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Southwest Airlines Community

CS&S Remote

Explorer C

It's been almost a whole month since I applied for the CS&S remote Potion and I still haven't heard anything. My application status is still marked in progress. Anyone else is still waiting to hear from them. Last email I got from them was the online seminar about the job that was it nothing else.


Re: CS&S Remote

Adventurer C

@Vmartinez25151  Some people said it took 2 months to hear something back. They have gone through 10k of the 27k apps so far.

Re: CS&S Remote

Explorer C

but they should at least update people so they know and can be looking for other jobs in case not everyone can just sit around and wait for them to let them know if they got a job or not 

Re: CS&S Remote

Explorer B

I also applied and don’t even have an application status like most applicants. No invite to the seminar, no thank you for applying confirmation email, nothing on my dashboard. It just appears as if they never received my application. My sister and I applied the moment they posted the job. We both created a profile the day before and uploaded our resumes to prepare for the moment the job posted. Both of us had to use a different browser to finally get the application to process. She received notification for the seminar almost immediately and an interview. Best of luck to you. It seems as if you’re still in the running for a position. From what I’ve read on this forum and social media, some people have received denials while others have been scheduled for an interview.

Re: CS&S Remote

Adventurer A

@Vmartinez25151 with 27,000 applications, they cannot update every individual. If they tried to do that, they would be even further behind in the interview process than they are. They are going through them as quickly as they can. Some states are taking longer than others due to being more popular. I know it's easier said than done, but you just have to be patient.

Re: CS&S Remote

Frequent Flyer C

Hi @Nashelle37! Thanks for the information! It's good to know where they may be at in the process. I submitted my application a little after noon, Herb Central Time. I'm still so excited, but patiently waiting for the possibility of an interview and to get back onboard with this awesome company after retiring. It's always fun and informative in the Career Connection Webinar on Tuesdays at 12:00 Central Time, see some of you there! Good luck to everyone and have a great evening! Thanks again Nashelle37!


Re: CS&S Remote

Adventurer C

@skyrick you are so welcome!!!

Re: CS&S Remote

Explorer B


I am in the same boat as you. And it has been exactly a month to the day I submitted and yes I am in processing mode too. Just having that patience and hopefully they will get to us soon! So hang in there and good luck! Hoping for the best you us and others in this situation!


God Bless!