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Southwest Airlines Community

Raising the Bar--SI One

Frequent Flyer C


Hello from LaGuardia Airport in New York City!  I just witnessed one of the coolest plane events ever!  We finally, after much speculation and anticipation, revealed the beautiful SI One.  This plane, N922WN, is wrapped with a temporary decal featuring the cover model, from the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. This definitely seals the deals on Southwest Airlines’ FUN and edgy factor! 

The cover model stepped off the plane and posed for pictures with our Pilots and Flight Attendants!  It is an absolutely beautiful plane, and hopefully you'll get to travel on this sometime soon!   Since my "Twiddles" left people guessing all day on Twitter , maybe now I need all our Bloggers and Twitter followers to send me their pics on SI One as it flies throughout the Southwest system!  Thanks to everyone that kept up with the Twiddles, I think the best detective was definitely Mike Sloane
I'm working on getting the official pics from our friends at Sports Illustrated and here are some pics that we took today.  In the meanwhile, post pictures in the comment section if you can!  See yall back in Dallas!

Be sure and follow Christi's Tweets from the airplane's next stop, Las Vegas.

Explorer C
I do think this is in bad taste. She is half naked for god sake and i wouldnt want my young children seeing this and thinking that this type of sexual connotation is okay in everyday life. What exactly makes SWA think this is okay? They fly families do they not? They are going to lose a lot of business from the 'family friendly' flyers. How dumb does your marketing team have to be to completely disregard such a controversial social standard as selling sex on a once family friendly airline? Yes you can see women at a beach in bikini's but that's where they belong and are in the correct context at the beach. Mainly what bothers me with this type of advertising, this just adds to all the sexism in the U.S. towards women. It makes us feel inadequate if we dont look or dress like the women in the media. No young girl should be made to feel like in order for her to get attention or to be considered worth anything she needs to look and dress sexually enticing. Does anyone realize just how much pressure is put on young girls and women to be sexy? ...What about men? Why isn't a near-naked male model plastered on the other side of the SWA plane? Why isnt there hundreds of male strip clubs in a major city like there are with female dancer clubs? Why isnt there sexy men in 90% of TV commercials? Why isnt there a "guys next door" show with half-naked male models constantly running around and showing off? I could go on and on... its just not fair. Women are not just trashy sexual objects! Shame on you Southwest for contributing to an already over-abundant sexism problem in the U.S.
Explorer C
What a great idea in advertising and promotion!!! Makes me wanna pack a bikini and fly somewhere!!! Two thumbs up for collaboration.
Explorer C
Hi, 1915? Yeah, I think I found your uptight Puritanical viewpoint. What it's doing in 2009, I have no idea. To those disappointed by, ashamed of, or no longer using Southwest because of this ad, thank you on behalf of those of us that don't find a person's body a perverse, dirty thing, because there will be more seats to choose from now.
Explorer C
This 40-something, mother-of-two doesn't see anything offensive or in bad taste at all. Perhaps the whiners and complainers on this blog would rather see a woman in a burqa.
Explorer C
There is a place for SI Swimsuit Issue -- for those who buy it and want to see it. I wouldn't show it to my 3 year old son, but thanks to Southwest, the next time we are at at the airport I'll either have to cover his eyes or try to explain the exploitation of women. Southwest, you've cheapened women, and cheapened yourselves. She's a beautiful women that belongs on the pages of a magazine, not on a jet. Grow up and stop playing 14-year old pubescent boy.
Explorer C
Nice! That looks great! I would like to see more airlines who paint their jets like this. We, as Europeans, wonder why some people (specially US Citizens) are so prudish - even it is ONLY A BIKINI photo!!!! Hellooooo?!?!? She is not naked on it! And what if she was? Nothing. It is funny to see, that you can buy easily a weapon at each corner but if you want to buy a Playboy magazine.... Uiuiuiuih. But I remember also that during my US vacation some years ago, we went into a sauna bath. As it is normal we were naked - OF COURSE. But the US guests weared cloth - tztztz.... That is something, Europeans will never understand. Southwest Airlines - dont be prude as your citizens and show us more jets like this one! YES YOU CAN 😉
Explorer C
There is nothing wrong with putting a beautiful woman on the side of a plane. It would brighten my day to fly on this one. Keep up the good work SW!
