Recently, we helped a Southwest Customer, Jason, propose to his girlfriend, Allison. Jason handed out roses on the plane, and when arriving in Midway, each Passenger emerged from the jetbridge carrying a rose and a note. A lot of work when into Jason's big proposal, and this is what he said about the process:
The idea for this proposal came from a conversation I had on a flight from Denver to Chicago a few years ago. The plane was pretty empty so the flight attendants sat with the 10 or so passengers and talked. I brought up the idea then and the crew member I was talking with mentioned Southwest would love to help. My family has also been friends with a father and son who both fly for Southwest, and at my brother's 30th birthday party I asked the son, Mike Van Rosendale, if he could help. He told me to send him an email with exactly what I wanted to do.
This proposal took a lot of planning, a lot of help and a lot of luck. I know that marriage and the rest of my life will depend on those things as well. I also think this is the BEST proposal ever (maybe I'm biased), but if you had the opportunity to get to know Allison she truly deserves it. She is wonderful and I am very excited to move forward together.
I am truly grateful for Southwest's help and there is no doubt who will will chose to fly for the rest of our lives.