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Southwest Airlines Community

Not So Silent Bob

Frequent Flyer C

Many of you reached out to us via Twitter last night and today regarding a situation a Customer Twittered about that occurred on a Southwest flight.  It is not our customary method of Customer Relations to be so public in how we work through these situations, but with so many people involved in the occurrence, you also should be involved in the solution. First and foremost, to Mr. Smith; we would like to echo our Tweets and again offer our heartfelt apologies to you.   We are sincerely sorry for your travel experience on Southwest Airlines. 

As soon as we saw the first Tweet from Mr. Smith, we contacted him personally to apologize for his experience and to address his concerns on both Twitter and with a personal phone call. Since the situation has received a lot of public attention, we'd like to take the opportunity to address a few of the specifics here as well.

Mr. Smith originally purchased two Southwest seats on a flight from Oakland to Burbank – as he’s been known to do when traveling on Southwest.  He decided to change his plans and board an earlier flight to Burbank, which technically means flying standby. As you may know, airlines are not able to clear standby passengers until all Customers are boarded. When the time came to board Mr. Smith, we had only a single seat available for him to occupy. We are responsible for the Safety and comfort of all Customers on the aircraft and therefore, we made a judgment call that Mr. Smith needed more than one seat to complete his flight. Our Employees explained why the decision was made, accommodated Mr. Smith on a later flight, and issued him a $100 Southwest travel voucher for his inconvenience.

You've read about these situations before. Southwest instituted our Customer of Size policy more than 25 years ago. The policy requires passengers that can not fit safely and comfortably in one seat to purchase an additional seat while traveling. This policy is not unique to Southwest Airlines and it is not a revenue generator. Most, if not all, carriers have similar policies, but unique to Southwest is the refunding of the second seat purchased (if the flight does not oversell) which is greater than any revenue made (full policy can be found here). The spirit of this policy is based solely on Customer comfort and Safety. As a Company committed to serving our Customers in Safety and comfort, we feel the definitive boundary between seats is the armrest. If a Customer cannot comfortably lower the armrest and infringes on a portion of another seat, a Customer seated adjacent would be very uncomfortable and a timely exit from the aircraft in the event of an emergency might be compromised if we allow a cramped, restricted seating arrangement.

Explorer C
I am not overweight but am a large man (6'1, 200lbs) and have received a double take from airline attendants on SW airlines before. In addition to the size thing SW airlines is openly hostile to passengers traveling with small children. Mr. Smith's experience and SW's arrogant handling of it is the tipping point for me. I'll never fly SW again...hello Jet Blue.
Explorer C
When, in the early 2000s, this policy came up in many major news outlets as part of public outcry, I supported Southwest. I have been a frequent flyer on the airline since 2000 and, given that I am a larger woman, I completely understood where the policy came from and what Southwest meant to do with it. If a person is taking up two seats, legitimately, then absolutely they should pay for two seats. But, as I understood the policy then, it is if the customer is legitimately encroaching on another passenger's comfort and there is significant overlap, not the vaguest possibility of perhaps touching your neighbor. Mr. Smith didn't need a seatbelt extender. Both armests went down. How is this a violation of the policy as it is understood? Moreover, his seatmates both agreed that he posed them no problem or discomfort. How is the so-called comfort of the passenger at risk when both neighboring passengers were comfortable with the seating arrangement? I don't understand your justification in this. In terms of safety, my grandmother routinely flies Southwest. She is 86 years old, half-deaf and without hearing aids, and needs significant help on and off the plane. You allow her to fly, but in an emergency, she would be absolutely useless. The safety of any passenger around her or behind her would be compromised because she is very slow and often does not hear things like emergency announcements (or, indeed, her own smoke detector). Small children also can become panicked or dangerous in an emergency situation, but they are allowed on your flights. As are the disabled in general. I am extremely disappointed in Southwest. This apology is not an apology at all, but rather a justification of bad behavior. Your crew and captain acted irresponsibly from the get-go; even if you claim it was for the own good of the passengers, that ticket should have never been sold to Smith if he was forever requiring two seats. Rather than admit to that wrong, though -- and, indeed, to descrmination -- you are laying down excuses and blaming the customer rather than yourselves. Haven't you learned the customer is always right? I have a booked trip on Southwest very soon that is too soon to cancel, but I am fairly sure it will be my last.