Explorer C
Yeah, tacky.... now whose up for joining the mile high club?? Lighten up people - aint nothing wrong with the human body
Explorer C
This is in poor taste. Is there no such thing as decency and modesty any more? Part of society going down the tubes, it doesn't all happen at once.
Explorer C
Guys GET OVER IT!! Publicity is publicity. SW Airlines is getting noticed and that's what matters. If they lose a couple hundred up-tight customers that have no sex drive then SO WHAT!! They'll gain thousands of customers that want to see change and have fun and do business.... and that's what matters. I'm sick and tired of seeing the same type of marketing strategies carried out by large companies. It is time for something different. It's all about market exposure and they NAILED IT in more ways than one.... Haha!! The guy that had the idea deserves a promotion. Great idea. Keep up the good work Southwest! -Johnny
Explorer C
I Luv it.
Explorer C
Last year a Southwest gate agent complained that I was showing "too much cleavage" because there were families on the flight, that I should over up. Yet a woman in a bikini all over the outside of the plane is OK? Is it age discrimination because my cleavage is 40-something and hers is 20-something? One woman's cleavage is OK but not another's? I'm not a prude and I think a woman's decolletage is beautiful and feminine, but how is it OK on the outside of the plane but not OK for passengers who are wearing much more clothing than a bikini??? I was insulted by the gate agent's comment, makes it even more insulting now that I saw this article.
Explorer C
I think this is great!
Explorer C
In response to those posters (including SW staff) who are convinced that the airline's low fares will override some people's threats to boycott: the airline industry is putting much more faith in cheap tickets than they should be, even in this awful economy. I fly alot, for business and pleasure. I also watch my budget and that of my employer. If there's a $100 difference in price, no question that I'll take the cheaper fare. But if the difference is $10, $30, $50, other factors count. For years, I've avoided booking on SW because of its cattle-car approach to seating; I find it annoying and I'll only fly SW on short hauls, in off-hours and for personal rather than work purposes. I will never fly Air Tran again - probably the cheapest long-haul carrier out there - because its seats are a disgrace and the 2 times I tried it, they left us customers stranded due to airport delays (and not only found ways to skirt federal aviation law, but hid from customers to avoid answering questions). I rarely choose US AIr - again, one of the cheaper options - because the planes are inevitably filthy and poorly maintained. I'll pay a higher fare with Virgin or Jet Blue because from start to finish, these are the best experiences today. There are certainly people reading these postings who will take the $379 fare over the $380 one and that's OK. But I feel that if my options are a $350 fare with an airline that routinely has the worst seats, doesn't bother to clean off soggy Cheerios from my tray table or has flight attendants who hide for a five-hour flight, I'll pay $400 to have a more humane experience. And especially now when my dollars mean more than ever.
Explorer C
Southwest... I am at a lost for words. WOW. I could not believe you would stoop so low. I do not have a problem with women wearing swimsuits in a magazine or at the beach because you can choose to not buy the magazine or avoid the beach. But if you are traveling you are forced to see this plane if it should land at your airport. I wonder if southwest will offer refunds or be willing to confirm a passenger on another plane if they do not wish to board such a plane. I know I would simply walk away from the flight and ask for a full refund. I also now find myself questioning the family friendly position of southwest. I do not have any children but I could only imagine the conversation some conservative parents will have to have with their children over this.
