closeness for transfer. Had two walking people sitting there when I board yesterday (I am a para) they refused to move across to the right side front. Caused a problem. They should have been told by the crew to move. They were asked but refused. You are so good at the handicap service that I just wanted to offer the suggestion to make your and our life easier. Have someone boarding that does not walk? Ask those in the front Left to move. It will help us all and be must less tired and time consuming for you folks. Sorry some folks will just do anything for their own agenda. Tks SWA for helping the disabled who fly with you often.
Explorer C
I'm trying to find out how my husband and I can obtain a pass so that we can be at the gate when our 12 year old grandson flys in.
Adventurer A
Marty - you can go to the Ticket Counter (before security) and ask them for a pass. This should allow you to be able to go to the gate to meet your grandson. There may be an age limit, but I'm not sure. If you call one of our GREAT Reservation Agents, I'm sure they could find out for you. Their number is 800-435-9792
Explorer C
After reading James Malone's blog about his career at Southwest airlines I am inspired to become a flight attendant. I am at a crossroads in my life and wonder is it hard to land that job? Can anyone help?
Adventurer A
Jim - I LOVE my job! You can apply online at Good Luck! James MDW FA
Explorer C
it was my first ime flying southwest and it was great there was great survice and the seats were extreamly comfurable i am defantly flying southwest agian.
Adventurer A
Just got done reading the New York TImes about a "Super GrandMa" who uses Southwest to get the job done. She flys up on Flight 2 on Tuesdays and returns on Flight 53 on Wednesdays every week. If this super Grandma were to take full advantage of her frequency of flying she would be getting a "Rapid Reward" every 8 weeks. And if she plans far enough ahead, she can (including her awards) fly for 60 weeks for just over $6,000 including all junk fees. Very Impressive.
Explorer C
Would like some info on how you can put on a stand by list,,, don't have the first clue can you give me the facts thanks
Explorer C
New to non-rev travel, how does it work? my daughter is a new flight attendent ,she is not sure how I (parent) should proceeed. we do not have a clue how to use the flight bennies. Can some one give us detailed instructions on what to do and step-by-step instructions on how to use our passes. Thank you Dazed and confused
Adventurer A
Jerry - tell your daughter to log onto SwaLife, click on travel, then click on Forms, then click on the pamphlet "Travel Privileges". I think that is what it is called, if not, it is something similar. That should explain everything you need to know. James MDW FA