Explorer C
The problem here is not what some would deem as a questionable judgement call on the part of SWA employees nor is Mr. Smith's size. The problem is the corporate mindset that made the policy a necessity in the first place. SWA has run their company smartly and somewhat responsibly for years and has been profitable while other airlines have drowned in red ink. BUT... They have succumbed to the airline businessasusual practice of squeezing smaller seats into a 737 to fit more paying asses into those seats. Shaving inches and centimeters off of the seating space has gone beyond what is comfortable for any average adult. Show me anyone who has flown America West or Spirit without leg cramps and/or knee bruises. I have flown international on Qantas, Air New Zealand, British Air and other carriers and could comfortably cross my legs or reach in a pants pocket without amputating my own hand at the wrist. Those airlines are somehow doing OK without treating their customers like veal on the hoof. It all comes down to bad management begetting bad policies begetting bad PR.
Explorer C
While I do not know for sure what really happened or the motivations of the players involved, I would like to point out that the captain of the flight is the sole authority on an airplane. Regardless of any policy Southwest may have, it is his or her responsibility to ensure the safety of the aircraft and it's passengers. The FAA ensures that. Some people have questioned the consistency of this policy, but ultimately it's up to the discretion of the pilot by the time a passenger is sitting on the plane. I can't question the pilot's judgment because I wasn't there. But, speaking as a private pilot, a Kevin Smith fan and an overweight man, there are weight and balance factors to consider on an airplane and it's possible that he wasn't comfortable with the situation. Mr Smith was apparently a standby passenger and it makes complete sense that if you have to bump an overweight passenger, you would start with standby. It is alleged that another, larger man, was allowed to remain on the flight. but, if he was a ticketed passenger for that flight (who possibly had even purchased a second ticket for himself) he was entitled to remain over Mr Smith. If the plane was really full, as South West Airlines contends, I have no trouble with this decision.
Explorer C
I commend SWA for asking Kevin Smith to leave the plane. THAT IS THEIR POLICY~Why should he be the exception? Because he is a movie director? What about the poor person/people that were squished in the seat(s) next to him. Thank goodness he won't fly SWA again!! I have been the victim of an overweight person that should have bought 2 or more seats, but squeezed into 1 on a coast to coast flight! (Not Southwest) It was not a very pleasant experience FOR ME and I should not have to suffer because that person has no self control or cannot afford to buy more than one seat. I have also witnessed people who squeeze into seats and cannot buckle their seat belt. COME ON!!??? Some folks ARE TOO FAT TO FLY!! Don't whine, do something about it!!! What has happened to our society. Do these people have no pride? This should be a wake up call for overweight folks to get a grip or a mirror. Southwest doesn't charge for bags (up to 2 @ 50 lbs. ea.) but sure should charge extra for someone with that much "baggage."
Explorer C
From a frequent flyer who appreciates getting the seat I have purchased, I feel you did the right thing. He knew he was too big and bought 2 tickets. When he changed his mind he expected you to accommodate him a the expense of your other passengers. I don't care who Kevin Smith is or thinks he is, one ticket equals one seat like the rest of us. If you lap over into more than one seat, that is his problem and should not expect others to be inconvenienced because he makes films and can't fit into 1 seat. What a cry baby - grow up, Kevin. Why did you even given him the $100 voucher, SWA? You guys are just too nice to some people who do not deserve it. No matter how you try, you can't please them all.
Explorer C
When I pay for a seat I should not be infringed upon. Southwest should be commended for what they have done to lower the cost of flying and the positive impact they have on local economies. All of you whiners can fly on the other carriers that charge to check your bags, maybe they'll get creative and start charging passengers based on weight just like cargo. You are consuming more fuel. If I'm not mistaken Southwest will refund the second seat if the flight is not at full capacity and Mr Smith had two seats on another flight. What is the problem Mr. Smith knows the rules. What other carrier refunds your money? I have experienced flying on numerous carriers and no one else wil give you a refund if the price of the seat declines with the exception of Southwest. I guess I will have more elbow room on my next flight on the best airline in the industry. HATS OFF SOUTHWEST
Explorer C
Southwest - Good Job on having a policy which only is used occasionally. I choose not to fly Southwest because I believe that the airline is unsafe based on the behavior of employees when I worked in the Airline industry. I hope all of us geeks and nerds and girthy folks never fly your "Happy" airline again.
