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Southwest Celebrates Solar Eclipse From the Heart with Customers and Employees


The 2017  total solar eclipse; Nashville, TN.  Photo by: Stephen KellerThe 2017 total solar eclipse; Nashville, TN. Photo by: Stephen Keller

The day is finally here. Southwest Airlines, along with millions of Americans across the U.S., has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the total solar eclipse, which will be visible in a celestial shadow that will temporarily envelop Southwest cities from Portland, Ore., to Charleston, SC.


Some might be wondering what a total solar eclipse is and why it’s such a big deal. A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon moves directly between the sun and the earth. The next total solar eclipse won’t happen for another seven years!


Southwest determined five regularly scheduled flights with the greatest projected view of the umbra and penumbra shadows, and will be providing Customers onboard with special viewing glasses and cosmic cocktails (for those of age) to create a fun and memorable experience—Southwest Style.


Southwest Stations throughout our system will see varying degrees of totality.


If you intend on viewing the eclipse, please remember to do so using specialty-rated solar filters. Looking directly at the sun, even during an eclipse, without sufficient eye protection is never recommended.


Also avoid looking at the sun through an unfiltered camera, smartphone, telescope, or any other optical device. You’ll need to add a certified solar filter to these devices to safely look at the sun.


For an interactive map of the total eclipse on your phone or personal computer, visit   


If you are unable to witness the event in person, be sure to follow the Southwest Facebook page where we'll be live-streaming the action! Whether you’re flying or the on the ground, please share your eclipse photos with us using the hashtag #SolarEclipse. You could even be featured on Southwest’s main social media channels!


More photos by Stephen Keller from Nashville:

