(Southwest Airlines CEO, Gary Kelly, has been reading your comments about our recently announced boarding and fare changes, and he wanted you to hear his thoughts directly.)
I have been a loyal, almost exclusive, Southwest customer since back in the 70's when you traveled between Dalls, Houston and San Antonio. When I was working full time I earned enough points to get the companion pass for several years. And I will say that I have enjoyed many Rapid Reward flights for me and my wife.
My concern now is that since I am now semiretired I only make one flight each month. That being from Tulsa, OK to one of the 7 West Coast states. With this in mind and after getting the mail about Tood Things Come To Those Who Wait, Like Not Waiting, I am dissapointed that I will be relagated to a B or C boarding pass since I will not achieve the 16 round trips in 12 months.
I just wanted to let you know that this program will cause me to shart shopping for an airline where I will not be looking at a center sear for long flights.
I would like your thoughts on this.
Larry Holt
1435 Buena Vista Circle
Springdale, AR
After looking at the Business Select and the Business rates it looks like you have doubledl your fares. I am disspaointed. I think that you will find that this is not going to go over well with your regualr travelers.
Larry Holt
While I have no issue with the changes themselves, the implementation of these changes will be the key. Already, reports of gate Agents not enforcing the numerical order of the lineup has come up. This needs to get straightened out, and quickly. If someone has "paid for A", either by buying a BS fare or flying the required number of flights to be checked in at the 36 hour window, the lineup needs to be enforced. Otherwise, the A2 that came with that increased fare is worthless.
I'm Orlando based, a.k.a. massive family preboarding -- good luck if you just live here.
The new process has me looking at other airlines now and we will probably be droppig the Chase/Southwest Visa card. Once our Rapid Rewards are used we will probably go elsewhere now that Southwest is turning its back on a lot of customers, including me.
Dear Mr. Kelly,
I made the decision to switch to Southwest a few months ago; however, I'm already beginning to rethink that decision. Don't get my wrong, I absolutely love the changes your company has made with respect to boarding and otherwise. More importantly, I love the new attempts to appeal specifically to business passengers.
But with this new business-passenger approach, why would you discontinue your Chicago to New York flights??? I recently attempted to book a flight from MDW to LGA in February, only to shockingly learn that those flights are being discontinued in January.
Mr. Kelly, I respect your efforts to attract the business class. But how do you intend to keep that business if you don't offer one of the most popular routes around?
Please feel free to contact me at my e-mail address above. Having truly enjoyed my last few months since switching to Southwest, I'd love to hear why I should stay in light of my MDW-LGA concerns.
Scott Kramer
I am thrilled with the new boarding process. It is very frustrating to have booked early have an A3 ticket and watch the "pre-boards" Families with children OVER 5yrs walk right on and the Agents say nothing. Reserved spots in the line at the gate and my favorite, the FAKE handicap. How dare you! You should be so lucky NOT to have a disability but you stand there like nobody notices. If a wheelchair is required to get a passenger to a plane, doesn't it make sense that this passenger would require a chair to exit the plane? It's funny, people almost receive miracle "cures" during flight and require no assistance at their destination and will knock you over to get off the plane and get theur luggage FIRST. HOORAY for you! The new boarding process won't fix this, but this does need to be addressed. Thank you Southwest for your continued great service!!
Thank you for asking for opnions. My name is John Zimmerman. I am about to go to Central Missouri State university. I am going to be a pilot. I attended your open house on june,10,2006. My passion for Southwest is strong, and hope to become a member of the Southwest Family and Culture. I NEVER flown on any commerical airplane except Soutwest. I loved the old new boarding pass system. First to checkin first to board no camping out in lines. I fly 9 roundtrips a year. Its puts a distaste in mouth now than I am or at least feel the I am being pushed away. I give you the best advetising there is word of mouth. I still think you are the best airline. I have been so loyal there was one time I changed flights and because of the flight change there was a sale that would have saved oh about 20 dollars, because you know you book at the current avaible price What did I do? I selected the fun fare instead of the internet one way and paid 8 dollars more.I did that because I felt bad about changing my flight on you 23 days in advance. When I am waiting at the gate and people are complaing(which did not happen often I defended you (southwest) and the employees. I feel sad that this is my reward for my loyality. I understand that you need to make more due to fuel. I for one would support a general fare increase instead. Ok 15-30 dollars higher a ticket fine . Maybe you could reward the people who fly 32 one way say a discount not offered to the general public? But again I love the concept of A1 A2 A3,etc. I just dont like the new business select or a-list. Oh yea by the way the new fare system is great. However I can see why people think fares are increasing. Problem with that is they dont see the red unavalable on the website. I checked prices on the 3 flights that I have booked now, and belive it or not they were the same if not lower.