Explorer C
Let me add my two peanuts worth here. For all the offended people out there, did you or your spouses or your children or your 73 year old parents watch the summer Olympics? The men swimmers in their speedos or the beach volleyball players must have really sent you over the edge. And again, what about the magazines in the check out aisle of the supermarket? Everything from Vogue to Cosmopolitan to Shape have covers at least as revealing. Are those ok? So does the occassional Star and Globe and the National Enquirer. But those are usually revealing pictures of famous people who have gotten out of shape. Are those ok? Do you boycott the supermarkets? And as has been previously pointed out, when it comes right down to it and the SW fare is cheaper than the rest are you going to let your moral indignation get the upper hand while you pay more for your airfaire on some less "offensive" airline? Oh, some of you might, but most will not. It's easy to be the morality police as long as it doesn't cost you anything. Ever travel to another country? What do you do when you go to the beaches where not only are tiny swimsuits worn, but many women bathers are topless? Walk around with a towel over your heads? Plus it is not uncommon to see Europeans sitting in a park at lunch hour on a nice spring day getting some sun with their shirts off. Both men and women. Well, I suppose that if you travel internationally at all, which most of you do not (only 24% of Americans have passports), you must go in the winter to be sure that everyone is covered up to your satisfaction. Oh and be sure to avoid all the museums. Of course, in retrospect when you consider that fully 2/3 of Americans are overweight or obese (2004 study) there probably are not many women who would ever consider letting their spouses or children or 73 year old parents see them in a bikini. Same holds true for men. Do you want to be indignant about something? How about you show your children what it means to eat right and exercise and take care of yourself so you look good. Stop buying the junk food and sitting on your duffs watching TV every night. If more people were actually in shape, seeing someone who looks good might actually be the norm, not the exception and would not warrant a second glance. As I write this there are 345 posts, meaning that statistically speaking 230 were written by overweight or obese people. There's some food for thought......... Get over yourselves.
Explorer C
That is very cool and a very good advertising spot. Some people will complain about anything. Way to go SOUTHWEST!!!!
Explorer C
I find this interesting. Would they ever put a giant picture of a man in a swimsuit on their plane?
Explorer C
This is totally distasteful. Having a half-naked woman on a plane sends a HORRIBLE self-image message to young girls everywhere (my own daughters included). You can guarantee Southwest just lost business - this family will fly other airlines instead.
Explorer C
I think it's great! What's wrong with pictures of beautiful things on an airplane. So it happens to be a beautiful girl girl in a bathing suit. Herb was right, "SWA doesn't want every passengers."
Explorer C
I am disgusted by this low-class decision by SWA to have a 3/4 NAKED female on a plane. Though I've flown you for 18 years, I will NO LONGER fly SWA as a protest. I have plenty of friends who have told me the same. I don't care if I have to pay more for a flight with another carrier - this is so low-rent and desperate for attention. Too bad SWA can't stand on their performance record alone for attention. Too bad, too bad.
Explorer C
In the words of some other famous New Yorkers... "Mary, Mary, Why you buggin'?" Mary, you make me jealous of your New York sophistication...
Explorer C
I find this VERY offensive!!! My family (with young children) will be flying southwest and I am reconsidering chaing airlines! If people want to look at this garbage....that is what SI is for. You may subscribe to it on your own.....not be forced to look at a plane sized version! This is VERY trashy and I am truly dissapointed Southwest.
Explorer C
Southwest has sunk to a new low.
Explorer C
I think that this is in very poor taste. I do not get offended by seeing sports illustrated magazines in stores or women dressed like this on the beach because it is to be expected. When you are going to fly on a family vacation, you don't expect to have to fly in an airplane with an almost naked woman painted on it. I agree - how much of your customer base are teenage boys? If they make up a majority of your sales, smart move. If not, bad move. I have a flight scheduled with you in two months but will be calling and cancelling because I do not want to support a company who obviously does not support family values and does not value my patronage.
Explorer C
Most of the negative posts are being placed by a few Southwest employess to try and gain some more media coverage and salvage their stupid advertising concept. Corporate trolls.
