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Southwest Airlines Community

Wrapping Up the Skirt Issue

Explorer A
 Rumor has it that this blog has been kind of busy with comments lately.  Seriously, I know that many of you have posted some pretty passionate comments on the subject of Kyla Ebberts and "traveling attire" in general, and we have been listening.  I thank each of you for sharing your thoughts, and I want you to know that we haven't been skirting the issue. This situation involved a judgment call for sure.  These situations are subjective, and not everyone holds the same opinions.  We serve more than 96 million Customers a year; and every now and then, we'll have a situation that takes on a life of its own.  This was the case here. We always want to apologize if we offend any of our Customers, and we also support our Employees abilities to make decisions.  We are apologizing to Kyla, in typical Southwest style, and I hope you will click here to read about it. Many, many of you on both sides of this issue have asked about a dress code.  We do have a dress code for our Employees who use their travel benefits, but we do not have a dress code for our paying Customers.  Our job is not to be the fashion police; our job is to take care of our Customers and ensure they have a safe flight.  We are proud of our past that included hot pants and we are proud of our future, and I want all of you to be part of that future.
Explorer C
I don't know about the one other girl, maybe she had a similar experiance, maybe not. I'm waiting for the throngs of people that will now "come forward" with their stories. and stories they will be. Some idiots are sure to come out of the woodwork and claim they have been permanantly damaged by SWA emploees.........sheesh. Some free legal advise to all. If someone says you wronged them and with thier lawyer by their side, ask only for an apology...........throw yourself at their feet and beg forgiveness! It will save you millions in the long run.
Explorer C
All I want to do is get from one place to another. I shouldn't have to have somebody's hoo-hah in my face. Dress like a slut, get treated like a slut.
Explorer C
I applaud Gary Kelly. It was a very smart of him to apologize and at the same time announce a miniskirt-and hot pants sale. He showed that he listened and responded to a customerÃ
Explorer C
I understand all this all happened in july so why is it on Dr Phil and in the news. Frankly after watching the young lady sit down after showing her outfit to all of us in tv land amd seeing her underwear I am just glad she had a pair on. Young wemen seem to have no respect for them selves anymore. When you are traveling on a plane with older people and young children show a little respect . Young people are so into their selves anymore they could care less about other people feeling. South West keep up the good work and stand behind your employees.
Explorer C
While I don't give a flip about the clothing brouhaha, I have yet to find any "skimpy" fares that you are touting due to SKIRTGATE. If you wanted to impress the public and overcome the negative public perception of your staff's poor judgement shown on this one fateful flight, you would lower fares for a limited time to fares that customers (current and future) would consider skimpy.
Explorer C
I am so happy to be a share holder. I only wish I had bought sooner. Thank you for running a great company and for your seemingly endless sense of humor.
Explorer C
Colleen, Please tell your customers what the rules are and then enforce them - with the goodwill and humor that is unique to Southwest. Even restaurants post "No shoes - No Shirt - No Service" signs. But, as a long time Southwest customer, I don't want to be confronted (and never have been) by flight crews enforcing their own opinions. That would be contrary to the style that has made Southwest successful, and could infest Southwest flight crews with the dominatrix mentality present on other airlines. (Many of us have experienced the "Go ahead and argue with me, and I'll slap your butt in jail" attitude, but not on Southwest.) Finally, to passengers who are easily offended, get over it. Your dress code does not apply to others. The only rules that apply are those imposed by the airline. If that doesn't suit you, you can always drive to your destination and your rules will apply!
Explorer C
Well, Southwest, despite alot of noise and fury, you ended up getting it right as you always do. Self-deprecating humor and a commitment to refrain from policing flyers' outfits was exactly what most of your long time customers were looking for. The extremists on both sides of the issue will never be happy, but the rest of us appreciate the way you ended up handling this.
Explorer C
Southwest got its start by advertising and providing stewardesses with miniskirts and go-go boots. They were very short skirts too, you can see the old ads on Youtube. I don't understand what Southwest is trying to accomplish by holding passengers to a higher standard then themselves.
