Every year, Employees in every department of our Company nominate Coworkers for one of Southwest’s highest honors, the President’s Award.This honor recognizes Employees who consistently go above and beyond as part of their daily routine, and the recipients are presented at the annual Awards Banquet next month.Even a quick scan of the list of President’s Award Winners from any year presents a “who’s who” of those who have made a profound impact on Southwest, their Fellow Employees, or our Customers (or all three!).
The folks that bring you this blog everyday are part of the Emerging Media Team in our Communications Department.We are a small but mighty Team, and we are thrilled that one of our own, Paula Berg, has been named the Communications Department’s President’s Award Winner for this year. Many of you may know her personally, or some of you have seen her speak at Social Media events around the country.Others of you are regular readers of this blog, but you didn’t know it was because Paula sustains it on a daily basis.
I’ve worked with Paula on this endeavor for the past three years, back when we both had other “day jobs,” and she exemplifies “Living the Southwest Way” with her Warrior Spirit, her Servant’s Heart, and her Fun-LUVing Attitude.Don’t tell Paula that something can’t be done because she will work day and night to make it happen.She has this uncanny ability to inherently know what will be a good idea for the blog and what won’t work.Paula has persuaded many a reluctant blogger to get his or her “feet wet” with a blog post. And, if you feel something rattling around inside your skull, that’s just Paula picking your brain to discover what interests you.Besides Nuts About Southwest, Paula is helping design our new Employee Blog, she oversees our electronic media projects, and she is always looking to improve and expand.On a personal note, Paula is my “office neighbor,” and I can confirm that she is the ultimate modernist/minimalist.
So Paula thanks for letting me inflict my puns on you and thanks for giving me “eye-rolling” moments on a daily basis.I can’t wait to see what project you take on next.And we all congratulate you on this well-deserved honor.
Major, Mega, Mondo congratulations, PB. Well deserved, as BlogBoy has said, for SO many reasons. You're a consummate professional....a true visionary....and just a really nice person. I'm both proud and happy for you--thanks for being on "our" side!
My daughter and I flew from Chicago to Burbank, California...April 28... returned May2.
wonderful people on board... Wonderful Northwest employees.
Not one complaint. Thank you Northwest.
I'm proud and honored to work with both YOU and Paula here at SWA Communications! Being new to Emerging Media-this is a new challenge that keeps me coming back for more. Truly my family is surprised and intrigued that I read blogs, have a twitter account, and am considering a facebook page. I've stepped up my game because of SWA's Emerging Media and I wanted to say --- job well done! Keep up the humorous information and accept "eye rolling moments" as part of the process that makes blogging a great part of my day. Laura J.
I'd like to know if Southwest is going to recognize David Holmes -- the rhyming flight attendant -- for his contribution to in-flight morale. From the posts I've read and the passenger faces I've seen in videos, his outgoing attitude really makes people smile. And from what I've read, he's also sensitive to the mood of the passengers, taking care not to "perform" on 6 am flights for example.
Paula, I will be at the Awards Banquet, 25th anniversary year, and it will be my pleasure to stand and applaud you! Thank you for all your ideas, patience, and unfailing good spirits. You and your team are fantastic!
Hi Benz Mum,
David is amazing, no doubt. We have mentioned him in six posts, podcasts, and news posts here on the blog, and we did back stage Tweeting with him prior to his Tonight Show Appearance. Don't worry, you will be seeing him in additional venues later.