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Southwest Airlines Community

Ramp Agent process

Adventurer C

Hi guys!


I applied for the part-time ramp agent position here in El Paso at the end of last December. I was sent an e-mail about a week later to fill out a virtual form prior ro a virtual interview. I just had my virtual interview on January 18th and the recruiter told me to look out for a 615 number for the next steps in the process and that there were two other interviews after mine. However, when I checked my Dashboard today, it went from Under Review since the 19th to Closed Complete today. I haven't received any calls or e-mails. Does that simply mean I didn't get the job or do I actually have to keep waiting for a call or something? I know it's a waiting game but I don't know what to expect.


Re: Ramp Agent process

Adventurer B

My recruiter mentioned the application would disappear, which it did soon after the interview.

Re: Ramp Agent process

Adventurer C

Oh okay so it's normal then?

Re: Ramp Agent process

Adventurer C

Did the application disappear from dashboard or did it just change status to ‘closed’? 

Re: Ramp Agent process

Adventurer C

This morning, it just said 'Closed Complete'. I'll check again later.

Re: Ramp Agent process

Adventurer C

Oh, I think you should contact your recruiter, then. Good luck!  

Re: Ramp Agent process

Adventurer C

Okay I sure will! It still says "Closed Complete". How exactly do I contact my recruiter though? I don't have her number or anything. 

Re: Ramp Agent process

Adventurer C

Before the virtual interview they usually send you an email proving your recruiter’s contact information. 

Re: Ramp Agent process

Adventurer C

That's so odd because I never received an e-mail regarding proof about my recruiter who interviewed me. The only e-mails I received were from Caitlin Holliday, with whom I had her e-mail.