Explorer C
Don't have time to read all pages but in case no one has mentioned it..... maybe a bunch of women need to show up for their next flight wearing burqas. Then again maybe they would not clear TSA security..... worth a try 🙂 As I heard not to long ago regarding Sean Penn's activist role "Shut up and act" Same applies to Southwest "Shut up and fly the planes safely and be price competitive"
Explorer C
Here's what I said September 7... Shame on you SouthwestÃ
Explorer C
People need to get over nudity period. Nudity and skimpy uncoverings do not equal a lack of morality. Its just someone's body. Just because I uncover my legs in front of you does not mean I want to have intimate relations with you. People that suggest what young people wear today is "slutish" etc. Need to raise themselves out of that horrible prudish attitude. Children do not care about all of this if they are raised correctly, they do not even bat an eye. Its the adults that get bent out of shape. Again bare skin does not equal evil. Look and enjoy someone's beauty if you want, but get your minds out of the gutter. Yes we do wear things to get attention, all people do to some extent. There is a line between enjoying the beauty in others and "perving" after them. If you do not like what you see avert your eyes, its not that hard. Pick up a magazine and enjoy your own personal space. I am not suggesting we should allow nudity on airlines (although that might solve a security issue or two) but just making a point about its relationship to "skimpy" dress.
Explorer C
Thank you Southwest! I support you 100%! As a frequent passenger since 1978 and a stock owner since 1996, I applaud you and your employees for being what you have always been - First Class!
Explorer C
PLEASE stand up for yourself!! The young lady was cute, tan, etc. but if a creepy person sat next to her she would sure expect the airline staff to do something about it then. There are places where this casual dress is appropriate, and places where it is not! My 16 year old daughter travels frequently and would not wear such a short skirt and I as her mother would not let her! It is common sense!! Why does your staff not wear the mini skirts now? Because it is inappropriate! The young lady and her parents are being very very self centered! In today's political correctness, the airline staff didn't just single this young lady out without some (I am sure unintended) provocation! I hope you don't fire anyone, and I would appreciate some modified dress code! And for the record, I've not flown your airline, and in general am not a huge supporter of the airlines these days!
Explorer C
Some of these comments are disproportionately angry, and the notion of changing a company's entire travel policy because Southwest exercised subjective discretion is ridiculous. Whoever is making that choice should be fired, themselves! Unless, of course, her attire would be permissible in their own corporate dress code. Listen, comparing the request for this woman to "cover up" and facism in the grocery store is silly. First of all, when you're in the grocery store, you can move along and avoid staring at the bare naked porn-star wannabe's by moving to another aisle. That is not the case when you're on a plane. You're stuck next the the harlot, and it was right for Southwest to ask her to cover up. I'm disappointed that SW apologized to her, because it is an afront to the rest of the travelers who were offended by this one selfish tramp.
Explorer C
I wonder whether the company would have asked a Muslim man dressed in Jihad garb to change his look in order for the rest of the passengers to feel at ease on the flight. I doubt it. Too much political PC crap for corporations to bear. Breasts, thighs, women's bodies... not good. Well, what if there's a fat guy on the plane with man breasts? Do we tell him to put on a jacket? What if Ms. X dressed in a burka goes to Vegas when it's 104 degrees out. Ms. Y is dressed in a low cut dress under the same circumstances. Which seems strange to you? Also, when did the men in this nation leave their balls at home? I can't imagine any man asking a women like her to cover up. There is something wrong with him. After all, we get to pay a lot of money to fly in a cramped seat, get served crappy food, and the like, so I don't mind some T&A on the flight. For those of you who don't like it, don't look at it. Conservatives like me, yes some of us actually like the freedom that women have to dress sexy, have been telling liberals for years that we don't like their rock lyrics and we've been told, change the station, don't listen, etc. Now, for you conservatives and liberals who don't like women dressing sexy, move to the Middle East and see how wonderful the attitudes towards dress are over there. Women who don't like the sexy clothing of these young women are usually prudes who try to impose an inane social agenda on the rest of us or look are built like garage doors.