Explorer C
I'm with you on this, Southwest. Don't let a D-list celebrity bully you. You did the right thing. Encroachers should pay extra.
Explorer C
I love SW and always fly them. I too had to sit next to a person who was obese on a Chi- Hou flight. I was miserable and I can' t believe the flight attendents allowed this to happen. However, after landing, I wrote SW, explaining the situation. They made it right. My advice? BEFORE THE FLIGHT TAKES OFF, bring it to the attention of the flight staff, saying that it is unacceptable to you and that it is THEIR responsibility to make an accomodation. PS - when you fly standby/change your flight, don't expect the same situation as you originally booked. SW should not have allowed Mr Smith to change, as 2 seats weren't available.
Explorer C
Being able to lower the armrest means little. How often do we see someone with a 44" waist wearing 38" pants? They may be able to snap the pants but all that excess has to go somewhere. Seat them next to you and they will encroach on your space. Southwest is protecting their customers safety and preserving their comfort.
Explorer C
I heard his podcast. He said he was between two women, he put BOTH armrests down. He asked them if they were OK, and they said they were. And the SW employee still made him deplane. It was a one hour flight. The guy is not THAT BIG. Yes, he's very overweight, but he fit into the seat. He says that he buys two seats BECAUSE HE CAN AFFORD IT, as SW is so inexpensive, and with a second seat it's more comfortable, he has room to work, it's not because he absolutely has to. Southwest blew this one. And as much as SW is a convenience for him, he says he'll never fly them again. So that will wreak havoc on his life too! The lost a good customer, he apparently flew a lot, and bought two seats per flight.
Explorer C
I heard his podcast. He said he was between two women, he put BOTH armrests down. He asked them if they were OK, and they said they were. And the SW employee still made him deplane. It was a one hour flight. The guy is not THAT BIG. Yes, he's very overweight, but he fit into the seat. He says that he buys two seats BECAUSE HE CAN AFFORD IT, as SW is so inexpensive, and with a second seat it's more comfortable, he has room to work, it's not because he absolutely has to. Southwest blew this one. And as much as SW is a convenience for him, he says he'll never fly them again. So that will wreak havoc on his life too! The lost a good customer, he apparently flew a lot, and bought two seats per flight.
Explorer C
He should stop his complaining and buy his own airlines. This way he can get as fat as he wants to and not inconvenience people sitting next to him. Never heard of this guy before this incident and I already don't like him. Go to a FAT FARM and lose some weight! Kudos to you Southwest and you shouldn't have given him shit!
Explorer C
This is obviously a bigger issue than just Kevin Smith. A growing number of Americans are obese, even morbidly obese. Kevin Smith, however, in my honest opinion, is neither of those; but that's beside the point. The point is your airline is discriminating against people because of their size. You can't do that! It is just plain WRONG! If you do not have the seating to accommodate larger people, then that is your problem and a problem that needs to be remedied. One person, regardless of their size, should be required to purchase only ONE ticket. I don't know maybe make a few rows of extra-large seats or automatically offer two seats to a people to accommodate their size. Maybe, it would be even better to rethink seating on airlines altogether, making all seats larger. Singling people out or ejecting them from a flight is an abhorrent way to do business and you should all be ashamed of yourselves!
Explorer C
If it weren't Kevin Smith, we wouldn't have heard about it - and you would be doing it to the next person you consider heavy... Cheers to Kevin - hopefully this will cause change. I'll wait to hear how Southwest really responds before I decide if I will ever fly SWA again, since the response so far has been so obviously underwhelming. -Jonno
Explorer C
When I pay for a seat I should not be infringed upon. Southwest should be commended for what they have done to lower the cost of flying and the positive impact they have on local economies. All of you whiners can fly on the other carriers that charge to check your bags, maybe they'll get creative and start charging passengers based on weight just like cargo. You are consuming more fuel. If I'm not mistaken Southwest will refund the second seat if the flight is not at full capacity and Mr Smith had two seats on another flight. What is the problem Mr. Smith knows the rules. What other carrier refunds your money? I have experienced flying on numerous carriers and no one else wil give you a refund if the price of the seat declines with the exception of Southwest. I guess I will have more elbow room on my next flight on the best airline in the industry. HATS OFF SOUTHWEST
Explorer C
Why did you first contact him only after he tweeted negatively about his experience? You are only sorry about the bad press for your offensive conduct to a passenger, not about the offensive conduct itself. You suck, Southwest, and I'm not flying you anymore. Who thought ANYONE could make American Airlines look like the good guy?
Explorer C
Why did you first contact him only after he tweeted negatively about his experience? You are only sorry about the bad press for your offensive conduct to a passenger, not about the offensive conduct itself. You suck, Southwest, and I'm not flying you anymore. Who thought ANYONE could make American Airlines look like the good guy?
Explorer C
you obviously need to hire a new social media director. This is hilariously poor form.
Explorer C
This my favorite part: "Mr. Smith originally purchased two Southwest seats on a flight from Oakland to Burbank – as he’s been known to do when traveling on Southwest. " Later in the post: "The policy requires passengers that can not fit safely and comfortably in one seat to purchase an additional seat while traveling. " Then why offer him a standby seat? Hello anyone catch this? Every time i fly with southwest it been delayed.. Something wrong with there computers or something cause it seems they cant keep the number of seats on a plane to match the number of customers who bought tickets. This is why I learned to buy the seat who boards first so they can tell the people in the back of the line "Oh sorry the plane is full please wait for 7 hours for the next flight". Meanwhile you starve to death cause some French fry's cost $30. Instead you spend $50 on a bottle of beer.
Explorer C
BS! STop lying! You kicked someone off a plane who wasn't fat enough to be kicked off a plane. He isn't michael moore.
Explorer C
#1--The refusal to allow him to fly should have been at the gate prior to loading the passenger. The fact that he was OKed onto the plane, only to be humiliated by having to get up and exit was wrong. This requires more than a simple apology and an offer of a $100 voucher. #2--Southwest should never have provided their readers with personal information regarding Mr. Smith's purchases. This is a breach of trust, on top of just plain rude. This also requires more than a simple apology and a $100 voucher. Please own up to your mistakes, Southwest.
Explorer C
This my favorite part: "Mr. Smith originally purchased two Southwest seats on a flight from Oakland to Burbank – as he’s been known to do when traveling on Southwest. " Later in the post: "The policy requires passengers that can not fit safely and comfortably in one seat to purchase an additional seat while traveling. " Then why offer him a standby seat? Hello anyone catch this? Every time i fly with southwest it been delayed.. Something wrong with there computers or something cause it seems they cant keep the number of seats on a plane to match the number of customers who bought tickets. This is why I learned to buy the seat who boards first so they can tell the people in the back of the line "Oh sorry the plane is full please wait for 7 hours for the next flight". Meanwhile you starve to death cause some French fry's cost $30. Instead you spend $50 on a bottle of beer.
Explorer C
When you should be coming out proverbially kissing his butt and apologizing for the incorrect application of policy, instead you come out with this crap? This is just adding fuel to the fire. I for one look forward to SWA being satirized and pilloried in the movies for many years to come!
Explorer C
I worked for my money, and I do not want to share my airline set with any over weight person who is too lazy to exercise or watch his intake of food. I walk 2-4 moles a day, 7 days a week. I think grossly over weight people should be encouraged to loss weight, but I don't want to share their life on an airplaine.
Explorer C
Good for SWA, I think I am going to start flying them more often. I can't stand sitting next to fat people (on a plane or otherwise), and any airline that protects me from them is a winner in my book. Thank you!!
Explorer C
Keep up the good work Southwest, and don't even think of changing your policy for a temperamental child like Mr. Smith. I wish more airlines had the courage to implement enforce policies such as this.
Explorer C
Per SWA "policy" & PR spin, fatties are a safety hazard. OK, fine. Then so are crippled dudes who can't move fast enough to exit during an emergency "situation". same for blind & deaf travellers. And if you can't understand English well enough to respond to emergency commands, you are a safety risk and I don't want you in my row or on my flight. So be consistent SWA. Kick off ALL safety risks, not just fatties. Your arbitrary "enforcement" of the 25 year old policy is BULL & U KNOW IT. What were the seat widths in 1980 vs.2010? I'm guessing today its 3-4 inches smaller. How about instituting a Fat Guy Section next to the toilets?