Thanks for your time gary,
John Zimmerman
P.S I am hoping to have a good experiance with this system on December 17
My husband and I have flown Southwest for years because the airline flys where we want to go. Half the fun of flying SW was standing in line and trying to get the seats that you desired. I guess the new boarding system will work OK; we are willing to give it a chance. It was my understanding that families with children 4 and under would board between the A group and the B group, has this concept changed? Also, what if there are 8 or 10 people in the family and only one child 4 or under, how is that handled? We flew out of Reno the other night with only about 12 or so passengers, so that was not a good indication of how the new system works. Although there was a couple who decided that because they were #15 & #16 they should be at the head of the line and not get behind the other people who had already lined up when the flight was called. Oh well..
Scott Kramer,
The discontinuation of MDW to LGA was done by southwests code share partner ATA. Southwest has no control over what routes ATA wishes to discontinue.
I have a link for you that will allow you to contact ATA and let them know of your concern.
Living in Europe I don't get the opportunity to fly Southwest that often. However I do fly SWA when on business in the US. I like SWA efficiency (which is reflected in the fares) and simplicity. The plane is, for me, a means to get from A to B. Getting to B faster is worth some money; reliability and punctuality is worth some too.
When I use frequent flyer perks, it is to avoid queues. I don't mind being at the end of the A's with online check-in (no queue there!) I don't care for "business class treatment" on short flights, will not pay for "priority boarding" (move the waiting from the gate area to your plane seat). I haven't seen the "number boarding" system, but it seems an improvement.
Don't lower SWA to the standards of "major airlines".
P.S. Did not feel like installing Flash, just for a video.
Mr Kelly,
I do like the new boarding process so if I get an A pass, I won't have to show up to the airport 2 hours before my flight to get a good seat.
I agree with what a lot of other people have said about the new pricing changes and do not like it.
One more comment...Southwest doesn't seem to expand into other cities like some other airlines have, it would be nice to see Southwest move into other cities so I'm not forced to fly more expensive airlines. I know SWA uses market data to decide which airports to move into but why can't you start a thread in the blog asking what readers and your current customers want?
I'm sure you could move into other markets just by flying into key cities such as Las Vegas, Baltimore, Orlando, and Chicago then expand if needed.
I thought the point of the new boarding was to eliminate the cattle call line???? This in no way is happening in the way it is presented in your website "tutorial". "Sit and relax"?????
No, now we are forced to line up numerically like 1st graders in a lunch line.
This is not a step forward, and for as much as I fly your airlines for work, it is a great disappointment. I was so looking forward to an improvement!!
Dear Mr. Kelly,
I have flown Southwest almost exclusively in the last 5-7 years and I think the new changes in your boarding will also make me look to other airlines for my flights. Yes, the fun was in trying to get the #1 or #2 seats, but since I will probably now be in the "B" line, since we only fly 4 times a year, Southwest won't be my first choice.
We knew it was too good to be true! And now it's gone.
See ya,
Sorry but that speech seemed more political than anything to me..
It didn't really hit on any of the real key points of concern..
What seems to be hitting me in the heart more than anything is a post by someone named Dennis regarding boarding with his children..
The SW response to his concern regarding being given boarding numbers that put as many as 50 people between him and his children truly doesn't seem adequate..
Because he brought his children he is no longer an A lister??
Basically you are saying either he moves back in the line because he is an A lister or he is to leave his children alone and save them a seat??
So he loses his privileges for flying so many times with SWA or he leaves the kids behind and hopes that they will be ok unattended..??