Adventurer C
Mini Skirt Fares! I LUV LUV LUV it! You're a PR genius, Gary! Can I please please have an interview now? Nicole, still your dedicated applicant.
Explorer C
I weigh 300 pounds. If I show up dressed like a Hooters waitress, with a micromini, an exposed midriff, no panties, and a big stuffed bra, can I too get a free ride? That seems to be the lesson of this sorry episode. You should have told her to cover up, quit being a strumpet for attention and stuck to it. By the way, this hooker's claim that she's a 'student' and flying all the way to Phoenix for a doctor's appointment was pretty suspect. She probably had a client to service.
Explorer C
I think Southwest has handled the backlash with grace and aplomb. Since I don't know how short the skirt was, I don't know if whether the blanket was appropriate or not. I do think flight attendants put safety first, but they also attempt to make all the passengers comfortable. For those who have no issues with various states of undress, I think Southwest should perhaps add a "clothing optional" flight. I won't be on it because I can just imagine the possible sights as folks reach up into the overhead bins, and if there's turbulence, LOOK OUT. And who can fault a corporate executive who appreciates legs, whether on a person or a story. . .? BTW, I have no affiliation with SW and I fly in pretty casual dress so please don't institute any "button down" or "formal attire" flights. The seats are not designed for prom dresses.
Explorer C
I have flown SW for years but I have to admit how this skirt-gate was handled was a bit ... let's just say wrong. First you try to kick some one off a plane for their attire, when SW has no dress code. Then SW stands behind the mis-guided flight attendants actions. Then SW does a back handed apology and uses the entire incident as a marketing ploy. Can't wait to see your next marketing gimmick when a fat, drunk or out of control passengers is asked to leave next. So much for taking the high road by just admitting it was a mistake all the way around. Instead SW felt the need to exploit it. GEEZ. Please remember you are in a customer service industry. I actually flew SW because it was different from the rest. You tried to be more caring to your customers and had fun in the process. This incident and the exploitative marketing gimmick just really shows ... you are no different from the rest and that is sad.
Explorer C
I want to applaud Southwest Airlines employees for standing up for decency in the 'short skirt' case and asking this woman to cover up. I am just sorry you offered an apology when one was not needed. I am totally offended by the indecent exposure of man's or woman's private bodily parts to the public, whether its on a plane, the shopping mall or wherever. Some areas of the human anatomy should not be for public display. Yes, I guess it is their human right to do so, but too bad they don't have enough self-respect for themselves and others to cover up. Yes, consider me a prude and happy to be one. That's my right. Ms. Donna E.
Explorer C
Regardless of what is determined as obscene or appropriate dress there is the fundamental question of how much can companies infringe on individual freedom of expression and mandate the choices that individuals make. As a business I'm sure that this is a difficult line to walk between individual rights and the perceived "greater good" of your other customers. However, as a customer, the Kayla customer story sends a "big brother" message. Every "next" generation has been seen as provocative, different or inflammatory and Generation Y is no different. What *is* different about this generation is that they have more disposable income, are less influenced by traditional media (and more by word of mouth), and are looking to work for and endorse authentic leaders and companies that reflect their individualism. Kayla and generation Y is not going away and if you lose them, you are letting go of a customer segment projected to be larger than the baby boomers.
Explorer C
I feel as though this situation has been blown completely out of proportion and that this customer is only bringing it up now (2 months later) to gain financially... As an 82 year old grandmother, with grandkids ranging from 19 - 1, I am very pleased that the "family oriented" SWA took a stand! Even during tv interviews with this customer, they had to block areas of inappropriateness. On a plane, a blanket was used for the same purpose. Maybe the tv show will get sued next... HAPPY SWA FLYING CUSTOMER Sue
Explorer C
WOW - look at the mixed feelings - I don't think ANYONE is right or wrong. Southwest did what it had to do. What OTHER company would have done the same??? HELLO - Mattel? Wal-mart? Come on people!!! OH - and what company could turn a negative into a positive better than Southwest??? WOW! As for you frequent flyers - do you even KNOW the history of Southwest? This has happened once before with a well-known slogan the airline took from a smaller company. It ended up pretty much the same way - making light of an interesting situation! APPLAUSE and STANDING OVATION Southwest! I went online after hearing of this just to buy a ticket for SUPPORT! I feel comfortable to fly with you - you ALWAYS do the RIGHT THING!!! Just check out the stats for Customer Complaints at - it's all there - PROOF!
