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Southwest Airlines Community

Re: Disheartened - Black Lives Matter

Adventurer A

Hi Middleseat

I am sure you are a good soul and tolerant person. However your comments reflect a lack of understanding from a different viewpoint of those not in the privileged class. In India we used to have different Classrs. In some small villages they still label people like the Untouchable Class. So when the person was disheartened she was just looking for a Public Support for her issue I wish I could direct her to the Blog Category where SW is show casing their Committment to Diversity I am sorry to misjudge you I believe your Intention was harmless from your viewpoint but it was. Little concerning to me as why would you not understand her need to speak out? I hope you take this as a positive criticism like I do your comments. Yes Please thank for reading Ashley. Nicole s most understanding comment.

kisur my fellow countryman s new wife was spat upon in his small villge for marrying him S she was from a lower Caste . Hence we all need to be sensitive to treating all Equal as these injustices are World wide and we must work together for Equality





Re: Disheartened - Black Lives Matter

Adventurer B

No we can't get along when some one tries to force others to join their cause du jour and tries to shame them when they don't. Southwest is an airline not the DOJ.

Re: Disheartened - Black Lives Matter

Explorer C

An airline should not be judged on their social justice stance. They should be judged on the fact they support all communities and cultures by employing a very diverse workforce. Also an airline should be judged on reliability, service, safety and price, etc. It appears that ALL LIVES MATTER to them, not just certain ones. Because all of this, I only fly SWA!

Re: Disheartened - Black Lives Matter

Aviator C

As a Native American, I going to hopefully make this statement as politely and nonoffending as possible.  Yes, your lives matter, but where have you been over the past 20 plus years while we have voiced the thousands (yes thousands) of Murdered Missing Indigenous Women(MMIW) that have been virtually ignored except by the Indigenous people.  In one article I read that per capita, a Native American is most likely to be killed at the hands of a police officer than any other race.  (just saying I read it, not that it's totally a fact, but I agree we die at an alarming rate as well)  Not that your suffering is any less important, the Indigenous American people of this country have been dying and oppressed far longer than Black Americans.  With that said, your cause is very important and I've supported it and will continue to support it, but I will do so as an "All lives matter" stand.  Now to your point, I'm not sure everybody has to respond to this issue to show they are in support.  Since I can't say SWA has, hasn't, or won't, I don't know how to definitively answer that.  I know that I see so much diversity in who they hire, and that goes up to top-level positions.  I do see there is a solution on here and hope that helps with some relief and resolution you seek.  We all appreciate that you took a platform and voiced your opinion, it is well noted.  I, like you, hope that there is some level of Police reform in how they handle dealing with the public in general, but most importantly, people of color.  Stay strong.   Your life matters. 

Re: Disheartened - Black Lives Matter

Explorer C

I understand your position, but how does this even matter to an airline. They have nothing to do with Police Officers killing Native Americans (or any other race for that matter). SWA is a supporter of all races, not just certain ones. This should not be a political issue. The airline should be judged on safety, reliability, schedule, destinations NOT their political stance on a racially charged subject. Anyone who thinks differently is probably the problem, not the solution.

Re: Disheartened - Black Lives Matter

Adventurer B

Agreed. Native Americans are likely the most under-represented, most neglected minority population in the US.

Re: Disheartened - Black Lives Matter

Adventurer B

I'm not supporting companies jumping on that band wagon for PR purposes.