Explorer C
Agreed that this is extremely tacky advertisting. I've lost respect for my once favorite SW. If people want to see a bikini shot, then they can buy the magazine. We should not have it shoved down our throats. Southwest - you can do better. Fine if you want to partner with S.I., but let's do something tasteful next time. Last I understand, S.I. was a sports magazine - I don't think anyone would have minded some advertisting with a sports theme.
Explorer C
I personally think this advertisement is in good taste, it's only Sports Illustrated after all. Not Play Boy or other of the likes. I just want to know, since I am a woman...when are they going to fly a really sexy man for all us ladies out here!... Before you know it, the next thing will be a bi-plane.....
Explorer C
Southwest has lost another customer. I feel this is tacky and distasteful! I am highly offended that a "family friendly" company would plaster it's plane with a picture like this. My family will be flying the competitors. I'll gladly pay more to fly with a company that has integrity! This sends a completely wrong message. Why not showcase an Olympic athlete or someone who can be admired what what they've DONE, not just the body they were born with. This is just tacky, classless, and immature.
Explorer C
Way to Go SWA! Love the plane...I don't find it offensive at All...You even made the front page of the TMZ Website...Clever advertising...invest a little, and receive a lot I always say! I have not seen this many blog responses in a whille. If a Beautiful Woman in a Bikini will stop you from flying SWA, then by all means spend you hard earned money elsewhere, we dont need ya! I guess maybe a trip on the Hudson would be better?? In this time of economic hard-ships this makes great sense for both SI and SWA. After all you can see the cover at every airport bookstand as well...are you not gonna shop there either. Or maybe you would prefer the "girlie Business Cards" that men get while walking down the Vegas Strip, or even the advertising of "free women" on the back of trucks that drive around Las Vegas.. Please People! Thank You for all the Free Advertising, because the more people hate it, it make more and more LUV it.!!!!! Love the no fees SWA....Luv You Long Time!
Explorer C
My compliments to the airline managers. This is innovative and hopefully others will do this too. Nothing disgraceful here. But it shows the minds of some prudent individuals who keep nagging on everything. I wonder how these individuals were born, dressed or naked. Here I get more concerned for the kids of those parents being so negative on here. I hope their lives dont get so screwed up like their parents minds are. Welcome to the free world!
Explorer C
I will NEVER fly SW again and I am not a prude, but there is a time and a place for everything , and this in not the place for a bikini clad model.
Explorer C
You nay sayers need to lighten up!!! I think the plane is beautiful and is not in bad taste at all. I fly SWA every chance I get and would not have one problem with my 11 year old daughter or 6 year old son seeing the plane. Why can't we get over beauty? There's sure more violence than there needs to be in this world!!! Keep up the good work.
Explorer C
I'm going to have some fun with this airline. I will wear a bikini on a flight from Los Angeles to Phoenix on Thursday, March 5th.
Explorer C
Best looking plane ever!
Explorer C
How is something that you see on a beach so offensive? Not to mention they say in the article that it is TEMPORARY. I must say, if you find this offensive...don't go to a beach, boardwalk or any other place where people can don swimsuits and everyone can see them. Just because SW put a model in a bikini on the side of their TEMPORARILY, they are bad people? Grow up. This is 2009. There is alot worse out their our children are subjected to other then a plane flying with a girl in a swimsuit. I am sure your kids have seen you in a bikini so what makes this any different? People keep mentioning Venus Williams should have been put but i am sure people would have complained about that just the same with those short skirts female tennis players wear. Seriously, keep up with the changing society we live in. There is nothing wrong with someone in a bikini on the side of a plane. If you hate it that bad, don't look at it. Or better yet, fork over the cash to pay for them to change it to YOUR liking.....since some of you seem to think we live in a sheltered society where we must cover our bodies and act like bikinis and such are never worn. And fyi....inappropriate would be her topless or making out with some guy. I certainly see nothing wrong with my kids seeing this picture. Not to mention what is at kids fingertips these days with the INTERNET. I bet most of your kids have already seen Bar in a bikini so this is nothing new to them since stores sell those things called MAGAZINES that show women half dressed on the cover. What are you going to do? Send a letter to every magazine telling them the people on their cover should cover their body because YOUR offended? HAHA. Try to keep up with only goes forward.