Explorer C
I've been reading the comments on this, and not all ,but the majority of the people for this sleazy - dressed girl,not surprisingly are men. Maybe if you men didn't encourage this kind of dressing by all your "staring", they wouldn't do it as much. I don't fly, but I wouldn't want to have to be stuck with a slutty girl, and YES, even in the stores or restaurant it IS inappropiate dress. Decent people don't go to those places to see those trashy women. They go because they need to feed their families. Those harlots make us lose our appetites.Why should we be forced to stand in line at a store with our children,being exposed to that? And as for breastfeeding: I breast fed four children, and never once had to "expose" myself to an audience. Yes, it is natural-but so isn't going to the bathroom, and would you want to do that in front of everyone,just because it's natural? These poor excuses for women are only using their children to show off! They are the sleazy type!
Explorer C
Dear Southwest, Unless there is an emergency, I am done with Southwest. After many years of using AND talking up your airline, I am done with both. If you were smart, you would have addressed this issue immediately, with much more than just cute slogans. All the hard work that Mr. K. did to build an example of "a great buisness" was just thrown away. I am now putting you guys in the same catagory as the guys that charge $30,000 for cars that don't even have descent cup holders. Why don't you change your name to "Puritan Airlines"
Explorer C
"Some have said we've gone from wearing our famous hot pants to having hot flashes at Southwest, but nothing could be further from the truth. As we both know, this story has great legs, but the true issue here is that you are a valued Customer, and you did not get an adequate apology." It's amazing to me that Southwest considers making sexist comments "apologies." Is this truly what "typical Southwest style" is? If so, your CEO frightens me more than your onboard "Morals Police." Kyla and the other woman who was ridiculed are owed apologies, but IMHO, this one hardly passes muster.
Explorer C
I applaud South Western for trying to maintain a family friendly atmosphere. I see that have apologized, but why? Many of us are tired of always being on the defensive to protect our children from provocative dress and behavior. Thanks South Western. Please don't stop or they'll soon be getting on there nude!
Explorer C
I read the letter of apology, and whoever is the CEO of SouthWest is apparently not a very intelligent individual who does not know how to lead with responsibility. The letter of apology was so half-hearted. Besides, even if it was triggered by a customer complaint, the flight attendants should have told simply turn the other way, it does not require a harvard MBA to figure that out. i hope South West gets sued, and you know that Kyla Ebbert is going to win. (Below is a text of the apology) The text of the apology Southwest Airlines sent to passenger Kyla Ebbert to be read on a Friday taping of the Dr. Phil Show: "From a company that really loves public relations, touchÃ
Explorer C
Please don't say you are sorry to anyone. It is about time someone, or a company say enough to the half dress dimwits in this country who walk around half naked for the world to see because they think they are all that. I for one am tired that my children are exposed to an eyefull of their private parts. If I ever get the urge to look at naked people I will go see them at their job I'm sure they will be at the nearest lounge or hooters.
Explorer C
Good for Southwest Airlines and too bad this so-called "lady" was embarrassed! She should have been for her inappropiate outfit. It seems that there is a contest going on who can dress in the lowest cut tops and shortest skirts. What is the point these girls are trying to make? I only can guess!!!! It's refreshing that this airlines took a stand. Enough is enough!
