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Southwest Airlines Community

Wings and Caffeine

Frequent Flyer B
How many Southwest Airlines Employees does it take to change the coffee brand and cup design on our aircraft? The answer is about 20. Ok, so it is not as good as some of the old “…change a light bulb” jokes but this is true.

In this episode of Red Belly Radio, I interview Micah and Melissa from our Marketing department. They were two of the team of folks who studied the issue and helped get this new coffee onboard our aircraft. Employees from Inflight, Ground Operations, Employee Communications, Graphic Design and Creative Services, Marketing, Provisioning, Purchasing, and Public Relations got together and brewed their ideas into this great new brand aboard our flight. If I were Brian “Blog Boy” Lusk, I’d hit you with a bunch of other puns using words like “perk” and “jolt.” But since I am not, I’ll just steep. No, wait, that’s tea.

Tune in to this week’s episode to learn about the double-entendre that makes the title of this blog. LIFT, It's A Cup Above The Rest! Listen now!