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Southwest Airlines Community

Season's blessings for adopted family

Frequent Flyer A

NORTH ST. LOUIS COUNTY — When Rolando Lopez noticed that the woman who handed him his dry cleaning for years had been missing for a few weeks, he asked the shop's owner about her.

Cheryl Pool, 53, had gone to an emergency room because she was having trouble breathing, he learned. In the ER, doctors broke the news: She had late-stage breast cancer. She started treatment in May and since then, the cancer has spread. She now has 14 tumors in her brain.

Lopez, whose wife is a breast cancer survivor, knew Pool as the woman with an infectious smile who would always cut him a break when he forgot his dry cleaning coupons at home. The Chesterfield resident wanted to help her and turned to his colleagues who work for Southwest Airlines at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport.

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