This morning we extended our schedule out through the first of June of next year, which gives us 242 days of bookable inventory!
We’ve re-optimized the schedule to allow for typical seasonal changes (traffic, weather) which drove changes in 50 markets (and all market changes noted are roundtrip). Nineteen markets will decrease slightly, 24 will increase slightly, we’re bringing two nonstop markets back seasonally (Baltimore/Washington-Seattle/Tacoma and Las Vegas-Manchester) and eliminating five markets—four seasonally (Ft. Lauderdale-Manchester, Ft. Myers-Long Island, Ft. Myers-Nashville, and San Diego-St. Louis) and one permanently (Reno-San Jose). In all of the discontinued nonstop markets, we’ll continue to offer lots of connecting itineraries.
The next significant schedule opening is planned to happen on November 14th, when we intend to open the Summer 2012 Schedule. So, while you’re making definite plans for holidays in a couple of months—start thinking about your adventures for next summer. You’ll be able to book them before you know it!