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I'm not receiving any points from my Chase rewards card.

Explorer C

I signed up for a Chase Rapid Rewards Premier card about a month ago and spent the amount listed to receive the sign-up bonus of 40,000 reward points. I have not received any points from my purchases or the bonus points. The card has been completely paid off on time.


My "Recent Activity" shows +330 points from right after I activated the card but nothing else. How do I actually get the points I earned?


Re: I'm not receiving any points from my Chase rewards card.

Aviator B



You should receive them in the next billing cycle if you compleated all that was required.  On your billing statement you will see "Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards card summary" this will list all points earned in the previous month.


Good luck!


Check out my post in "Stories"  Why I love Southwest!

Re: I'm not receiving any points from my Chase rewards card.

Adventurer A

possibly uyou had the card before- you can only qualify for the sign up bonus once every 2 years

Re: I'm not receiving any points from my Chase rewards card.

Explorer C

Hopefully you will receive your "points" as advertised but don't be surprised if you get 10,000 points and a statement credit. I signed up for a 60K bonus program and thats exactly what Chase did to me. When challenged they just said the plan changed. Unfortunately for them I have hard copies of the original agreement that I signed up for and will pursue "unfair business practice" and "bait and switch" with them and Southwest Airlines until satisfied. Good luck with your plan. Southwest's good name is at stake if Chase chooses not to honor their original offer/contract.

Re: I'm not receiving any points from my Chase rewards card.

Explorer C

I'm having the same thing happen to me.  I clicked on the advertisement stating I'd get the 50,000; 10,000 for signing up and getting approved and then 40,000 after spending a $1000 in the first three months.  I received the 10,000 and now I'm getting the run around from Chase on the 40,000.  They said that's not the special I signed up for, but it was a banner ad on Southwest, which I continually see and have taken screenshots of to prove to Chase, but no bueno.  I keep getting their same canned responses.  I'm paying this card off and cancelling.  Which is too bad, because I love Southwest, but can't believe they allow that bait and switch type of thing to go on.

Re: I'm not receiving any points from my Chase rewards card.

Aviator A

Sorry to hear about your experience


First of all, the issue resides with Chase, not Southwest. Chase buys points from Southwest and then tells Southwest who/how many point to award. Southwest will only award what Chase tells it to award.


If you can't get Chase customer service to understand, call back and demand to speak to a supervisor. If the supervisor doesn't help, then I would send a well worded letter to Chase's CEO.


I would do these things before cancelling the credit card. If all else fails and you want to cancel the card, they'll probably route you to "customer retention" where you'll have one fin al opportunity to ty to get Chas to do the right thing. It costs Chase less to try to keep a customer than to find a new one.


Good luck.

Re: I'm not receiving any points from my Chase rewards card.

Explorer C

I just got off the phone with them also and got the same response. Its a bunch of BS. I thought that I had 40,000 more points coming that I was going to use to book a couple flights. I will no longer be using this card. I will look into another form of milage card all because they switched the program that I thought I was getting. Bad choice Southwest for allowing this to happen.  

Re: I'm not receiving any points from my Chase rewards card.

Explorer C

The same thing happened to me. I signed up for the 40,000 point promotion and I only ever received 10,000. I called Chase and they said there was nothing they could do. I can’t believe a company would treat their  customers like this. I will never do business with Chase again! Southwest should look into this.

Re: I'm not receiving any points from my Chase rewards card.

Explorer C

The same exact thing happened to me!  I filed a complaint with the BBB as fraud and they told me this is not fraud and I had to make a complaint agaist the company.  Then I filed with the BBB as false advertising as they bait and switched me for the 60,000 points to the 200 credit and 10,000 points as well.  Horrible!  Southwest is going to get a bad name for this b/c I know they're several other customers have been baited and switched as well.  Southwest pretty much told me nothing they could do and same with Chase bank.  This is fraud, false advertising and pretty much stealing from us b/c we didn't mean to sign up for the $200 promo that we had no clue exisited b/c all they are advertising on the internet,, TV and email is the 60,000 point promo.  I really hope that Southwest or Chase will reach out to me after I filed with the BBB.

Re: I'm not receiving any points from my Chase rewards card.

Aviator A

I would also make 100% sure you entered your rapid rewards # on the app. It may have somehow created a new RR# for you if you didn’t. It should be printed on the card. 

-A List, Companion Pass holder