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Southwest Airlines Community

Re: Not Getting Emails

Aviator A

@SouthwestFlyer wrote:

This issue (not receiving emails from started several months ago. 

After multiple attempts of my parents speaking with southwest customer service, I have been pulled in to offer assistance (network engineer).  I have now been trying to get this resolved for several weeks.  I've been on calls with four agents at 1-855-234-4654.  They have all tried their hardest to help resolve the issue, are tremendously polite and courteous, and call back when they say they will. 





I have also been on several calls with technical members of my parents ISP-  The emails in question never get there.  We have run multiple tests- I can get emails, but my parents do not.  It is the same to both parents (separate email accounts) on the same domain. 




Quick question - do they receive e-mails when making flight reservations? The e-mail address in the system will show up on the same page as that final step in the booking process? If so, just go down below to verify subscriptions.


Have you checked to verify that the e-mail addresses are properly listed within your parents accounts? There are two reasons the ISP didn't receive an e-mail

1) It wasn't sent or

2)It was sent to an incorrect e-mail address.


to verify the e-mail address as well as to verify enrollment to receive various things from Southwest

1) Log on to your southwest account

2) Click on my account

3) Move down to the left side of the page to  my preferences, communication

4) Verify subscriptions and e-mail addresses

5) If needed click on edit (want to add another e-mail address?) to add an address

6) save and then go back to subscriptions to have it point at the correct address.

Re: Not Getting Emails

Explorer C

Thanks.  Both parents stopped receiving emails at around the same time, yet no emails or subscriptions have changed.  They get nothing from, even when I forward them their own reservations (which originate at   We managed to login to my father's account- email is correct, and he is subscribed to receive everything.  We cannot log into my mother's account-  She forgot her password.  Trying to reset the password sends an email to her registered email address .... which she  never gets 🙂  They have also called Southwest directly, and Southwest has resent them their itins several times, while verifying their email addresses... which they still never get.


From a networking perspective, there are many additional more technical reasons that the ISP would not receive the emails:


In another thread on this forum, one user was able to detect was on a blacklist, which gets filtered before the receiving ISP.


In the case of my parents, Southwest support has indicated an error of "TOO MANY HOPS." 

Most mail delivery systems limit the number of hops they will process before stopping a delivery attempt.  (think if Server A is configured to forward mail to Server B, which is configured to forward mail to Server A.... an error in configuration, which would go on forever unless there was a check to prevent it from going on for too long). 


Per these threads, my parents are not alone.  This issue needs to be directed to, and owned by, the Southwest network/email administrator(s) until it is resolved.


Re: Not Getting Emails

Aviator A

Hi again.  I've been able to check the domain (IP and find no record of it being blacklisted on any public blacklist. There is a possibility that your ISP has put it on your ISP's. You'd have to check with your ISP to make that determination.


Another possibility is that your parents e-mail addresses are blacklisted. This could happen if the e-mail was hijcaked and used to send some spam. It has happened to me. Details about that are here:


I know this is frustrating to you and your parents.

Re: Not Getting Emails

Explorer C

Thanks for checking.  I do not believe it is blacklisting, but will check anyway.  My parents DO get emails from two other  Southwest domains, just not


From the "TOO MANY HOPS" error message that is being returned to Southwest, they should be able to track the message headers to see where it is getting stuck/looping-  and whether it is in how they have email configured, or a problem with their ISP routing.

Re: Not Getting Emails

Explorer C

One other place perhaps Southwest should check is that resolves to a different IP address from my location (southeast US) than my parents (northeast US).  I can tracert from my machine to, but my parents cannot (times out after about 8 hops).  Not sure if that provides any useful information or not-

Re: Not Getting Emails

Aviator A

@SouthwestFlyer wrote:

One other place perhaps Southwest should check is that resolves to a different IP address from my location (southeast US) than my parents (northeast US).  I can tracert from my machine to, but my parents cannot (times out after about 8 hops).  Not sure if that provides any useful information or not-



Well, I'm not a Southwest employee, but am simply one who lurks and tries to be helpful. Apparently I have failed so far.


I'd suggest that you copy this entire thread and send as an e-mail to Souhwest. Be sure to include your parents' e-mail adresses Details on how to do so are on the upper left side of the contact us web page



Re: Not Getting Emails

Explorer C

HI! Just chiming in to put my name in this hat as well. From time to time I will receive emails from Southwest; RR balances, promotional offers, customer service responses, etc. And my check-in confirmations appear to come through just fine. But when I make a request to have my itinerary sent to me or others it is not delivered to anyone. It as though the itinerary email form is simply not being processed. Nor do I receive an itinerary when I first book a flight so clearly it is the same system. I have looked at previous itinerary emails from years back, the address is not black listed, nor are the emails flowing into a spam folder or anywhere else.

Re: Not Getting Emails

Explorer C

I also have not been getting e-mails from, specifically the reservation confirmation e-mails. I've contacted Southwest support, but they say the e-mails were sent without error. I've contacted my ISP (Comcast) but they say they can't find anything wrong.  I even checked my junk/spam folder. I even used my Comcast webmail account. Nothing from them. My reservation form asked for others I wanted to notify. I put my e-mail address in there in addition to my wife's. She got hers but I didn't get mine.


This same thing happened several months ago, and I couldn't resolve it then either. I get other e-mail just fine - but not from Southwest.

Re: Not Getting Emails

Aviator A

I've heard that spam domains are sometimes blocked.


What is your domain name (the

words after @)?


If all else fails you could get a new gmail, yahoo or ymail e-mail address. They are free.

Re: Not Getting Emails

Explorer C

Well, it's reasonable to believe that some spam domains are blocked. But my ISP is, and so is my wife's. But since I don't get southwest email and she does, it can't be an issue of blocking a domain.


But maybe my e-mail address is being blocked? The last time I checked, it wasn't. But, if that's a possibility, then southwest should notify us that the sending failed due to spam blockage. OR, we should be told WHAT spam blocking website we should check to see if our e-mails are being blocked so that we can take some action to remedy the situation.