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Southwest Airlines Community

Sofia Proll and the iPhone App

Frequent Flyer B
[asset|aid=240|format=image|formatter=asset|title=RBRiPodLogoSmall.gif|width=180|height=179|resizable=true|align=right]A lot of people might think the title of this blog sounds a bit like an Agatha Christie novel. Perhaps with enough time and effort it could become my first novel. Realistically? I have my doubts. Lots of story ideas come to me and some are short and some are longer.

For this episode, Red Belly Radio comes in two (shorter) segments. Of everything to pick from, the first part was recorded on my way to Las Vegas, when I hosted an inflight contest to guess how many bags of peanuts Southwest Airlines gives out in a typical week. Only to be outdone with a wonderful interview with Sofia Proll, a Southwest Flight Attendant. Luckily our paths crossed, and I was able to record the story of a passenger who seems to like averages. Sofia explains how a quick conversation with a couple of passengers could be turning into an iPhone app to track the average number of peanuts per bag.