Explorer C
I feel sorry for the passenger who has a mother who doesn't know how to direct her daughter to proper attire. Parents like her mom should be ashamed of themselves. They need to learn to grow up as well. With your apology at Southwest, should NBC apologize for having to cloud up the screen so we couldn't tell if the all but undress woman was wearing underwear? No apology was necessary. I am glad you seek not to offend, but come on if I had to sit next to her, you would be hearing from me big time. Would I bet the same appology? If I wanted to see what a hooter's girl wears or doesn't where, I know where to go. I chose not to. IF I EVER GET ON YOUR AIRLINE AND SEE SOMEONE DRESSED IN SLUTTY CLOTHES LIKE SHE HAD ON, YOU BETTER BE MOVING ME TO FIRST CLASS ON YOUR AIRLINE OR ANOTHER! I hope the seats are disinfected as well. The whole situation could have been a great P.R. piece for you as an blew it! I am humored at you lack of a spine for a CEO! I would ask that you step down for inability to stand for a moral issue. Your credibility is is gone!
Explorer C
Dear Colleen C. Barrett, I have been a Southwest Airlines customer / passenger since the 1980Ã
Explorer C
I just can't help thinking there is more to this story. Things just don't add up at all!!
Explorer C
You guys are freaking nuts. all this crap from an airline that had there girls wear hot pants and whose slogan was "we really shake our tail for you" There was NOTHING wrong with what THIS girl was wearing on that flight. GET A LIFE! SWA screwed on this deal and they screwed up bad. Unless your trying to look up her skirt , and even thing you arent going to see a thing. There have been a hell of lot worse attire on SWA flights that needed some attention this wasn't one of them.
Explorer C
You should be ashamed of yourselves for not respecting the decisions of your employees. You hired them to represent your company and to ensure a good name for Southwest. Then, when they stand on moral grounds, you belittle them and their decision by making a joke and an ill-advised attempt at PR. I agree with Mike and hope sincerely that you will bend over for your customers who prefer modesty as much as you have for your half dressed patron. To the flight attendant who stood up and promoted modesty: Thank you for doing a good job. Maybe you and Colleen Barrett should change places. It seems you have some good common sense. One last thing Ms. lost another customer.
Frequent Flyer B
To Colleen and Gary -- Congratulations! You both have demonstrated the kind of leadership skills that differentiate bosses from great leaders. You have listened to the collective voices of your Customers and determined that, in hindsight, an Employee's decision might not have been the very best one possible. In your typical style, you've used class and humor to issue an apology with a level of seriousness as befits the original situation. Your response has been measured and appropriate given the circumstances, and I have to assume that in similar Southwest style, your Employee will not be drawn and quartered for exercising the discretionary authority delegated to him, but simply advised that in the future, a different approach might be less likely to inflame the passions of those who wish to make a mountain out of a molehill. For those of you who are now jumping on Southwest's case for reversing their original stance, stop and consider one thing. Which approach displays more maturity and "business sense": deciding that, no matter what, you will stick with your original position, OR pausing long enough amidst the finger-pointing and ridiculous rhetoric flying around to admit that things might have been handled better and "owning" the error? I sure liked the old days in basketball when the player who had a foul called on him took it like a grown-up and held his hand in the air to acknowledge that he was wrong. Now, most of the prima donnas display enough acting skills at looking innocent or 'framed' to earn themselves an Academy Award. I'm proud of Colleen and Gary for holding up their hands and facing the heat. Kim External Blog Boy, who appreciates the courage of his friends at SWA 🙂
Explorer C
Herb ... please don't cave to this bimbo. Our culture has coarsened enough ... no, too much!
Explorer C
Now this is more like it! Southwest should have taken this approach as soon as the incident became National News! Glad to see SWA still has a sence of humor and the ability to appologize when necessary!
Explorer C
I just wanted to comment (and this relates to the Ebberts issue) in that when I fly Southwest, I feel more often than not, that the employees are treating passengers like children instead of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and company spirit. I experienced that wonderful culture people wrote about years ago, but as of late have seen more of a maternal culture. I see passengers being "told" what to do, instead of being asked. It seems that employees are giving the impression that the customer is privileged to be flying. Company pride is wonderful, but what happened to the customer treatment? As a business aviation graduate, I have always admired your culture. Maybe my sites were set too high from reading books like "Nuts!" I still admire those that have managed to carry on the old culture and your safety record is impeccable, but through my experiences, I don't fly for the customer service. If I fly, it is for the schedule, price, and safety record. I still hold you in high regard for your dedication to your employees and safety, and I admire you for your apology. It's hard to hold onto such a great culture through the times, politics, and real world situations . . . here's hoping the next time I need to fly SWA I encounter that wonderful culture I read about.
Explorer C
Lets be real about the Kyla Ebbert Story! Simply Southwest Airlines is the best around! Nine times out of Ten when I walk up to there ticket counter I am greated by a friendly face. I just love how they are always having a good time being themselfs! As a business owner I always stick by what my employees do. Think about it folks, when you have a family and you want to go on vacation, what is the first thing you look for when purchasing a ticket? A cheap Ticket! So when flying with a airline like Southwest which is a low cost carrier, you our going to have a good amount of young children.I also look at the other side of the story, who our you to tell me what I can or can't wear! As a 23 year old male, I am quickly aroused by someone that dresses like Kyla and supports it. AMERICA, who is really in the right!! All I really want is good Customer Service, and like I said in my first sentence that is what Southwest does. When the day comes when I walk up to there Customer Service desk and not see One out of Ten of there Agents smile (like most of the other carriers) thats when I will look for a airline that will give me that. Colleen, you Rock!! Anothony
Explorer C
It's seems it's all been said already and much better than I could; but I want to say I LOVE THE SPIN put on the skirt issue. It is clever, funny and makes the statement, without being obnoxious about just how out of control, silly and nasty situations can become. In the entire scheme of things, the world issues, it is petty - but again, love the spin SWA used to address and not ignore the event. Am a customer who flies SWA whenever possible; as do my friends and family. Have experienced service above and beyond several times; once lost a cell phone, SWA traced it, found it and returned it on return flight; once had to change return flight, no problem and always pleasant; the list goes on and on. Keep up the GOOD WORK Maryann
Explorer C
Lovely Kyla (have you seen the bags under her eyes and those strangely hardened features? She looks a lot older than 23) now says the airline is exploiting her for its 'skimpy' fares. This bimbo loudly sought out attention in the media, parading herself around on talk shows and now is upset that she got it. The whole issue of her 'victimhood' needs to be looked at a little closer. I understand she had the top hiked up to her boobs and was exposing her whole midsection to the world. If a 300-pounder like me had done that, you know what the reaction would be, so right there she's calling for special bimbo's rights to expose her belly in the quest for either attention or business. And what would the reaction be if a 300-pound man with a hairy belly did it? Why the double standards? Second, if you visit her myspace page, she's a self-declared 'swinger' and fan of Britney Spears which is probably informing her irrational toddler-like tantrums. Like Spears, she is demanding attention and screaming when she gets it. She also calls herself 'easy' on her myspace page, and has offered to send photos (clothed? unclothed?) to anyone who finds a fake site on herself (Don't try to change it, Kyla, it's cached). From reading her site, one can conclude that at the very best, this self-described 'swinger' seems to be in the market for a rich man to marry, and in the meantime, seems to be advertising herself to anyone interested in sampling her. Meanwhile, she has told the media she flies 100 times a year, which is awfully strange for a 'student.' Let's get that straight again - a Hooters waitress cum 'student' - where is she enrolled that lets her fly in out of class 100 times of year, let alone the Hooters establishment, which for all its T&A, is nevertheless a business that requires regular employees. She flashes her belly on flights, and advertises herself for anyone who wants to read it on the Internet that she is both 'easy' and a 'swinger.' Her own words. What she seems to be really upset about is that her indecent exposure has been hampered by customer complaints and that's probably bad for her business. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to wonder if 100 flights a year flashing one's belly on each flight is a way of trawling for business from lecherly businessmen on the road. With her threatening a lawsuit and her greed for a cash settlement whetted, Southwest should investigate what this self-described 'swinger' was really doing on all those flights. She probably used her special way of 'dressing' as ads for an unlicensed and illegal business.
