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Southwest Airlines Community

What are some life hacks when flying Southwest?

Explorer C

This is for both booking tickets and while boarded for short and long haul flights.


Re: What are some life hacks when flying Southwest?

Frequent Flyer C

Don't get stressed out about seating. Even if 10 people preboard you will still have a seat. And whether you are sitting in the front row, an exit row or in the back you will still get to your destination at the same time. And if you absolutely, positively have to sit next to your flying companion and can't do without them for 3 hours (or however long your flight is), either buy your way up in the boarding order or fly another airline. 

Re: What are some life hacks when flying Southwest?

Aviator A

The life hack I've learned for solo traveling is don't worry about early bird so much. You can almost always get a window or aisle seat as a solo traveler, even if you are not in the A group. I used to purchase EB, but no longer do. Then again, another hack is to purchase Anytime fares with EB included, so you don't have to worry about it 😄 

