Hello folks! It has been awhile since I've had the opportunity to post. I'm currently out on a leave of absence and hope to be back at work the middle of March. But since I have A LOT of time on my hands, I thought I'd play a little game with ya'll! So....let's go!
Let's do a game about our accomplishments in the year 2007:
1- Our Customer Service Agents, Skycaps, and Ramp Agents carefully checked and loaded how many bags in 2007?
2 - In addition to offering Positively Outrageous Service to our Customers and ensuring that our aircraft depart safely, our Ops Agents played a key role in turning how many flights in 2007?
3 - Our skilled Pilots flew how many hours and how many miles? Also, how many times around the earth is that equivalent to?
4 - In addition to gracefully managing those seemingly unending lines at the ticket counters and gates, our Customer Service Agents sold how many tickets?
4 - How many boarding passes were issued by our Customer Service Agents?
5 -How many of our GREAT Passengers printed their boarding passes at home? At the kiosks?
6 - Our resourceful and patient Customer Relations/Rapid Rewards Department received and handled how many telephone calls?
7 - How many Customer letters did they answer?
8 - Our efficient Cargo and Ramp Agents transported how many pounds of Cargo?
Go ahead and post your guesses and the three folks with the closest answers to ALL the questions will receive a wonderful prize from Brian's SWAg closet!
***posting "borrowed" from our 2008 February edition of LUVLines!!***