Explorer C
Per SWA "policy" & PR spin, fatties are a safety hazard. OK, fine. Then so are crippled dudes who can't move fast enough to exit during an emergency "situation". same for blind & deaf travellers. And if you can't understand English well enough to respond to emergency commands, you are a safety risk and I don't want you in my row or on my flight. So be consistent SWA. Kick off ALL safety risks, not just fatties. Your arbitrary "enforcement" of the 25 year old policy is BULL & U KNOW IT. What were the seat widths in 1980 vs.2010? I'm guessing today its 3-4 inches smaller. How about instituting a Fat Guy Section next to the toilets?
Explorer C
I don't know who's right and who's wrong. But after listening to Kevin Smith's podcast, there is no doubt that he is a total wreck of a human being. Disgusting. Glad I don't have to worry about running into him on Southwest flights.
Explorer C
Hmmmm...let's see... Cult Film Director w/Major Motion Picture coming out soon...Kevin Smith. Airline who's been in business for over 35 years PLUS profitable for like all of those 35+ years...Southwest. Who "REALLY" need the attention now? Get real people. You're all playing into his plan. Keep up with the promotion. His movies are all flops and the next one will be too...but now he worked his way into one of the most successful social media uses along with the most successful airline in the world! Nice.
Explorer C
Thank you Southwest for sticking to this policy. If you can't fit in a single seat, then buy two. If there isn't a second seat, then you take a different flight. That's just the way it works.
Explorer C
First off, for a large company, that's pretty immature and unprofessional to even title this "Not So Silent Bob" really? Dumbass. That alone took away any creditability you had in this argument. Second, he has already said he won't sue so long as you admit you were wrong (which you know you are you money-loving corporate scum). I'd be careful if I were you. When you wrong a celebrity, they tend to bite back hard. I can't wait to see Kevin Smith take a chunk out of you. Foul mouthed or not, he's right, you're wrong and unprofessional.
Explorer C
I am so disgusted by all these folks jumping on here discriminating because a person is fat and flying. They are probably the same bigots who hate gays and black people because of who/what they are. I agree with so many others and ask, SWA, when will you begin charging extra for tall/odorous/obnoxious passengers? EPIC FAIL!
Explorer C
Southwest handled this poorly. From making him leave after he had boarded to ignoring their screwup until AFTER he tweeted about it. This is why I fly United. 🙂
Explorer C
What I want to know is WTH was Kevin Smith doing on a "no-frills" airline in the first place. The guy is a multi-millionaire. Why isn't he flying in first on a "normal" airline. Why would anyone subject themselves to the SW cattle call if they didn't have to? I just don't get it. I honestly think Kevin (whose films I like a bunch) is just doing this as a publicity stunt in front of the release of his next movie.
Explorer C
My comment is in response to this post from Anonymous — Sun, 02/14/2010 - 17:16....... "The captain is effectively in charge of the flight; he is responsible for getting the customers from point A to point B. If he feels that he cannot do that safely, calmly, or sees any situation that puts another customer into discomfort or danger, he has the power to act on it." Since the pilot, or any employee of the airline for that matter, has the power to act on situations that put another customer into discomfort, why have we never seen or heard about any actions taken against screaming, seat-kicking, ill-manner children on flights? I'm sure each and everyone of us has experienced flights where parents do nothing to control their unruly, rude and annoying children and the airline does nothing either. My point is don't make it sound like the airlines care about making their passengers comfortable. They couldn't care less. Once our hard-earned money is in their pockets, that's the end of their caring.
Explorer B
I smell a poo storm coming for SWA.
Explorer C
Thank you Southwest. I know it is a policy of most airlines but unfortunatley never enforced. I recently flew from Philadelphia to Dublin while a great big man spilling into half my seat. It was a damm long nine hours. A better answer might be to make the seats a bit bigger but until then I think it is only fair to charge a person an extra seat if they need it.
Explorer C
Southwest - Kudos to you for NOT catering to a "celebrity" (honestly, until today, I had never heard of "Kevin Smith") by applying to him the same standards you apply to everyone else "of size". However, you should NOT have apologized to him. He deserved no special treatment - and I'm sure everyone on the flight, especially the people who would have been seated next to him, were appreciative of having the space THEY paid for. Kevin Smith - Southwest treated you in the manner they should have. Their policy is clearly stated in many places. You deserved no special treatment. If there were not two extra seats on the flight, you should have stuck with the flight you originally purchased. I, for one, do not feel a bit sorry for you. Actually I do - I feel sorry for you because you apparently think you deserve special treatment and are better than others. That is extremely far from the truth!
