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Southwest Airlines Community

travel credit for future flights???

Explorer C

I have a travel credit currently on my account and I'm looking at using it for a flight in the fall. The flight costs less than what my travel credit equals to.

Do I have to use that flight credit all in one transaction? or will the remaining balance be left for me to use on another future flight?

I've never done this before so I have no idea.. thanks 


Re: travel credit for future flights???

Aviator A

Yes you may use your travel fund to buy a ticket that costs less than the value of the travel fund. Any amount left over will remain in that travel fund, and will be available for future use.

Re: travel credit for future flights???

Aviator A

the flight credit will be valid until all of the credit is used or until the credit expires (whichever occurs first) so as an example if you have a $200 credit you could buy 4 $50 one way flights, 1 $200 flight, or 1 $300 flight where you pay $100 on a credit card after the credit is applied. 

