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Southwest Airlines Community

Emerging Leadership Development Program

Explorer C

Good morning to all and hope y'all are having a great start to 2019.


I wanted to know if there is any information about when Southwest is opening applications for the Emerging Leadership Development Program. I want to apply and hopefully begin my career at one of the best places to have a life-long career. I am saddened by the passing of Mr. Kelleher but he left an amazing legacy that I admire and hope to be part of in the near future.


Thank you in advance for the information.


Edgar De La Rosa

From Houston, TX


Re: Emerging Leadership Development Program

Explorer B

Hello @ed2david15. I have applied for this position in the past, and I think this would be a great learning experince and awesome opportunity to start a new career. My dashboard does mention their is an opening January 27th through Febuary  something. I don't know how accurate this is, since I have not seen it posted here from a member of SWA, but I have it marked on my calander and I will log in to see if its there. @KelbyTansey do you know if this program is openning back up?


Best of luck to you. 

Re: Emerging Leadership Development Program

Aviator C

@ed2david15 your best bet right now is to sign up to be alerted when the posting goes live. Click on the link below that will take you to SWA career site.


SWA Passenger, Community Champion