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Southwest Airlines Community

[UPDATED] Email Notifications for Nuts About Southwest Users

Retired Community Manager

Past users of Southwest Airlines' Company blog, Nuts About Southwest, may receive email notifications based on previous activity (comments, likes, account creation, etc.). Please know that your information remains private and secure. On Thursday, August 25, a number of users received badges that may have been triggered by a behind-the-scenes update. As you might recall, a similar occurrence happened when we migrated Nuts About Southwest to the current space you are on, The Southwest Airlines Community. During the move, existing accounts were entered into our new ranking and badging system, which cataloged the previously-mentioned activity. Notifications were sent to email addresses associated with past accounts. We apologize for the inconvenience. Here's an example of what an email notification looks like from The Southwest Airlines Community:




If you want to log in to your existing account on The Southwest Airlines Community but don't remember your password, please click here.

If you want to turn off notifications, you can do so after logging in. Once logged in, click on your profile icon on the top-right, then navigate to the "Subscriptions & Notifications" tab, and select the "Notification Settings" sub-tab, shown here:

