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Southwest Airlines Community

Whoops....January's here...and I Forgot to Blog!!!

Forgive me, Blogosphere, for I have sinned.




I’ve been so wrapped up in a few other issues this past week that I completely neglected—well, actually, forgot—to prepare a blog post about our January, 2009 schedule, which went out for sale last Thursday.  There are a lot of changes incorporated into that schedule, both frequency changes as well as changes to methodology (love that word—sounds so “consultant-ish”!).  So, let’s dive right in!




As lots of people have already noticed—and I have to admit, you media types and all of you guys on on and are incredibly observant!—we have a lot of changes in the January ‘09 schedule.  The number of departures change in a whopping 98 roundtrip markets (including three, which get one MORE flight each!) compared to the November ’08 schedule. Still, I wouldn’t characterize any of these as huge strategic “statements” as only three markets have been completely discontinued (Birmingham-Phoenix, Nashville-Oakland, and Nashville-Seattle), and neither are there any completely new markets.  We have made these changes to better align our flying schedule with our Passenger demand. 

The more interesting, schedule-geeky details are about how, and why, these reductions have been accomplished. 



From a scheduler’s standpoint, two things happen in every January Schedule.  One, we go into winter weather, and flying times—the time it takes to get from point “A” to “B”—take the largest increase of the year.  Two, we move into a traditionally slower traffic period (and January and February are two really sluggish months from an airline traffic standpoint), and that really kills flights that depart really early or really late.  And you guys have told us—by your flying habits!—that you don’t like flights before 7:00 a.m., nor ones after 8:00 p.m.


Our new schedule optimization “algorithm” (again, LOVE that word—sounds so educated!) allows us to move departure times around within individual markets with nearly surgical precision.  We tell it we know about the earliest and latest desired flights in each market—literally, we tell the optimizer what departure times you guys want—and the resulting schedule is one that mirrors more closely than ever what you, our Customers, want.

For the January ‘09 schedule we really took advantage of this new capability and made the earliest flights later and the latest flights earlier.  The result:  the vast majority of the flights that are trimmed in the January schedule would have departed in the 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. or 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. time frames.  A hidden dynamic that’s driving this whole early/late thing is the fact that we’re not adding any new aircraft in the January schedule, so had we not slightly reduced our schedule, the longer winter flying times would have had the effect of spreading the first and last flights of the day into those time frames that we already know y’all don’t like.




Yes, I may have “sinned” in my failure to communicate, but hopefully I can come up with suitable penance to make up for it.   Maybe I’ll share my grandmother’s home-made Banana Pudding recipe with you….Nanny might roll over in her grave but trust me, it’ll win me your forgiveness (even if it will blow your diet for the entire last half of 2008)!!!