Explorer C
When I first heard this news story, I was impressed that a company like Southwest was taking a stand in defense of moral values and decency. I was disappointed with your apology, Southwest- that you didnÃ
Explorer C
Thank you Southwest for your apology, late as it may be. I think that the flight crew overstepped their boundaries when they chastised Kyla for her attire. I do feel that some people (mainly women) need to cover more up but Kyla's outfit as I saw on the Ellen show was not that bad.
Explorer C
Dear Southwest: In regards to your apology and then "skimpy sale": I, a long time customer, now will probably do everything in my power never to fly your airline again. I will also instruct all who I know to do the same. That was one of the most morally reprehensible turns I have seen a company make. You have thrown off moral decency in a futile attempt to preserve pseudo-customer relations. Children fly your airline, and you now have to answer to millions of parents nationwide. You have lost my support.
Explorer C
I think it is funny that most comment sections on the web have the most recently published comments on top. Here, it is the reverse AND the first comment "happens to be" one supporting the decision. Funny. Are your guys (no sic) in advertising there clueless? Rather than letting this thing drop, you did it again with this ad campaign. Geez. You deserve all the crap you get. If you really want to make a statement, create a dress code for the airline, publish it and then enforce it. Also, someone needs to reign in the CEO you said this: "Some have said we've gone from loving hot pants to having hot flashes but nothing could be farther from the truth," said Southwest's CEO Gary Kelly. "The publicity caught us with our pants down, quite frankly. The story has such great legs, but we have an even better sense of humor, so we're going to jump out there and lower our fares to match the mini skirts we've all been hearing so much about." Dumb, so dumb! Not to mention to-the-core sexist.
Explorer C
Whatever happened to our ability to say "NO," I don't find that acceptable? Frankly, I'm tired of having half dressed women (and men) shoved down my throat, and that of my 10-year-old son, no matter where I go. Wake up women! It's time to stop being so shallow that you think you have to be half dressed to get some man's attention. If that's the only way that he's interested in you, then you need to realize that he's not looking at you as a person, but as a plaything. Southwest was 100% correct to stand up and decide what dress is appropriate on their airline, just as the rest of us should be able to stand up and say what is appropriate in our restaurant, our office, our place of business and even in our schools. "Individual" rights have gotten out of control, where we're all forced to deal with uncomfortable situations so that someone's individual rights aren't violated. What about my rights to not have to sit next to some woman who doesn't have enough class to know how to dress. Believe me, it's tough raising a 10-year-old today and trying to teach him right from wrong when he has to see women displaying such poor taste on the bus, on the plane, in the shopping center, etc. Women -- put your clothes on and try attracting men with that brain of yours. Rock hard bodies don't last forever, and if you think that will get you through in life, it's time to wake up. And men, stop treating women as if they are nothing more than eye candy. Try showing some respect for women -- who are mothers, daughters, sisters, cousins, aunts, and friends.
Frequent Flyer B
To those who are saying they'll never fly SWA again & they'll tell others not to-I think that's rather ridiculous. Don't let this incident stop you from flying SWA. I honestly feel it's the best airline! Let's focus on the many good things the Company does for their Customers & the community. I LUV SWA! :) "I have Southwest spirit, yes I do! I have Southwest spirit, how about you?" Super service On time Unique Terrific employees Helpful Wants, & willing to, provide Positively Outrageous Service (POS) Energetic employees Super fun airline The best airline ever! 🙂
Explorer C
Cheers to the person who wrote about Kyla's my space web page. Kayla looks like she is TOO busy to be a student and is busy being a swinger per her myspace. And someone like her deserves an apology.....NO WAY! I am sorry that Southwest felt they owed her an apology.....Maybe they should have checked her My space page before and saw what they were dealing with.