Explorer C
You should give soldiers free rides home in this plane. This plane is cool, kind of cheesy, but cool. The fact that you actually do this with your planes, ie Shamu, SI, etc. is well regarded as fun and catchy marketing by most folks. I for one say keep up the good work.
Explorer C
Okay so I don't understand, isn't Southwest the same airline that has kicked people off for not being dressed appropriately. But now they are putting a near-naked women on the outside for everyone to see. Lovely Southwest just Lovely.
Explorer C
Trashy! What does a slutty Sports Ilistrateded ad have to do with an airline? It's as skanky as the piece of trash girl that got kicked off the plan. I am sick of seeing skanky girls everywhere, now I have to see them in the air? When will it stop? Well, I will never fly Southwest again.
Explorer C
I just checked my LUV stock and shocking it's down to $5. Time to dump it. What is Southwest thinking????????
Explorer C
Absolutely Beautiful Airplane South West. Great job. A work of art. I have to say most of all thanks for being so politically Incorrect. I wish we hade more Companies like you in the United States. It would be such a better place to live. Don’t worry about harsh comments about your beautiful airplane, we all know where those comments are coming from ( FULW ) and ( MWNB'S) No matter what, Don’t stop, don’t look back, just keep moving forward. And thanks for keeping people working. Again, Great Job....
Explorer C
Honestly, if the kind of people who say they won't fly SWA because of this ad actually make good on their threat, it'll make flying SWA all that better. This kind of idiotic mentality has no place in a modern society. I think the plane rocks and if you have an issue with a woman in a bikini, you probably have more problems than you will ever admit to.
Explorer C
I am a heterosexual female and I think that the plane looks great! It's a beautiful woman and a beautiful image, and it's nice too see. Whoever disapproves is probably insecure and miserable. Though in all fairness, where is the hunky man image? And please spare us from the image of Venus Williams, as one user suggested. Although she looks like a dude, it's not exactly the same.
Explorer C
SouthWest has lost my business. I will not take my family and friends on a plane like that. Tasteless.
Explorer C
I dont so much mind the pictures on your plane. But as a parent, I will eschew your lower rates and buy more expensive tickets on another airline so that my young children dont feel that flying your airline is like flying on a Los angeles of las vegas billboard that only glorifies women when they are half undresses. A suggestion.... How about plastering the side of your plane with a clothed, professional looking Bar Rafieli?? That would be just as sexy and welcoming, without being offenssive to families and children that usually travel Southwest and love it. Kim
Explorer C
No matter what you do, some people will object to it. Personally, I do not find the female form objectionable, especially in the form of Ms Rafaeli. For those who object: fly another airline. Likely, as many people will choose to fly Southwest because of the unusual and beautiful artwork. Perhaps SW should have filled the opposite side of the aircraft with a reclining Arnold Schwarzenegger (in a pre-Gov pose, of course)? Actually, there IS one thing wrong with this artwork: it's not Brooklyn Decker. (Some previous posters, please note the proper use of - it's -, which means "it is," not "belonging to it.") :>)
Explorer C
Just saw on Inside Edition this short story - they talked about this blog and of course only mentioned the up tight comments in this blog.. I think it is SMART and FUN. People who are offended by a beautiful person in a bathing suit should move to amish country.
Explorer C
I love the new decals on SI 1 please don't wuss out and let jealous womens yentering influence you in taking the decals off. I will continue flying southwest because I feel you are setting the trends not following like the other carriers thanks for not being vanilla.
Explorer C
I am so disappointed with Southwest Airlines. The naked woman picture is demeaning and disrespectful. As a female adult professional, I obviously do not fall in your target market. I have been a loyal Southwest flier. Really, you need to apologize and take it off immediately. When I point to a plane in the air, it is to remind my daughter she can be a pilot NOT a swimsuit model.
Explorer C
Southwest- you are a dissapointment.