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Southwest Airlines Community

Re: Seating Policy

Frequent Flyer B

Henceforth, it shall be referred to as  "attempted seat saving".

Re: Seating Policy

Aviator A

And the times when it fails called "unsuccessful seat saving."


And the times when it works called "successful seat saving."


So, today, onboard Southwest thousands of flights, which do you think happened more?



Re: Seating Policy

Explorer C

So.....It sounds like you're saying a seat can be saved, but only if the other passengers allow it to be saved.

Re: Seating Policy

Explorer C

I had the same problem on a Southwest flight the other day. I am tall, so I really prefer a bulkhead or exit row seat. When I got on an empty bulkhead seat was being "saved" for someone's mother, then when I got to the exit row seats a seat was being "saved" for their girlfriend. In both cases they tried to cover the seats with some stuff (magazines etc) to make them look taken.


I know Southwest doesn't want to deal with this issue, but I really think an official policy needs to be in place. My suggestion is to have a tag with the magazines that someone can place on the seat that signifies they'd like to hold it. Of course, someone can sit there if they want.


If somene complains about not being able to sit together, I believe the guidance should be to default to the lowest priority person in the group. If you have a A15 and a B15, the A15 should wait and board with their B15 friend, not the other way around.


Re: Seating Policy

Aviator A

That is the guidance if you want to board together. Obviously as discussed at length that isn't stated in writing anywhere by Southwest.


I had missed this thread earlier, I'm amused by the concept of "Schroedinger's Seat" @chgoflyer.

Home airport MDW, frequent visitor to MCO to see the mouse.

Re: Seating Policy

Aviator A

Simply put, sit anywhere you want. Can someone say they are saving a seat? Yes. Can you sit in the "saved" seat if you really want to? Yes. Probably not the best way to make friends though. Flight crew will typically stay out of the discussion and just ask you to be an adult and find a seat.


Many many discussions have been had about this. 

Re: Seating Policy

Explorer A

Were those the last two seats on that flight?