Frequent Flyer B
Thank you, Bill.
Explorer C
Very interesting Bill, thanks for the knowledge. Now if you guys would just go in, finish the job you started, and blow US right into Chapter 7.......
Adventurer C
Bill, you make all that hard work sound like fun! I understand that compressing all the departures into a smaller fraction of the day would reduce the maximum number of flights you can operate with a given number of aircraft. That's a factor I had not considered before. Are you keeping more aircraft than usual in reserve, completely unscheduled? I believe that would be prudent given the high probability that some major airline will suddenly shut down and leave a gaping hole in the country's air travel network. Assuming you do have some reserve aircraft, are your people able to put together a reasonably efficient schedule overnight if another carrier shuts down? That would seem almost impossible. And it only gets worse if you have to "steal" aircraft from the existing schedule. How about a blog post on your preparations for that middle of the night phone call?
Explorer C
Hi Bill, Do you have anything more new routes from FLL next year by early January 2009? I understand this situation from DEN has been continuations more expanded new routes all of the times. I don't see the sound of logical choice for WN will have plans to added more new routes from FLL-LAX/PHX/ABQ/SAN/BHM/ORF/OMA/SLC. Also, PHX hasn't anything more new routes for all of these years. Perhaps WN will plans to get added more new routes from PHX-ALB/BOI/GEG/FLL/PBI/JAX/IAD. I'm sure if you will find out more specific information from WN for next January 2009. I'm sure if PHX will continuation more capacity growth. If you feels about confident more new nonstop from PHX or FLL, too. I am understands from WN wants to plans expandable new routes. Thank you for your concerning from WN. Regards
Adventurer C
This puts the changes out there again...but I already know what the changes are because they were in the Dallas Morning News. What bothers me is that Nashville has gained two cities since 2001 and lost five while seeing its total daily flight number decline from near 90 down in to the 70's and below with us always losing more frequencies than we gain which is VERY similar to the way that American Airlines did us up until the time they dropped us as hub and thus concerning because we go from being like Memphis, Raleigh, and St. Louis to being more like Birmingham and Greensboro in terms of air service if that trend continues and this happens to us again. As I'm sure you can understand that is very frustrating for Nashvillians.
Hey, guys! Taking a break from DNC coverage..... PB, you ROCK. Thank you for all of your support! Wes, that's never a goal of ours....but where markets are over-fared, when we get in and lower fares, the pie gets LOTS bigger and there is suddenly enough traffic for everyone. Perhaps not at the fare levels that the other guys want, but that's their problem. Hello, Southwest Effect! nsx--you have no idea how much fun our job is. It takes a certain mindset--but it's like we're stealing from Southwest we enjoy what we do so much. Brian sent me your previous email and I do intend to write a blog post on the whole "underbuilding" concept. It's hotly under debate now and there are some very definite hard constraints that currently prevent us from doing a lot of it--but there are some other ways we can get around things to do it, and we certainly have in the past--and will do in the future, perhaps even more so. Stay tuned for a blog piece in a few weeks (and thanks for doing a greate job on flyertalk!). Back to the speeches....irrespective of your political leanings, it's so much fun to watch these political spectacles just for their oratoracle value, or lack thereof. And yes....I am a communication geek! Later...I'll be watching over the next few days and respond as I can. Bill
Evening, Anonymous! Regarding Nashville's service reductions....I can understand you guys in Nashville are sensitive to service reductions. But let me be very direct about my disagreement with your comparison. American Airlines completely dismantled their sizeable hub at Nashville. Went from around 200 daily departures down to less than a quarter of that. Southwest's minor, and I do mean minor, frequency adjustments in January of '09 is like comparing the kid at day care that give your kid chickenpox to Typhoid Mary. Way, way overstatement. Nashville is losing two nonstop destinations on Southwest, both of which will retain onestop direct or connecting service, and a couple of other minor frequency adjustments. The promise of a return of nonstop service later remains, as does reinstatement of the reduced frequencies. The important thing here is to understand that Southwest is actively working to match our schedule to Passenger demand--both by time of day, and by nonstop market. Markets that can't support nonstop service, if other itinerary options are available, are at risk in the current environment. However, this January adjustment has addressed the vast majority of the January/February issues, and we are busily re-assessing things for March. And May. And August. And November....... Southwest has been an awesome, supportive, and faithful partner to the Nashville Metropolitan Airport Authority, as well as to the local Nashville communithy. This reduction is minor. Let's keep it in perspective. Please? Or no banana pudding recipe for you...... *grin*
Explorer C
I just flew RT from DEN to FLL last week on SWA for the first time. I have never had such wonderful flights -- both arrived early, plus I LOVE the ability to grab the seat you want!!! So I am HOPING and PRAYING flights between DEN & FLL will not be part of this cut. Keep up the Xcellent work SWA!!!
Explorer C
Hey Bill! Again, thanks for the change in LAS-SDF nonstop departure time. The 10:30AM departure is IDEAL!! Hope this will stick around into Spring/Summer '09, typically when we travel to SDF more frequently.
Explorer A
Bill, Thanks for all of the great info on how scheduling works and what we need to look forward to. I love hearing what hard work you guys put in to truly optimize your crews, aircraft, and other resources to best suite the customer.

Joseph R. Meyers

Dallas, Texas

Explorer C
I appreciate the new routes that WN is adding. I just wish they would stop cutting flights out of SDF. I never get on a plane in Louisville that isn't packed and yet, you are going down to 17 flights there in January I may have to start making that 3 hour drive to IND or BNA.
Explorer C
Bill, Thanks for the mini-education in schedule optimization and how you and the rest of the SP team use the magic wand of technology to calibrate our flight schedules. I used to think it was voodoo that you do! We are proud of our Schedule Planning team! And I know your little girl Ginger thinks you ROCK as well! You are the BEST! Barbara
Explorer C
i have looked all over the place and even looked at several websites and news outlets to gather data on exactly how many flights you are cutting from each station. Im in MDW and in todays Sun-times it says 44 total flights are being cut. But i seen a couple days ago USAToday posted only 22 flight total being cut from MDW would it be possible to get a full break down on how many flights from each station ar being cut. Thank you in advance and for your time
Explorer B
Fewer flights, same number of Employees. When is the last time that happened in the airline industry? With more Employees per customer, I predict Southwest Airlines will top the customer satisfaction charts!! BTW, I'm itching to see you in a new market...
Explorer A
How about expanding into Minneapolis? We really need a good discount airline here.
Explorer C
vash--I'll bet the Sun-times is counting arrivals and departures separately, while USA Today is not, which would explain the 22/44 discrepancy.
Afternoon, everyone! Scott, when we adjust capacity in a market--or when we add a new market--we're simply responding to demand, subject to aircraft and facility limitations (meaning gates). We still have a LOT of service in PHX--nearly 200 flights a day--and at FLL we're slowly adding service, being ever careful not to add in markets that simply can't profitably fill the airplanes. Dorothy, no worries....DEN-FLL is *not* part of the January reductions.'re welcome! Joseph....I can honestly say, and hope it's not too's a "labor of LUV!" Barbara, thanks for the kind words--and thanks for my little Ginger-snap! (For everyone else here....Barbara works for Southwest and found this adorable, lost brown bundle of sweetness--and I adopted her. Now my little Ginger sleeps at the foot of my bed!) Micah, we're hoping so, too! And Vash and MGA--good idea. Nonstop Market (one way) 11/08 01/09 Change Albuquerque to Dallas Love 9 8 -1 Albuquerque to Kansas City 2 1 -1 Albuquerque to Las Vegas 7 6 -1 Albuquerque to San Diego 3 2 -1 Albuquerque to Seattle 2 1 -1 Austin to Houston Hobby 7 6 -1 Baltimore to Chicago Midway 8 6 -2 Baltimore to Denver 4 3 -1 Baltimore to Detroit 4 3 -1 Baltimore to Hartford 8 7 -1 Baltimore to Kansas City 3 2 -1 Baltimore to Louisville* 4 3 -1 Baltimore to Manchester 10 9 -1 Baltimore to Nashville 7 6 -1 Baltimore to Orlando 8 9 1 Baltimore to Phoenix 4 3 -1 Baltimore to San Diego* 2 1 -1 Baltimore to St. Louis 5 4 -1 Baltimore to Tampa Bay 6 5 -1 Baltimore to West Palm Beach 4 3 -1 Birmingham to New Orleans 3 2 -1 Birmingham to Orlando 3 2 -1 Birmingham to Phoenix 1 0 -1 Birmingham to Tampa Bay 3 2 -1 Burbank to Phoenix 8 9 1 Chicago Midway to Baltimore 8 6 -2 Chicago Midway to Denver 9 8 -1 Chicago Midway to Ft. Lauderdale 5 4 -1 Chicago Midway to Hartford 3 2 -1 Chicago Midway to Houston Hobby 6 5 -1 Chicago Midway to Los Angeles 6 5 -1 Chicago Midway to Manchester 4 3 -1 Chicago Midway to Nashville 9 7 -2 Chicago Midway to Oakland 4 3 -1 Chicago Midway to Omaha 6 5 -1 Chicago Midway to Orlando 7 6 -1 Chicago Midway to Philadelphia 