So the perks of becoming a frequent flier are good unless of course you have children and you are calling this "catering to families"???
Maybe its me but the common sense on this one truly eludes me...
So say my husband and I make the A list as we would have many times in the past and we want to take our grandchildren on a trip, that means that when we want to fly with them we are no longer A list customers...
This tells me that actually unless of course your kids don't go to school most of the year and they travel with you most of the time, these programs are catering more to adults than to families whether that be children or grandchildren...
So the perks of this program are what???
I realize that you have worked hard on this program but why can't you see that it could have areas that are flawed and maybe need some tweeking a bit...
I could fly 200 times a year but if I bring my grandchildren on only two trips a year the other 198 trips don't count while traveling with my grandchildren because on those two I have brought them with me and they are not on the A list..
I'm not sure exactly how this reward program could possibly be looked at as family friendly in the real world the adults, moms, dads, grandparents are more likely to be part of the A list which leaves A list folks with children that are not A list to always be behind the remaining A list folks or leaving their children unattended while they save seats..
In other words unless entire families are ALL A list, children included, families have to make the choice of staying together in the airport or taking advantage of a program that is basically set up for adults that travel much more than children do..
Maybe its worked for some that were lucky enough to get numbers close enough together but I see a potential problem with adults getting numbers as many as 50 between them and the kids...Which has obviously happened as per the post by Dennis..
Your catering to the most frequent fliers and generally that isn't the children, so get your A list boarding pass, just don't bring the kids with you or you ALL lose...
You're right. That was the good ole days when it was a game to try to get #1. Even when they came out with numbered boarding, I thought that was cool. Why they teased us with announcing that and coming out with the business select and A-listers just a short time later I'll never understand. Like Gary said, no one likes changes. Like he said, times are changing and he went after those business flyers and is trying to get them on board-no pun intended. I always got to the gate at least 1 1/2 hours early to get that coveted exit aisle seat. Sadly, those days are done unless I opt to purchase the highest price ticket. I would have been an A -lister 12 months ago, but to due to the slowing economy I'm not flying enough to qualify. Kudos to Gary for making the video and giving us customers a forum to respond. My next flight is the week after Thanksgiving and I'll be anxious to see how things are working by then. And Paula, I think you should lead off a video at least once a month. Like Brody said, its a nice way to start our day.
I fly 50 round trips a year and have flown on 2 segments since the new boarding program. I possessed an A16 and A17 respectivly. In both cases, when the gate agent said "Welcome aboard A1-A30." passengers who were previously sitting in front of the gate cut in front of us with A16 on. I looked at the boarding pass # of the person who cut in front of me in the first leg, A27. When the same thing happened on the second leg, I asked the person in front of me and was told to "xxxx off." If the gate agent does not enforce the rules, the new boarding procedures are doomed to fail.
Why not board in groups of five. I can't see this slowing down the boarding procedure.
I just returned from my first experience with the new boarding process. I believe it went smoothly and stopped much of the fighting for position in line. However, I noticed that the numerical order was not enforced, which is somewhat hippo critical of the process. I was in the front of B line watching the A group board and a gentleman who was in group A was with a Lady friend who was a B. He simply stated 'She's with me' and the southwest employee, without any regard, let her board with him. They were both adults with out any special needs, she should have waited in B line with everyone else. Southwest definitely needs time to iron out the many kinks to this boarding process and train their employee how to enforce this policy. I still support SWA!!!
Can someone estimate roughly how many Southwest customers have flown 32 one-way flights over the last 365 calendar days. Since Southwest has the ability to fly roughly 448,000 (3300 flights times 136 (avg seat capacity)) customers per day. I'm trying to figure the average number of A-listers to be expected.
I have expressed my ideas in a posting on the original presentation of the idea. Quick synopsis: people need to take a deep breath, relax, let things become established and evaluate after having experienced it - not based on emotional arguments about not feeling equal because they can't get A1 anymore. I DID agree with some posters that for purely PR reasons, families should just pre-board, with LIMITS. But other than that, I agree with SWA about the changes it needs to make in order to keep fares nice and pretty for the rest of us.
Yet people continue to say they don't like it either before they have tried it or purely because they didn't feel equal having to line up further back. Before coming to medical school, I was a Middle School teacher - and boy oh boy, it's a good thing Mr. Kelly doesn't run SWA the way I ran my classroom in Baltimore City. He has shown patience, kindness, an openness to listen, etc. In my class, whiners were told to grow up - end of story.
Furthermore, I did some math: (Mr. Kelly or Ms. Berg, please correct errors I probably made) But there are about 137 seats on an airplane, 6 seats across. That means about 23 rows in an airplane - each of those rows has 2 window seats, 2 aisle seats, and 2 middle seats. That means there are 4 seats per row that somebody would prefer and only 2 that somebody would rather avoid (middle seat). 4x23=92. Assuming an absolutely full airplane, that still means all the A group (even A60) gets a desirable seat and the majority of B group gets a desirable seat. And since SWA is only selling 15 Select fares, that leaves a whole lotta nice seats for everyone else. If somebody wants to pay that much more to park themselves on the same "EQUAL" leather seat as SWA made available to me for way less than the competitor, I'm all for it!
Let's not confuse SWA's mission - to me, their mission and goal is to provide the Freedom to Fly to everyone. Unlike a previous blogger who advocates across the board increases in fares in order to maintain the proverbial "equality" everyone keeps talking about, I WOULD rather SWA give some perks to people who are paying way more if it means I get to keep the freedom to see my family, go on a vacation, and explore this great country of ours.
People, there are way more important things we could be worrying ourselves over rather than A3 vs. B47. Grow up.
About a month ago I received a card from Southwest congratulating me on being a Rapid Rewards member for 20 years. That should establish that I am not new to Southwest Airlines. Over the past 15 years I built my company by sticking to one principal regarding travel. We fly only Southwest Airlines. Regardless of where we are going, we fly SWA then drive the rest of the way. The recent changes to the SWA fare structure has left me scratching my head. It seems to me you've lost your touch. For 15 years I never looked at other airlines because I knew SWA had the best fares and the most flexible policies. I'm scared of the changes I see in place, and even more concerned about what they foretell. Small businesses that build a nationwide base of customers depend on Southwest to make travel affordable. I just finished looking for flights on the new website and was appaled by what I found. The fares seemed to have skyrocketed. I agree with what a lot of other people have said about the new pricing changes and do not like it. Is there any room for you to rethink this? I hope so.
My first experience with the new boarding pass policy went well. I checked in on-line a little less than 24 hours before my flight and recieved A 27, which allowed me to board in the first group (A1 - A30).
My second experience was less rewarding. I made sure to check in on-line at exactly 24 hours prior to the flight, to the minute. This time I recieved A 46. That surprised me since I sat at my computer and made sure that I checked in within the first minute possible. I was a bit shocked to think that 45 people were able to check in before me.
Now I am begining to wonder how soon it will be before I will not be able to even get an A pass on-line. Flying in anything other than an aisle seat is very uncomfortable for me. I did not mind showing up early for flights to get in line in order to get an aisle seat. It will not always be feasible to check in at the exact minute 24 hours in advance. If checking in exactly on-time gets spot number 46, I dread to think what position I would get if I checked in only 23 hours in advance.
I would prefer to see either a return to the old way of doing things, or moving all the way to being able to preview and select seats on-line.
I think this might be too much change in such a small amount of time. For me waiting in line for a good seat was like a southwest airlines tradition. I think the Southwest Airlines customers liked the airline just the way it was and you are trying waay to hard to get buisness travelers. It almost seams like Southwest is leaning towards legacy style with their changes. But the changes dont really effect my buissness with the airline.
Many interesting comments presented here. Especially love Elaine's observations regarding the "healing power" of a SW 737. I too have seen far too many "injured" pax preboard in "alleged pain" only to exit 1-2 hrs later "fully healed" etc. Add to that the "teaching powers" of a SW 737. Time and again I've seen pax feign "no English" spoken to wangle a preboard (why using sign language qualifies you for preboard I do not know). Anyhow, time and again, these same folks exit the flight speaking fluent English. The power of these 737's boarders on the mystical.
Also agree with comments by Mike and Drew regarding gate agents calling a1-a30 instead of in 5 or 10 unit increments. These agents need to regain control of their gates before the holidays. Otherwise madness will rule.
I agree with the ealerier flyer who left this message," While I have no issue with the changes themselves, the implementation of these changes will be the key." I've just signed in on-line to print my boarding pass 24 hours in advance and have received the following message. You are not checked in for your flight. Proceed to gate for boarding pass. I called the 800 customer service and they said their were no more tickets available to print from the on-line check-in. She assured me that I was A-listed, but that I couldn't check in and print my boarding pass. I flew this morning and I was A-listed and when I checked in I at the gate I was awarded B-55 which was hardly an A-listing. What gives with this new system? Now I have no boarding pass and I'm at the murcy of a person at the airport. I check-in on-line so I don't have to waste time interfacing with a human who doesn't have my interests at heart. The computer system is unbiased and that was the success of the program. The implementation process needs to be fixed so a frequent A-flier can again check-in on-line before they go to the airport. In the old system at least you received your boarding pass and knew where you stood A, B or C before arriving at the airport. Please fix it.
I hate the new method of boarding. Anybody that didn't like the old method just didn't understand it. I grew up on Southwest having only flown on a handful of other airlines. If you are going to assign boarding order I don't understand why you wouldn't assign seating. Don't get me wrong, I don't like assigned seats either but I don't understand the one without the other. I really hope this gets changed back and the people who came up with this bright idea find themselves working at Delta or somewhere. What a crock!!!!!!!!!
Just flew Southwest today and experienced the new boarding process for the first time. It worked great. Travelers that are concerned should give it more of a chance. Don't make snap judgements. Don't be afraid of change. It really hasn't changed that much. Relax!!! You still get an A, B, or C and you still get to choose your seat. What is the big deal? One thing remains consistent: great ontime service.
Thank you Southwest. You are by far the best around.
I'm not sure that Gary and the various SW people are on firm ground in saying that we customers are rigidly against change. We are angry that we bought tickets under one system and now have to use them under another, especially over Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, at this point we are tied to our November-December tickets, like it or not, having already paid for them. Going forward (Jan through May), we shifted within the first two days after the SW announcement to schedule future flights on other airlines where things are more predictable at this time. We can't wait to try a lot of SW flights before making future reservations --- we have to go ahead based on information that we have now, which is that there is variation and confusion in current SW operations. Whatever Gary thinks, we are not a collection of concrete blocks out here. In a year or so, when this round of changes has settled down, we will reconsider SW as if it was a new airline. The old LUV, which had great spirit and great performance, now is gone. We are not wasting any time on nostalgia.
As a dedicated and frequent flyer on Southwest, when I first heard that SW was going to board people basaed on the letter and number on their boarding pass, I though that was fair and convenient. But when I read about how SW was going to sell "A" pass seat to those capable and willing to pay for them, I had a very negative reaction. Southwest was built on the Joe Six Packs and Grannies of the world wating to fly for personal reasons. Now, it appears that you are catering to the business flyer. I fly to assist my non-profit clients in the management of their associations. It is they not me that pays for the fare and I am duty bound to get the lowest and best fare.
(finishing previous comments) I agree with many of your customers that the pre-boarding procedures and rights were grossly abused and needed change. For many years when flying North and South it was exclusively on U.S. Air and East and West it was on Continental. Now its Southwest even when it is not totally convenient. Today, I try your new system for the first time in a flight from Tampa to Birmingham and back. As we use to say in the news business, "Film at 11" . P.S. Thanks for the LUV Voucher for that infamous flight from Tampa to Las Vegas and the emergency stop in New Orleans because of the powder spill in the bathroom.
I work for southwest in Tampa, Fl and I can say after being in the gate area for the past week I have noticed a very positive change when we are boarding. I understand families being nervous about sitting together , I have a 7 yo son and I share that same dilema. We communicate with our flight attendants and make sure there are going to be seats together when "family boarding" begins. Another positive note is when we announce a gate change, In the past you would have hundreds lined up in the gate area and when we announced that the gate has changed you could witness complete chaos with people actually trying to run over each other because they didn't want to lose thier place in line. In the past when a flight had a delay our passengers were standing in line for the 40 minutes prior to boarding and then they sat in line for the remainder of the delay. This new boarding process eliminates that. I just watch our passengers and now they are sitting in chairs instead of laying on the floor or standing for an extra 40-50 minutes. Also families have the same chance of obtaining an "A" boarding pass as any other passenger. I have heard a lot of the same concerns from other passengers at the gate and I understand that we may lose some costumers because of these changes but I don't think you will find a more friendly set of employees than ours and that makes all the difference at the end of the trip.
I just HAD to put my 2 cents worth into this blog.
When I'm working, I thank our customers EVERY DAY! Job security one more day. Thank you for 'shopping' Southwest Airlines. With every change that has come along, I tell our customers to please be patient with us as WE are learning it as well.
Change is inevitable; remember plastic boarding passes, string bag tags, dial telephones, 8-track tapes, our 13-year old son who now sounds like a 21-year old on the phone........the list AND life goes on.
The amazing thing about Southwest Airlines is that they DO listen to their customers, unlike other airlines, so if more changes need to be made, it will happen.
Isn't it wonderful, too, that we have the freedom to move about the country (on Southwest Airlines, of course) as well as express our opinions about anything and everything?!!! Thank you~!!!
OK, that was my dime's worth, can someone please make change?
As a flight attendant for Southwest, I have noticed that since the new boarding procedures have have started, it seems like the plane is being boarded a little faster. I am pleased the family boarding is after the 'A' group as well.
In talking with passengers, most of them just don't understand why we've changed our procedure... after explaining what I've learned about the new boarding, the passengers seem to understand a little better. I think change is change and some people don't like change. Like Gary said in the video- we can't be everything to everyone... but I think this will keep our loyal customers loyal by not assigning a seat... but then again, this will keep away some passengers who like to have an assigned seat.
Just a note: Most of the passengers who I've talked to actually prefer the new procedure.
Just weeks ago I was telling my family how happy I was about the new boarding process--and looking forward to avoiding the ugly scenes I so often found in the lines as passengers would make up and enforce their own rules about "where the A line was" and who was entitled to stand/sit where. I was touting how wonderful the new solution was. I was singing Southwest's praises to anyone who would listen, as I have for years.
Then you announced this new elitist Business preference program and I am now heartsick. Southwest was the one egalitarian airline where all passengers were equal and no one a second-class citizen. All you had to do to be in the "A" group was PLAN. Now, you're essentially allowing people to buy their way into the "A" group--instantly relegating those of us who have to choose the cheapest fares to the back of the line. For many of us, it's not about being thrifty; it's about whether we can afford to fly at all.
I'm a Rapid Rewards member and have flown Southwest exclusively for the last four years, as much for the egalitarian culture as for the low fares. Now, there's no reason not to look at airlines that allow me to choose my own seat--or have more amenities (Jet Blue). I'm so sad about this. Is there NO place in American life where money doesn't buy privelege???
I hope you realize that this decision will be costing you your reputation as well as longtime customers.
Folks this is real simple. America (thanks to our Gov't) is becoming another post WWII Germany with the rights and liberty's being stripped away little by little and day by day. We whom believe in what our forefathers started, should be outraged and furious at the mockery of our veterans who fought for rights that now are tossed away by political idiots. Example: Immigration rules. WAKE UP AMERICA !!! Look back 100 yrs to what our then president said about the english language here in America. Southwest just plain SHAME ON YOU. Southwest remember we still have the freedom to put you out of business by using other airlines. Signed Tired & Disgusted with Americas double standard of the rich over the middle & poor class
Good job Southwest!
I have been a customer for years and know that things change according to the times! You all should realize this as well and for that I commend SWA! My cardinal rule is you get what you pay for, meaning, its not the era of meals anymore or inflight entertainment. Customers want low fares and with low fares you got to remember you get what you pay for! I have no complaints about my ticket being as low as possible! Here is a thought EAT before flying or buy something at the airport for your flight! Also bring something to do A BOOK! DVD PLAYER! I know hard to understand right???? Sorry to preach but once again I LOVE SWA!
