emgalvez48 has earned 7 badges!
Profile Image10-23-2016Earned by 4,153You have successfully uploaded an image to your profile.
5th Photo Uploaded10-31-2016Earned by 418You have uploaded your 5th photo to the Community!
Created Profile10-23-2016Earned by 94,276You have successfully created a profile. Thanks for joining the Community!
First Photo Uploaded10-23-2016Earned by 5,477You have uploaded your first photo to the Community!
First Story10-23-2016Earned by 2,716Your first story has been published to the Community! Congratulations!
First Discussion10-24-2016Earned by 16,193Your have successfully posted your first discussion post to the Community!
Halloween 201610-31-2016Earned by 121No tricks, just treats! Thanks for logging in and celebrating Halloween 2016 with us!