8 7 -1 Chicago Midway to Pittsburgh 6 5 -1 Chicago Midway to Portland 2 1 -1 Chicago Midway to Providence 4 3 -1 Chicago Midway to Raleigh 4 3 -1 Chicago Midway to Sacramento 2 1 -1 Chicago Midway to San Diego 4 3 -1 Chicago Midway to St. Louis 11 10 -1 Chicago Midway to Tucson* 2 1 -1 Cleveland to St. Louis 2 1 -1 Dallas Love to Albuquerque 9 8 -1 Dallas Love to Houston Hobby 30 29 -1 Dallas Love to San Antonio 15 14 -1 Denver to Baltimore 4 3 -1 Denver to Chicago Midway 9 8 -1 Denver to Las Vegas 10 9 -1 Detroit to Baltimore 4 3 -1 El Paso to Phoenix 7 6 -1 Ft. Lauderdale to Chicago Midway 5 4 -1 Hartford to Baltimore 8 7 -1 Hartford to Chicago Midway 3 2 -1 Hartford to Tampa Bay 2 1 -1 Houston Hobby to Austin 7 6 -1 Houston Hobby to Chicago Midway 6 5 -1 Houston Hobby to Dallas Love 30 29 -1 Houston Hobby to New Orleans 11 10 -1 Houston Hobby to Orlando 5 4 -1 Houston Hobby to Phoenix 5 4 -1 Jacksonville to Nashville 4 3 -1 Kansas City to Albuquerque 2 1 -1 Kansas City to Baltimore 3 2 -1 Kansas City to Las Vegas 5 4 -1 Kansas City to Los Angeles 4 3 -1 Kansas City to Nashville 4 3 -1 Kansas City to Oakland 2 1 -1 Las Vegas to Albuquerque 7 6 -1 Las Vegas to Denver 10 9 -1 Las Vegas to Kansas City 5 4 -1 Las Vegas to Oakland 10 9 -1 Las Vegas to Omaha 3 2 -1 Las Vegas to Ontario 9 8 -1 Las Vegas to Orange County 5 6 1 Las Vegas to Portland 4 3 -1 Las Vegas to Raleigh/Durham 2 1 -1 Las Vegas to Reno 12 11 -1 Las Vegas to Sacramento 9 8 -1 Las Vegas to San Francisco* 7 6 -1 Las Vegas to Seattle 4 3 -1 Las Vegas to St. Louis 4 3 -1 Long Island to Orlando 6 5 -1 Los Angeles to Chicago Midway 6 5 -1 Los Angeles to Kansas City 4 3 -1 Los Angeles to Nashville 3 2 -1 Los Angeles to Oakland 17 16 -1 Los Angeles to Phoenix 13 12 -1 Los Angeles to San Jose 13 12 -1 Louisville to Baltimore* 4 3 -1 Louisville to St. Louis 3 2 -1 Manchester to Baltimore 10 9 -1 Manchester to Chicago Midway 4 3 -1 Manchester to Orlando 4 3 -1 Nashville to Baltimore 7 6 -1 Nashville to Chicago Midway 9 7 -2 Nashville to Jacksonville 4 3 -1 Nashville to Kansas City 4 3 -1 Nashville to Los Angeles 3 2 -1 Nashville to Oakland 1 0 -1 Nashville to Raleigh/Durham 5 4 -1 Nashville to Seattle 1 0 -1 Nashville to Tampa 5 4 -1 New Orleans to Birmingham 3 2 -1 New Orleans to Houston Hobby 11 10 -1 Oakland to Chicago Midway 4 3 -1 Oakland to Kansas City 2 1 -1 Oakland to Las Vegas 10 9 -1 Oakland to Los Angeles 17 16 -1 Oakland to Nashville 1 0 -1 Oakland to Phoenix 7 6 -1 Oakland to Salt Lake City 5 4 -1 Oakland to San Diego 16 14 -2 Oklahoma City to Phoenix 3 2 -1 Omaha to Chicago Midway 6 5 -1 Omaha to Las Vegas 3 2 -1 Omaha to Phoenix 3 2 -1 Ontario to Las Vegas 9 8 -1 Ontario to Sacramento 11 10 -1 Orange County to Las Vegas 5 6 1 Orlando to Baltimore 8 9 1 Orlando to Birmingham 3 2 -1 Orlando to Chicago Midway 7 6 -1 Orlando to Houston Hobby 5 4 -1 Orlando to Long Island 6 5 -1 Orlando to Manchester 4 3 -1 Orlando to Providence 6 5 -1 Orlando to Raleigh/Durham 4 3 -1 Philadelphia to Chicago Midway 8 7 -1 Philadelphia to Tampa Bay 5 3 -2 Phoenix to Baltimore 4 3 -1 Phoenix to Birmingham 1 0 -1 Phoenix to Burbank 8 9 1 Phoenix to El Paso 7 6 -1 Phoenix to Houston Hobby 5 4 -1 Phoenix to Los Angeles 13 12 -1 Phoenix to Oakland 7 6 -1 Phoenix to Oklahoma City 3 2 -1 Phoenix to Omaha 3 2 -1 Phoenix to Salt Lake City 8 7 -1 Phoenix to St. Louis 5 4 -1 Phoenix to Tulsa 3 2 -1 Pittsburgh to Chicago Midway 6 5 -1 Portland to Chicago Midway 2 1 -1 Portland to Las Vegas 4 3 -1 Portland to Spokane 4 3 -1 Providence to Chicago Midway 4 3 -1 Providence to Orlando 6 5 -1 Raleigh/Durham to Chicago 4 3 -1 Raleigh/Durham to Las Vegas 2 1 -1 Raleigh/Durham to Nashville 5 4 -1 Raleigh/Durham to Orlando 4 3 -1 Reno to Las Vegas 12 