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Southwest Airlines Community

Time off during Training period

Explorer B

Hi Friends,

I have accepted a role as a customer relations rep, and my training is 7 weeks long and starts in April..I graduate in Mid May, and was wondering if PTO could be used or requesting off would be an option to attend my actual graduation ceremony? 😄 Is there a probationary period after training that we can't/shouldn't request off? I am super excited! 😄


Re: Time off during Training period

Explorer B

Wanting to bump this as training gets closer and get an answer if possible 🙂

Re: Time off during Training period

Frequent Flyer A

I was reading that you'll start with 20 hours of PTO but you wont start accumulating any more hours for quite a while. I believe it was about 2 months... Don't quote me on the timeline. If you have access to your onboarding paperwork, read through the employee guidelines. All the info about PTO is detailed there. 

Re: Time off during Training period

Frequent Flyer A

Also, probation period is 6 months! 😀 

Re: Time off during Training period

Frequent Flyer C

Since this is a customer forum, I’m not sure if we can get you a definite answer about this. I would speak to your point-person/supervisor/recruiter to see if they are able to get a definite answer for you. Generally, I believe the answer is yes as long as this is anticipated and communicated in advance. It’s encouraged that you don’t take time off during your probation period but sometimes a conflict as big as a graduation can occur - I’m sure that Southwest will be accommodating! (don’t quote me on that, though 😂)


Congrats on graduating and good luck at training!