Loyal Customer,
Ian Dahl
Lady in 3 piece suit to companion on LUV flight: "UA still doesn't get it. I want to get to my destination." A UA type gate circus is not an attraction for this business traveler. Don't emulate the most hated airline flying today.
I certainly hope you DO read these comments. I am really upset about the changes and have already booked my next West coast flight on another Houston based airline. Why?
1. NO Enforcement of the Boarding pass numbers, just flew 6 flights in the last week. Mob rush to the gate attendent.
2. Rarely I fly with my toddlers and when I do, I want to get them situated before the mad rush of rude "Carry-on loaders"
3. It's a challenge to fly SWA at times, but I did so just because of my Rapid reward points. Now, I think I might not have the 16 RT's a year, therefore be relagated to B or C status, and the dreaded middle seat when flying alone.
4. Disappointment that no one enforces the HUGE carryons people bring on. I always check my bag because I dont want to hassle with it, but most folks don't.
5. Disappointment with the way SWA has changed for the worse.
Thank you for asking.
We don't like this at all!
Longtime Loyal Customer now diappointed and taking my $$$ elsewhere.
I echo other comments that I was pleased to hear of the initial boarding changes. Adding the numbers seemed like it would eliminate the need to go sit on the floor an hour and a half before a flight. A welcome change. And I was happy to hear of the change in family pre-boarding. Families can plan ahead just like the rest of us and print our boarding passes 24 hours in advance and get in the A group. Everyone seems to take a long time getting into their seats and stands out in the aisle, so I don't see much difference for families (if we all tried to either move to the back or step into the row and let people pass, that would sure help things though!).
But the change in offering priority boarding to those who paid more does not sit well with me at all. One of the things I despise about the other airlines is the "class system" they have. First class, Priority Class, etc. Its ridiculous. Southwest has always been different and it feels great to feel equal to everyone on the flight. Now that all changes. I don't have an equal chance to get the good seats (I'm a fearful flier and seating is a big deal for me) or the opportunity to get on ahead of the crowd unless I pay more. I work for a non-profit so when I fly on business its not ethical to pay more for this privelege. And I work for a non-profit, so I don't make enough to be able to just pay for priveleges I want when I'm on personal trips. I'm not willing to say I'm done with Southwest, but I will definitely explore more options than I have in the past as they become more like all the other airlines.
I'm very disappointed to see Southwest, the airline that really seemed to be the people's airline, suddenly implementing a class system. A very sad day...
Dear Gary:
Twice now I have tried to use my Rapid Reward free tickets and twice I am told that those seats are sold out. I work for a non-profit and can't afford to take much time away from work, but I do need to visit my 91 year old mother in Seattle. This policy new policy is the pits.
In the past I have been able to use them if there were any seats available and employees were extreamly helpful. Now I am being told that "those seats" are not available. I can't extend my days off.
My alturnative is find another airline. Is that what you really want? I have been a faithful Southwest Airline supporter and user for years. This policy is not user friendly and will cost you support.
Please reconsider and allow our free tickets to be of real value.
Gale Thomssen, Tucson AZ
To The CEO of Southwest'
I would Like to Commend your employee and employes on the handling of the situation with the UNDERDRESSED PASSENGER! that has been in the news. I believe you and your emp's handled that PERFECTLY and if that is your position about your airlines and your position with regards to morale and integrity you have my support and the majority support of numerous traditional americans! Thank You for trying to provide a flight service that I can bring my family and children on without worrying if the main display will be someone dressed like a porno star getting ready for the next scene! I genuinely wish hope and pray for the best for You and Your employees for all that you provide for your customers!
Kelly Gibson
I've actually been fine with the changes Southwest has implemented over the past few months. I don't pay the higher business travel fares and I'm just a "regular joe." But I enjoy not having to cram into line with all the other A, B, or C travelers (I never do anyway, just sit back and wait until the end of the line is next).
I know these changes were brought about after much deliberation, and I appreciate that the company's making a marked effort to meet its customer's needs (and demands). Keep up the great work -- I know I'm just one of many that will continue to use your services!