11 -1 Sacramento to Chicago Midway 2 1 -1 Sacramento to Las Vegas 9 8 -1 Sacramento to Ontario 11 10 -1 Sacramento to San Diego 13 12 -1 Salt Lake City to Oakland 5 4 -1 Salt Lake City to Phoenix 8 7 -1 Salt Lake City to Seattle 4 3 -1 San Antonio to Dallas Love 15 14 -1 San Diego to Albuquerque 3 2 -1 San Diego to Baltimore* 2 1 -1 San Diego to Chicago Midway 4 3 -1 San Diego to Oakland 16 14 -2 San Diego to Sacramento 13 12 -1 San Francisco to Las Vegas* 7 6 -1 San Jose to Los Angeles 13 12 -1 Seattle to Albuquerque 2 1 -1 Seattle to Las Vegas 4 3 -1 Seattle to Nashville 1 0 -1 Seattle to Salt Lake City 4 3 -1 Seattle to Spokane 4 3 -1 Spokane to Portland 4 3 -1 Spokane to Seattle 4 3 -1 St. Louis to Baltimore 5 4 -1 St. Louis to Chicago Midway 11 10 -1 St. Louis to Cleveland 2 1 -1 St. Louis to Las Vegas 4 3 -1 St. Louis to Louisville 3 2 -1 St. Louis to Phoenix 5 4 -1 St. Louis to Tulsa 3 2 -1 Tampa Bay to Baltimore 6 5 -1 Tampa Bay to Birmingham 3 2 -1 Tampa Bay to Hartford 2 1 -1 Tampa Bay to Nashville 5 4 -1 Tampa Bay to Philadelphia 5 3 -2 Tucson to Chicago Midway* 2 1 -1 Tulsa to Phoenix 3 2 -1 Tulsa to St. Louis 3 2 -1 West Palm Beach to Baltimore 4 3 -1 *Indicates flights that will return February 15, 2009
Explorer C
Is Charlotte still on your radar screen for the future? How about Atlanta? I realize Atlanta is harder but I read an old article the other day that said you had tried to fly a secondary field there back in the 80's so I had to ask 🙂
Explorer C
Bill, We always wondered how you did this and how it really makes sense
Explorer C
AMEN!!! Thanks Bill!!
Anon--buddy, *everything* is on our radar screen. Now more than ever we're looking at every opportunity, whether emerging or longstanding, to see if (or when) it makes sense for Southwest. So be patient. Our goal is and complete global domination. (kidding! Just kidding!) We just have to take it in small bites, and slow down when it starts to hurt. After all, that's how I can rationalize eating a whole pie in one sitting--one bite at a time. :) Dave, one of the most highly cool things about "Nuts About Southwest" is that the Blog Team can now make attempts (however feeble!) to try and explain why we think things like this make sense. The hard part is being faithful to answering comments....and engaging in the dialog! And if I fail, either in making sense or in engaging in the dialog? least in your know my email address! *wink* Night, everyone...more responses when you comment.
Explorer B
Bill - I know that SWA will not fly a market that is not going to be profitable, and for that you are very smart, but some missing links seem odd to me. 1) DTW-LAS This route had SAT only service for a while but it disappeared and never returned. This is 1 of only 7 airports not served nonstop from LAS. Is SWA afraid of NWA, c'mon, I triple dog dare you to add DTW-LAS. I asked for FLL-LAS a while back and I am getting that in a few weeks, so how about it? Okay, PLEASE!! 2) SLC-SAN SWA had 2 or 3 roundtrips just after the Morris merger and I thoroughly believe there is enough trafiic to warrant at least 1 nonstop a day in this market. just my thoughts........
Explorer C
Absorbing everything you've said, why aren't you adding north-south flights - especially to Florida - in January? Your new toolbox must be telling you that adding flights to some routes makes sense. Of course, you don't have to accept everything it tells you, and you probably haven't. But even (especially?) in the "nadir months" those flights are full. And it looks like you're going to have extra planes from January on. Anyway, thank you for your straightforward and honest posts!
Explorer B
