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Southwest Airlines Community

Need 713 tier qualifying points by the end of the year for A-List. Help!!

Explorer C

I know the points have to post by the end of the year, so there are only 4 days left.  Any ideas on getting 713 points POSTED in 4 days so I reach A-list?   So close to the 35,000... Help???


Re: Need 713 tier qualifying points by the end of the year for A-List. Help!!

Aviator A

The one definite way of getting there is a flight of some type.


Anything else will be hit or miss.


Southwest dining never clears quickly

Southwest shopping , that I've used, clears 3 to 9 days almost always closer to 9 than 3.


edit add: I just remembered that things like shopping help you get a companion pass, but not A-List. Thus a flight is your only hope

Re: Need 713 tier qualifying points by the end of the year for A-List. Help!!

Aviator A

Yep, gotta fly.  And if one flight is the difference between making A-List and not having A-List I would do everything I could to get that flight.

