Well, it used to be free love, then it was free Dallas Love Field, and now it is the Summer of LUV! Southwest always find a way to do something with LUV! This summer, Southwest Airlines joined in the on the fun as we celebrated the 40
th anniversary of the true Summer of Love. As some of you may or may not know (we promise not to date anyone!) the Summer of Love refers to the summer of 1967 when young people from all over the world flocked to San Francisco to unite for a new "social" experience. The Beatles provided the soundtrack, and the Summer of Love was born!
Knowing this was a very special time for our country and a landmark anniversary (40 is the new 20), Southwest decided to put its own spin on the idea and celebrate our Customers! Of course it is no longer the '60's, and I don't think we're still celebrating free love (please nod with me). Instead we are getting our green act together, constantly finding new ways to appreciate folks with a surprise here and there, and for Southwest, we are celebrating our newest city San Francisco!
So what did we do? Well, for starters Southwest brainstormed what this idea looked like and decided-what is better than a wrapped Toyota Prius that drives around town and hands out gifts to unsuspecting folks? We needed a LUV machine, and the Prius fit the bill. Southwest then partnered with Hertz and wrapped two Toyota Prius LUV machines.
Our two Prius or Priui (is that the plural?) hit the streets in San Francisco and in Southern California in June. They bought free lunches from Wahoo's Fish Taco, they paid for coffee as folks headed into work in San Francisco's Financial District, they visited the beaches, hit some really cool concerts, and celebrated at many summer festivals.
Is that all we did? Glad you asked, since the Summer of Love was not something that is just recognized in California, Southwest spread the LUV from coast-to-coast. In downtown Philly, you might have run in to Southwest Airlines buying you coffee at WaWa or keeping your drink cool for you on South Street (found out that Philly does not use the word koozie, it's coolie). In Columbus you may have seen Southwest surprising folks with free Southwest Airlines tickets at locations like The Ohio State University or the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.
Additionally, Southwest partnered with the The Beatles LOVE, by Cirque du Soliel, at The Mirage and created a LOVE themed aircraft. Southwest surprised Customers on board the aircraft with Beatles trivia and Las Vegas vacation packages. And if that is not enough, we even created a web page to document everything (
It was a great summer, that ended with Southwest re-opening its operation in San Francisco. Southwest now offers daily nonstop departures to San Diego, Chicago Midway, and Las Vegas.
All of this goes to show that all you really need is LUV, LUV, and more LUV. We can't give it away for free, but we're glad you chose the LUV airline for your trip. Hope your summer was as LUVly as ours.