I always find it amazing that Southwest is so communicate about its flight schedules and give such details It is truly important that Southwest continue to be a profitable business, and adjust with the times, otherwise it will not be there long term. I agree with many here, that with airlines contracting, Southwest will find profitable growth opportunities out there.
Explorer C
Okay Bill, I understand just about everything you're saying. I totally get that we are a lot slower in the early winter months - I've watched it for the last six years of my Southwest employment. It's always a nice break after the craziness of November and December. But I do have a concern, and it's something that I would hope you folks in Sked Planning are well aware of. That would be February break. For about two to three weeks every February, starting around Valentine's Day, most schools in the Northeast allow the kids a week off of vacation, and the airport is consistantly SLAMMED. Now that we have fewer flights, I can only imagine what's going to happen when all of our flights are overbooked and we have less and less options what to do. I have a small hope, in my heart of hearts, that you guys might consider adding a couple of flights just for that time period, or some extra sections so we can keep our Customers happy and get them to their destinations with minimal hassle. Any additional MCO, TPA, or really any Florida destination would be SO nice!! My simple request goes not only for us poor kids up here at BDL, but PVD, MHT, ALB, BUF, ISP, PHL, and BWI too. I know we'd SINCERELY appreciate it!!
Evening, everyone! Don, we're NOT afraid of ANYONE--but DTW-LAS just doesn't rise to the top of the list with new markets. Same can be said for SAN-SLC--but we are always looking for new nonstop markets to serve, and one of the first places we look is markets that we currently serve on a less-than-nonstop basis. So we'll keep watching, and will add these (and others!) in as we can. Julian, thanks for the kind words--I LOVE to write about my job, because I am so lucky to enjoy what I do so much....but besides that, we think it's important to let readers of this blog kind of get a glimpse into our "head" so you can see why we're doing, what we're doing. I promise to keep communicating it! Camino and Rachel, given the weakness in the economy, we're watching, carefully, to see how our bookings come in. We still have plenty of aircraft time available to add a few flights, surgically, here and there. (And Rachel--if you go onto SWALife, click on "Departments" and navigate to the reports section on the Schedule Planning tab, look at the gate sheet for BDL and other Stations up there and look how early some of the terminators are. We left ourself a little wiggle room to add some good stuff if we need to!) Thanks, guys....keep those comments coming--and a new post (the one with Nanny's Banana Pudding recipe) will go up soon! Bill
Explorer C
One comment about flights toward the middle of the day - If I'm taking a weekend trip, I really want to be able to leave latish on a Friday (or early on a saturday) and return as late as possible on a sunday.. Just a thought...
Explorer C
While I understand your data shows people don't like flights after 8:00pm, I wonder if your schedule optimization “algorigthm” is able to factor in certain market specific, possibly even day specific, data. The new schedule has only two flights between LAX-LAS after 6:00pm; not that long ago, there were four flights after 6:00pm. I assume your data shows that only two flights optimizes use of the aircraft, crew, etc., but is the software sophisticated enough to realize (or be told) that Southern Californian's love to go to Vegas for the weekend? It may very well be that the traffic doesn't support more than two flights after 6:00pm Monday-Thursday; however, as a regular weekly LAX-LAS Friday commuter on WN for over 6 years, I can't help but feel you are leaving people (and revenue) on the ground by having only two post 6:00pm flights on Friday night. I realize modifying the schedule for one specific weekday may not be viable... but I wonder at times if our 21st century dependence on computers (not limited only to WN) takes human logic out of the equation...
