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Southwest Airlines Community

Lost a 20yr customer

Explorer C

 I was a 20 year loyal customer, no more!  my flight home in 2 days will be my last w southwest. After southwest cancelled my flight for myself,wife and 2 young children,now my vacation is going to cost me another $2000 because they would not get me on a flight sooner then 2 days from 2 more nights in a hotel, 2 days rental car, food and drink. I was told by customer service I’m on my own.. I contacted corporate 2x and was told they would call me back and I have yet to receive that call.. the way southwest treats it’s customers is atrocious! This is not the first time I’ve been stranded by southwest, but it will be my last.. I will also be reaching out to news groups to let them know how southwest has left us stranded w/o remorse or some type of help! 


Re: Lost a 20yr customer

Aviator C

It is unfortunate to hear your news.  I'm curious as to the reason that your flight was cancelled as that might be the deciding factor of whether there is any compensation for your case.


Do you know the reason for the cancellation?

Re: Lost a 20yr customer

Aviator A

@Michael1971 You've provided no reason for the cancellation.  I'm suspecting weather as there has been some bad weather recently.  If that's the case, there is no compensation from Southwest or any other airline.  Some credit cards do cover delays like this so you may want to look at that possibility depending on how you paid for the flight.  As far as getting you home sooner, there are only so many seats available and every passenger affected by the cancellation needs to be placed on an available seat.  Sometimes that means it may take a day or two to get an available seat, especially if you have a group of 4 and are going somewhere with a small number of flights.


Basically, this issue could have happened on any airline so I wish you the best of luck with future flights.



Re: Lost a 20yr customer

Explorer C

Looks like southwest has their monitoring department on overtime.. wish their customer service was 1/2 as quick!

Re: Lost a 20yr customer

Aviator A

@Michael1971 wrote:

Looks like southwest has their monitoring department on overtime.. wish their customer service was 1/2 as quick!

Neither reply you received came from Southwest employees.



Re: Lost a 20yr customer

Explorer C

Lol.. less then a minute 

Re: Lost a 20yr customer

Aviator C

I am not a Southwest employee, but would like to know the reason that your flight was cancelled?  I, too, am guessing weather?