Explorer C
Southwest is very inconsistent with their policies. I flew SWA 8 times in one year and was singled out coming home from Vegas that I too large for one seat. I must have gained a ton of weight in Vegas because on my flight to Vegas I was fine but flying home I was too large. When I asked SWA what the guidelines were, they told me that I had to be able to sit in my seat with the armrests down. Which is not a problem. SWA...your customer service blows. Your policies are inconsistent and it is unfair that you pull out the SAFETY card when it does not apply. Maybe here is a thought...since you no longer serve drinks with a cart, make the seats a little wider 🙂
Explorer C
I'm with Southwest all the way on this. And they certainly shouldn't have to apologize!
Explorer C
Kevin Smith is doing this on purpose strictly for what he's getting, attention!! He obviously knows the policy, buying 2 seats previously, now he gets on a standby flight knowing he can't get 2 adjoining seats. Attention!! Now he wants on Oprah!! Why her? hmmm I wonder. So tired of everyone thinking everyone should have the same rights, life does not work that way. Deal with it. Not everyone is thin, fat, white, black, male, female, weak, strong, healthy or disabled, it's called life!! Fat is not something that entiltles you to anything special!
Explorer C
Kevin Smith is doing this on purpose strictly for what he's getting, attention!! He obviously knows the policy, buying 2 seats previously, now he gets on a standby flight knowing he can't get 2 adjoining seats. Attention!! Now he wants on Oprah!! Why her? hmmm I wonder. So tired of everyone thinking everyone should have the same rights, life does not work that way. Deal with it. Not everyone is thin, fat, white, black, male, female, weak, strong, healthy or disabled, it's called life!! Fat is not something that entiltles you to anything special!
Explorer C
Thank You Southwest Airlines! I really appreciate you not making me take another flight with this slob of a bully pressed all over me as I make my way home from or head out to vist a customer. I only wish you hadn't caved in and aplogized to this creep. He knows he is too fat to fit in a seat without spilling over onto the next one; that's why he normally buys two seats (I know your policy and its fair and reasonable), if there isn't an extra seat for him it's not fair to subject another passenger to the discomfort and danger of having this guy all over him (or her) during their flight. I fly Southwest often and exclusively when ever I can and I appreciate the knowledge that your people will inforce your policies.
Explorer C
I agree with Southwest Airliens. Either make your seats bigger to accomadate the ever growing population or please set some sort of weight limit. I am tired of sitting in my seat with the 360 lb person in it as well. As it is hard enough for me to sit i alone.
Explorer C
I agree with Southwest Airliens. Either make your seats bigger to accomadate the ever growing population or please set some sort of weight limit. I am tired of sitting in my seat with the 360 lb person in it as well. As it is hard enough for me to sit i alone.
Explorer C
The rule about "comfortable-ness" is very subjective on many airlines' part. I remember being on a SWA flight and a - let's call him "husky" - fellow asked if I would mind raising the arm-rest to accomodate his size. The armrest in the down position apparently cut into him and made him uncomfortable. He asked if I would mind and I said, "Yes, I mind" . We hadn't even exchanged names and he wants to rub his body against me?!?!?! Him: "Well, you're not using all the space in your seat". Me: "No, but I paid for this seat and I intend to use it at my discretion." I might have complied had he not been such a jerk. I thought Chubbies were supposed to be jolly. After calling me some names, I complained about him to the stewardess. The Solve: Moved him to another seat. Again: subjective.
Explorer C
Has anyone else noticed that all the rude people talking about "fat" people and how happy they are with SW for doing this has posted as "Anonymous", can it be more pathetic???? If you feel like you want to make a comment at least have the balls to say your name...oh wait you are too ashamed because you are being completely rude. Bottom line is SW is trying to spin this their way and I think they did a very poor job at trying. There is a much better way to handle this situation. Come on SW you can do so much better, shoot a 5th grader could have done a better job! After reading some of these post looks like you might have to start charging for bags because you will be losing a lot of business!