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Southwest Airlines Community

Re: Pre-boarding remains out of control

Explorer A

Nope.....miss the point. 

Re: Pre-boarding remains out of control

Explorer C

I agree ore boarding needs to be overhauled.

Re: Pre-boarding remains out of control

Explorer A

A-List loses a lot of brand equity if all of the preferred seats are taken by pre-boarders.  Simple, restrict those seats and first few rows from the pre-boarders.  

when I fly other airlines I never see first class taken by the pre boarders nor any of their upgraded seats.  So how do the other airlines do it???

Re: Pre-boarding remains out of control

Frequent Flyer A

@kDub2022 Many pre-boarders have limited mobility or other issues. One big reason for pre-boarding (besides the legal requirement) is to allow them to be in the first few rows. 

Re: Pre-boarding remains out of control

Explorer A

I have no issue with them getting on the plane first.


Please explain to me why the other airlines are not filling up their first class seats with pre-boarders with mobility issues since your same logic applies?  How do people on other airlines manage to get past first class to the regular seats???   There are many destinations that Southwest does not service.  Do you mean to tell me that people with mobility issues can only fly to destinations that Southwest services?  Or when they fly on other carriers they always buy first class airfare since they can’t possibly make it an additional 10’ onto the aircraft.  Also don’t forget the 2 or 3 people that typically board with the one person with mobility issues - that don’t have any limitations - why should they all take up the front row of the aircraft?  

Re: Pre-boarding remains out of control

Frequent Flyer A

@kDub2022 "Preboarding is available for Customers who have a specific seating need to accommodate their disability and/or need assistance in boarding the aircraft or stowing an assistive device. If a Customer with a disability simply needs a little extra time to board, we will permit the Customer to board before Family Boarding, between the “A” and “B” groups."


I do not make the policy for Southwest or any other airline. That's what Southwest says. Take it up with them.


I've never actually seen anyone board in the "needs a little extra time" category though they always announce it.

Re: Pre-boarding remains out of control

Explorer A

I thought this was a Southwest forum to bring things to their attention?   You replied, but to date, no one seems to be able to explain how people with mobility / health issues travel on other airlines without buying first class tickets since the theory seems to be they can’t make it 10’ past the entrance of the plane - how they got from home to the airport I have no idea -  but that last 10’ seems to insurmountable.


We all understand it’s a Southwest policy and our heart goes out to people with mobility and health issues, we are just highlighting that it appears to be taken advantage of and it also devalues the point of the A-List / brand loyalty.  

Re: Pre-boarding remains out of control

Aviator A

@kDub2022 wrote:



We all understand it’s a Southwest policy and our heart goes out to people with mobility and health issues, we are just highlighting that it appears to be taken advantage of and it also devalues the point of the A-List / brand loyalty.  

It's not a Southwest policy IT IS A FEDERAL LAW.


So, since the government REQUIRES Southwest (all airlines actually) to allow ANYONE who claims a need to pre board to do so, are you advocating that Southwest should violate federal law or are you advocating something else?


If something else, exactly what are you advocating.? 

Re: Pre-boarding remains out of control

Explorer A

I see the confusion.  Federal law versus Southwest policy.  So federal law requires people needing assistance to board the plane first?  It does not state the person can take any seat they want.  For example I booked delta last night.  I have to pay for first class seats, or choice seats etc. and once I pick and pay for my seat I can add the wheelchair request option.  

The specific point of this thread is the preboarders, who are not A list, should not get to take any seat they want - the federal government does not have a policy saying mobility/ assist passengers can select any seat they want.


so the point of the thread is to highlight the Southwest Policy does not limit the seating options therefore people are taking advantage of the loop whole to say they require assistance.  If you pay attention in the airport you will notice the number of pre-boarders for Southwest is extremely disproportionate to the rest of the airlines.  I was on a southwest flight last week with about 15 pre-boarders!    


Re: Pre-boarding remains out of control

Frequent Flyer B

pre-boarders, a-list, companion pass, etc. - ALL passengers have the same benefit on SW - to choose any seat they want.  


Not all pre-boarders are abusing the system (does it happen, yes, but not ALL).  I would also argue that of the 15 you saw pre-board, only half are the actual person that needs assistance.  The other are the 1 family member you can have board with you to assist them when they get on the plane.  


I pray that each of you that complain about this process NEVER have to experience a disability in any form.  My husband has Cerebral Palsy and he would gladly give it to someone else to not endure the problems that come with that.  


Everyone in the boarding line is getting a seat on the plane and you all will arrive at the gate at the same time.  As said before, if you require a certain seat each time, pick an airline that offers that for you and stop all the complaining about SW boarding practices.  There are bigger things in life to complain about.