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Southwest Airlines Community

Background Check

Explorer B

Hello Everyone!


So I was notified by Sterling that my background check was completed, my question is, how long does it take for Southwest HR to send the official offer letter? I’m excited to receive that letter in my email and the anticipated start date is the 18th of July. 

Thanks is Advance. 


Re: Background Check

Frequent Flyer A

If you look at other hiring timelines, you will see the process varies. First, you'll receive an email from SW (not Sterling) that your background has cleared. After that, you'll have a few emails about your start date. Then, an email about your actual start date. Finally, you'll get the official offer letter. 🙌 Give it some time and be patient, you are almost there! 

Re: Background Check

Adventurer B

Hi, yes it does vary.  From the time my Sterling was completed, it was close to 6 weeks until I received my official start date.  It could be sooner.  

Re: Background Check

Adventurer B

My background check cleared on 6/23. On 6/24 my recruiter called me to give me a start date of July 11th; however, I have not received any emails about the start date or a final offer letter. I’m expecting it this week or early next week. 

Re: Background Check

Frequent Flyer B

Hey welcome! @thePilot17 the timeline for everything will vary. Depends on what department and job you will have, and how many spots they still need to fill. Check out the post by @TPArampgirl that asks for others to post timelines, and you can probably find someone that is same dept, and job as you. 

Here is my timeline,

Corporate Headquarters, DAL-

-EMAIL Contingent offer April 29th after my V.Interview

-EMAIL my background check May 19th _EMAIL received my official Contract May 23rd


*****Oh if you remember when you do sign your official Contract,  get a screen shot or pic, to email yourself. Your start date will be on the ¿left top corner¿ Basically your 1st day of work. Once you sign the contract you will not have access to that site. Just a small detail easy to miss it, but recruiters can always email a copy of the contract for your  records.* 

Congrats And Welcome 

Re: Background Check

Adventurer B

Update: I received my formal offer letter today for a start date of 7/11.