Explorer C
One more comment about the Nashville to Seattle flight reduction: The flight always seemed full when ever I took it and I'm not too happy with the new Nashville to Seattle schedules. My Seattle commute on SWA will change from 4-5 hours (direct) to 9 hours. That's a pretty drastic change. I refuse to spend an etire day getting out there. I noticed that Frontier now has a flight through Denver with a short connection time, total trip time 6 hrs. 15 min. It looks like they'll benefit from your schedule change. One more thing, in you add campaign about hidden charges, you should also mention the other airlines change fees. This is a big cost for business travelers.
Explorer C
Bill, I'm sorry, but your statement that the decision to completely discontinue direct flights between Seattle and Nashville has been made "to better align our flying schedule with our Passenger demand" sounds like a lot of spin. I have always chosen SWA for my BNA - SEA flights for the simple reason that you had direct flights. In my experience, every single BNA - SEA flight was 100% jammed full of passengers with no room to spare. Yes, flights with stops are available, but those increase my travel time expotentially and it's already an incredibly long flight to begin with. I don't have to look far to find another airline who will get me there more quickly. Sorry to be so negative. You guys can wait and see how the bookings come in but, until you get those direct flights back, I won't be one of them.
Explorer C
I just found out that my favorite segment home (flight 34 RNO-PDX) was removed! Now I'm stuck getting a flight that's 3 hours earlier, leaving me less time with loved ones :( Please consider bringing it back - that flight has always been pretty packed (Sundays).
Adventurer C
Ditto what swaeri and AnonymousSwede said regarding BNA-SEA flights...same goes for BNA-OAK(SFO area).
Explorer C
Hi SWA - I'm new to your blog and also a frequent traveler. I grew up in Dallas and lived through the years as an adult where options were tough sometimes with the Wright amendment - finally that has changed! I've recently moved to Denver and really appreciate all the routes Southwest has here. But I still wish Southwest would secure flights into Atlanta. My corporate office is there as well as parents and siblings. My options out of Denver to Atlanta are Frontier, Delta and United. Give those airlines some competition and show them how it's really done - open routes to Atlanta PLEASE..... don't make me fly the others.
Explorer C
Your new schedule is messing with my LUV! I live in ABQ and met a lady from BDL on a Delta flight on Christmas day 5 years ago. Ever since we have flown back and forth, mostly on SWA, to get together. Our flights always connected through BWI, but now the only "scheduled" flight connects through MDW. My lady visited me in ABQ for MLK weekend and I had to use 2 award tickets to get her back to BDL at a reasonable hour (7:55PM). The only scheduled flight from ABQ-BDL was leaving at 4:30PM and arriving at 11:20PM. By the time she got her luggage and drove home it was going to be 1am. Why has SWA decided that BWI is not longer a connecting city for the ABQ-BDL and BDL-ABQ routing?
Explorer C
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