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Southwest Airlines Community

Passed employment screening

Explorer B

Hi! I just got an email stating I passed employment screening and I was given a start date. So...I haven't gotten anymore details back from my recruiter, but what's the process after I get a start date? I'm so excited this is really happening!!!!


Re: Passed employment screening

Adventurer B

I think you will just wait to hear back from your recruiter. They should send you more info as it gets closer to your start date and depending on your actual job I think, like call ctr or airport. Good luck and congrats 

Re: Passed employment screening

Aviator C

Congratulations! Report back when you start. 

SWA Passenger, Community Champion

Re: Passed employment screening

Explorer B

Starting on 2/24...heading for orientation on the 21st....omg I am so excited!

Re: Passed employment screening

Explorer C

I will be there with you. I leave out on the 23rd. Can't wait to meet you.

Re: Passed employment screening

Explorer B

Have you started orientation yet? I have not. I will be starting on 2/21 for orientation and I think I head to Dallas in mid March

Re: Passed employment screening

Explorer C

I never herd back. Good luck to you that's awesome you got an email