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Southwest Airlines Community

Re: Southwest must mandate vaccines before I fly them again.

Explorer C

bwallet I do not disagree that wearing a seatbelt can save your life or reduce the severity of injury.  However, whether you wear a seatbelt or not has nothing to do with any other passenger in any other vehicle.  Your logic does not make sense.


We agree, you can get or spread COVID whether or not you are vaccinated.   If a person chooses not to be vaccinated, they are only increasing their own risk of severity related to the disease.  That is their choice.  However, forcing people who may have health issues where getting the vaccine is a high risk proposition or those who have had COVID and have natural immunity does not make sense.  


Again, I am not anti-vaccine.  I am ant-mandate.

Re: Southwest must mandate vaccines before I fly them again.

Adventurer B

@jksobonya"There is not a chance that COVID is "10 times" worse than the flu."


You have every right to your opinion but I will take the opinion of the physicians at Johns Hopkins and the other medical institutions over yours 100 times out of 100.


If you truly think influenza has the same impact as COVID-19 on the overall general population then you are just ignoring to the facts.


I do agree with you that many times the CDC and NIH have got it "wrong" on many occasions, but they have been chasing a moving target and dealing with the "politics" around COVID


I wish you continued health, regardless of our conflicting opinions-fly safe!


Re: Southwest must mandate vaccines before I fly them again.

Aviator A

It's probably a good time for a forum reminder that not all advice or opinion posted here is right, good or correct. (Sometimes, as demonstrated in this thread, it's completely idiotic.)


Personally, at this point I'm done arguing with people who choose to remain ignorant. It's very clear that nothing anyone says will change what they believe to be true. Theirs is a non-fact based reality, and penetrating it is near impossible. 


And I'm out of f's to give.


What's the worst that could happen?



Re: Southwest must mandate vaccines before I fly them again.

Aviator A

@Goforwand1 wrote:

@jksobonya"There is not a chance that COVID is "10 times" worse than the flu."


You have every right to your opinion but I will take the opinion of the physicians at Johns Hopkins and the other medical institutions over yours 100 times out of 100.


If you truly think influenza has the same impact as COVID-19 on the overall general population then you are just ignoring to the facts.


I do agree with you that many times the CDC and NIH have got it "wrong" on many occasions, but they have been chasing a moving target and dealing with the "politics" around COVID


I wish you continued health, regardless of our conflicting opinions-fly safe!


"The facts" about COVID-19 have been ignored in many cases, particularly the fact that COVID is a mild-to-moderate virus, always has been even before vaccines were introduced, and that most who get it recover. People love to say how infectious COVID is to make you afraid ("It's 10x worse than the flu! Run for the hills!") or how many deaths there are in the United States (or world) to show just how "deadly" it is, but they conveniently ignore how many recover. In the US, the "death count" is around 700K now but almost 45 million have gotten COVID and recovered. Worldwide, over 200 million have recovered compared to just under 5 million deaths. COVID is simply not as deadly as people seem to think it is, but getting through to them is a lost cause. People are obsessed with death when they should be obsessed with recovery; some of these lost causes go as far as to make web sites to spread fear and try to shame unvaccinated people who die of COVID. It's really sickening behavior. There is a special place in you-know-where for those who are so terrified - for no real reason - that they promote unfounded fear to the masses. 


Anyway, back to mandates, I will continue to suggest in regards to US COVID deaths alone that had the nursing home "mandates" in NY, PA, OH, and other states not happened at the beginning of the pandemic, our death count would be cut significantly. We failed to protect the at-risk when they needed the most protection, and we are continuing to fail by over-protecting the least at-risk which is children. It really is a shame. 



Re: Southwest must mandate vaccines before I fly them again.

Aviator A

Again: It's probably a good time for a forum reminder that not all advice or opinion posted here is right, good or correct.

Re: Southwest must mandate vaccines before I fly them again.

Aviator A

Re: Southwest must mandate vaccines before I fly them again.

Adventurer B


"The facts" about COVID-19 have been ignored in many cases, particularly the fact that COVID is a mild-to-moderate virus, always has been even before vaccines were introduced, and that most who get it recover. People love to say how infectious COVID is to make you afraid ("It's 10x worse than the flu! Run for the hills!") or how many deaths there are in the United States (or world) to show just how "deadly" it is, but they conveniently ignore how many recover. In the US, the "death count" is around 700K now but almost 45 million have gotten COVID and recovered. Worldwide, over 200 million have recovered compared to just under 5 million deaths. COVID is simply not as deadly as people seem to think it is, but getting through to them is a lost cause. People are obsessed with death when they should be obsessed with recovery; some of these lost causes go as far as to make web sites to spread fear and try to shame unvaccinated people who die of COVID. It's really sickening behavior. There is a special place in you-know-where for those who are so terrified - for no real reason - that they promote unfounded fear to the masses. 


