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Southwest Airlines Community

Carry on compliance

Explorer C

I wish gate agents would use better discretion in "policing" carry on policies.  On a recent flight, my wife had a heavy rolling carry on suitcase and a backpack.  She had her purse in the backpack.  She had accessed her purse while waiting to board, and did not get a chance to put it back in her backpack before the line began moving to board the plane.  She was about halfway down the jetway when an agent pushed and shoved their way down the jetway - and forced her to put the purse back inside the backpack.


This is just bad judgment.  What did it accomplish?  All it did was annoy us, and the people nearby us in line.  In no way did it change what was actually carried on the plane.


There are undoubtedly passengers who are "carry on offenders," and it is important for agents to effectively police the offenders - especially on full flights, when offenders might cause other passengers to be foreced to gate check items.  However, agents should target their efforts towards the true offenders, not passengers who have committed minor technical violations.


Re: Carry on compliance

Explorer C

Federal law limits Customers to one carry on item for the overhead bin and one personal item that should be capable of fitting under the seat in front of you. 1+1=2 and if you have more than 2, the Feds could get upset. The agent was probably trying to keep things consistent and ensure that Southwest is following proper and fair procedures for boarding.

Re: Carry on compliance

Explorer A

I appreciate that there are rules and regulations and do my best to follow them. It’s very frustrating to see multiple people carrying on more than 2 items. I’m not sure if it’s the gate agents being in haste to board folks or not wanting to be confrontational but it would only take a few times to enforce this policy to ensure it’s followed by all. I do not see a lot of abuse but saw several abuses today for some reason. 

Re: Carry on compliance

Aviator A

I do see this enforced occasionally. I hope the discretion in enforcement might lean towards more enforcement on busier flights and less so on empty flights, but also it might come down to enforcement by opportunity when there aren't other urgent matters in boarding, or when the violation stands out more for larger items.

Home airport MDW, frequent visitor to MCO to see the mouse.