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After phone interview...

Adventurer C

I had my phone interview for the CSA position at Midway April 24th and I still haven't gotten a response whether or not I'm getting a face-to-face interview. My application status has been at "in progress" since the phone interview.  Is it normal to wait this long?  Also, a friend just told me that that happened to him when he applied for a ramp agent position last year. His application status was in "in progress" for weeks after the phone interview and eventually he got an email apologizing for the delay and that he was on the waiting list and they were holding on to his application. If anyone failed the training,  they said he would have been next on their calling list. However, no one failed training so that's why they sent the email to say thanks but no thanks. Supposedly they also said that he could apply again for the next job posting. My friend wouldn't have to wait a year.  Has this happened to anyone? Is there any truth to it? Has anyone waited this long for a face-to-face? @KelbyTansey or anyone else's input will be much appreciated.


Re: After phone interview...

Frequent Flyer A

Here's my timeline for the Customer Service Rep job at MDW:

4/9: Applied for position
4/24: Received a call from Southwest to schedule a telephone interview
4/26: Telephone interview. Told that I would hear back in a week
4/27: Advised that I had been selected for a face-to-face interview

5/7: Face-to-face interview. Told that I would hear back in two weeks
5/29: Have not heard back from Southwest but my application status is "under review"

I hope this helps.

Re: After phone interview...

Adventurer C

They told me at the end of my phone interview that I would hear back in a week. But it's been 5 weeks. Do you think I should lose hope already? It's not professional of them to keep someone waiting this long for a response. 


Btw this might connect you with some people in your situation:

Re: After phone interview...

Frequent Flyer A

Thanks for the information.

I don't have an explanation for why they haven't called you back yet after five weeks. I once had a job interview with a company in mid-January and was told I would hear something back before the end of the month. I didn't hear back, and after a few unanswered calls and e-mails to enquire what my status was, quit worrying about the position and moved on. The following June, they called me out of the blue and offered me the job.

Hiring companies sometimes act in strange ways. I would suggest moving on but not giving up hope.

Re: After phone interview...

Adventurer C

I have a job right now so it's not a problem if they don't offer me the job. I just want to work closer to home. But yeah I just have to hope for the best and I can always apply again next year. It just plays with my the feelings the status "in progress". If they moved on with someone else, they can just give me the "closed/complete".

Re: After phone interview...

Explorer B



I’m in the same boat, I mean plane, as you.  Almost same timeline but different position. 


My status still says In Progress.  


I am am very hopeful since I would love a job at Southwest.  All I hear is what a great company they are to work for.  


Im told the hiring process is long so I am still holding out for hope.  I have a job but would love to be a part of the Southwest LUV! 


Good luck and hope you find out good news soon! 



Re: After phone interview...

Adventurer C

Thanks and you too. Is it at Midway too? And what's your timeline for the application status?

Re: After phone interview...

Explorer B





It is in Dallas. 


Phone interview 4/26. I was told I should hear something the following week.  Still waiting but still says In Progress. 

Re: After phone interview...

Adventurer C

Oh okay so we are in the same situation then. It's reassuring to me that someone else is going through the same thing I am. I really hope you hear something back! Let me know when you get an update.