Anyway, back to mandates, I will continue to suggest in regards to US COVID deaths alone that had the nursing home "mandates" in NY, PA, OH, and other states not happened at the beginning of the pandemic, our death count would be cut significantly. We failed to protect the at-risk when they needed the most protection, and we are continuing to fail by over-protecting the least at-risk which is children. It really is a shame.


Wow! So much wrong with this reply....I don't have the time or patience to reference the 1000+'s of non-biased publications that contradict every point you make...I respect your right to your opinion, regardless of it's scientific merit..Stay healthy and fly safe!

Re: Southwest must mandate vaccines before I fly them again.

Adventurer B

@jksobonya wrote:

IMO, this is a hot topic and everyone is going to have an opinion about it. As for me personally, I don't think mandating this particular vaccine at a company level is going to solve anything in regards to stopping the spread since vaccinated people can still get and spread the virus just like unvaccinated people can, albeit the "symptoms" for a vaccinated person will be "less severe" - but what people fail to realize is that for most, symptoms have been "less severe" from the very beginning. People now attribute less severe symptoms to being vaccinated, but 1 in 5 people who caught COVID in 2020 pre-vax had no symptoms at all (that's 20% of *all* people who got the virus) and the vast majority of the remaining have had mild to moderate symptoms. As I predicted, COVID is turning out to be more and more like the flu and it should be treated as such. We don't mandate flu vaccines, but many companies recommend getting one each winter season and they can be obtained for free through many healthcare providers with insurance. COVID should be the same. It shouldn't be mandated, but it can be recommended and those who feel they need it can get it. And we move on with life. 



If only you folks had felt that way about masking. It's funny...if we use your logic, vaccines can only be recommended, but masks HAVE to be forced even on two year old children with disabilities. The bottom line is that it was never going to just end at masking. I know that flight attendants, gate agents, and even ramp employees enjoyed the power trip of enforcing mask mandates, but if they weren't aware that vaccine mandates would follow the masking, then that's their fault. They sure aren't getting any sympathy from me

Re: Southwest must mandate vaccines before I fly them again.

Aviator A

@PetertheProphet wrote:

If only you folks had felt that way about masking. It's funny...if we use your logic, vaccines can only be recommended, but masks HAVE to be forced even on two year old children with disabilities. The bottom line is that it was never going to just end at masking. I know that flight attendants, gate agents, and even ramp employees enjoyed the power trip of enforcing mask mandates, but if they weren't aware that vaccine mandates would follow the masking, then that's their fault. They sure aren't getting any sympathy from me

I do feel that way about masking. I've never agreed with the mask mandates, either. I don't think they do much overall to "stop the spread" of anything (particularly if you are wearing flimsy cloth masks bought in drug stores or on Amazon) and don't get me started on masking 2 year old children. I've seen videos of adults trying to mask 2 year olds at a daycare and the 2 year old keeps taking the mask off, and the adult keeps putting the mask back on. It's horrific. The United States is the only country that "requires" masking children this young that I am aware of. Most other countries do not do this. Makes you think. 


Any adult out there who is seriously afraid of catching COVID from a child - especially after they have been vaccinated - needs help. Children are the lowest of the lowest of risks of not only catching COVID themselves but spreading it to anyone else. The CDC data overwhelmingly proves this, but people don't care about facts anymore. 



Re: Southwest must mandate vaccines before I fly them again.

Adventurer B

According to a few news articles, it seems that Southwest has "mandated" the vaccine for employees. So your request has been granted.


Funny how they're willing to give their employees religious and medical exemptions, yet any passenger wanting a simple mask exemption for their two year old child on a Southwest flight has to get their child TESTED (with that toxic PCR or antigen swab up their nose), has to have their medical exemption verified by a third party, and can only fly maskless on flights less than 50% capacity. 


Southwest treats their employees like kings and queens, while they treat paying customers worse than dogs. I've long said that the only redeeming quality they have is that they allow us to choose our own seat.