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Southwest Airlines Community

SWA Stew: Episode 25

Retired Community Manager

It's time for the quarter-life crisis edition of the SWA Stew. 
In this episode, we showcase SLC Cargo, honored by the U.S. Army for honoring a fallen hero. 
We also flashed back again... this time to Houston! Resident Historian Brian Lusk explains how we got to Houston's Hobby Airport. 
Our buddy DJ Schneby's post about his big Turntable.FM victory was the third most viewed on the blog. He talked about how he heard about the contest, his strategy around song choices, and what he's gonna do with his roundtrip tickets. 
The movie Moneyball has received rave reviews-- maybe it's because Southwest is in it? Read Michelle's post about where you can find us on the silver screen!
Kansas City-based aviation buff (and overseer of MCI) Justin Meyer was challenged to race a Porsche from K.C. to St. Louis. Justin's mode of transportation was one of Southwest's 737s. Read the comments in his post to see who won.