08:55 PM
02:58 AM
02:58 AM
You probably don’t know that, as of today, 56% of US population is injected. A lot of nurses got fired because they refused to be injected. Ask “why”?
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Just FYI @ffflyer it would be best to start a separate thread on your own question, but the answer is “no” because you would have to check in with another boarding pass and board the plane twice. Customers of Size have this option as discussed above, and I believe musicians can purchase a second seat for things like cellos. There may be a few other exceptions I’m not aware of, but they all involve bringing something onboard that can’t go in an overhead bin.
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08:39 AM
08:39 AM
There are no requirements but if you’re going to take an airline that doesn’t require their employees to be vaccinated to visit a high risk state then do yourself a favor and tested after the trip. https://covidactnow.org/us/virginia-va/
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08:33 AM
If it’s acceptable to you to expose your child to a high risk city on an airline that does not require it’s employees to be vaccinated, then you should probably at least get the poor kid tested after the trip. Chicago
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@John1158 Our Employees are expected to wear a mask over their noses and mouths at all times unless eating or drinking, and we sincerely regret if you noticed any inconsistency. As a Customer-to-Customer support forum, we are not equipped to assist you here, but I encourage you to Contact Customer Relations to document your concerns so we can follow-up internally. Thank you.
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12:54 PM
12:54 PM
Sorry to hear of your problem, but you are dealing with a federal regulation. Southwest has no control in the matter. If you want to complain, You should contact your elected federal reps
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01:52 PM
01:52 PM
Not sure about the purpose behind your smarmy "rant." Southwest is already one of the worst airlines when it comes to forcing paying customers to smother themselves with medical devices (face masks). The flight attendants, gate agents, and even some ramp workers who work here are some of the most hypocritical people on the face of this planet. They'll deny you boarding for not social distancing, yet they themselves HUG each other in the gate (you often see this while waiting for your flight). Another classic case of rules for thee, but not for me. I'm not sure how "bully passengers" applies here when passengers have no power. The U.S. government steals our money through taxation and gives it to criminal corporations like airlines. EVERYONE could boycott Southwest today...and it would still be in business because the Federal Reserve keeps printing money and giving it back to the airlines. The ostensible "private ownership" of Southwest is a mere illusion. The ONLY reason I fly Southwest is because they allow you to choose your own seat; that's about it. Other than that, none of the employees have any redeeming qualities.
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@kshawn I totally get your frustration. I too have seen this.
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07:47 AM
07:47 AM
@runninggosteve wrote: I noticed that you joined the community 18 minutes ago and posted 5 minutes ago. How could you have possibly typed that long post in 13 minutes? I bet you joined specifically for that one post. Oh, the incident you referenced happened over 6 months ago. Do you have anything "new" to share?
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12:17 PM
Bye Enjoy United, Delta, American, JetBlue or whatever other airline that’s also no “social distancing”.
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My biggest problem with EVERY OTHER AIRLINE? Having to pay exorbitant fees to put a bag in the baggage hold, then watching idiots fight for bin space with bags that are too big. Want to bring home a $20 bottle of special wine or spirits? Oops, it just cost you $30 to check that bag. That bottle isn't cheap anymore. Tell me again why you care where you sit?
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Exactly!! Just because you have a cold doesn’t mean you should be kicked off the plane. That’s ridiculous!! If masks work and everyone has to wear them then embrace it. The common cold, flu , allergies and mucus still exist . Like they always have. If ya have a serious fear of getting COVID-19 then why aren’t you in quarantine? Just saying
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The policy is that you can remove your mask briefly to eat. That is said repeatedly at boarding and on board. Last week, I heard an announcement that the new policy was that you must replace your mask between bites. I'd sure like to see that be true.
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08:39 AM
08:39 AM
We are both tall so we go for the exit rows or the back of the plane. Again...it’s about not being in the face of others. SW rarely schedules their flights so close that you have to sprint off the plane. Judging from the attitude exhibited it’s a matter of not understanding/caring of how to be nice to your neighbor.
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10:15 AM
10:15 AM
Southwest runs a lot of point to point flights. You might not be having weather, but somewhere along the way there might be. For example SW 1370 today will fly from Denver to Baltimore to Nashville to Houston. Lets say your flight from Nashville to Houston is cancelled even though there are no weather problems at either Nashville or Houston. There might be weather problems in Denver or Baltimore that prevent the plane from ever getting to Nashville. Thus a cancelled flight.
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Don’t ever connect to free wifi anywhere. Bad guys can easily set up hotspots with the same name as the legitimate free wifi and steal all the information on your phone while you browse the SWA app or anything else. Grt an unlimited plan from your cellphone provider. Free wifi is never worth the risk.
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@ffflyer wrote: IMHO SWA is one of the very best rewards programs simply because there are no restrictions. Like any program, you need to know the rules and yeah, you will lose your miles if you don't use them by the deadline. This post is iironically originally from 2018, and now the points never expire.
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09:36 AM
09:36 AM
@reneepasley Yes, I understand learning styles very well. In fact, I teach a section on it in my college skills course. Learning styles refer to a range of competing and contested theories that aim to account for differences in individuals' learning. Many theories share the proposition that humans can be classified according to their 'style' of learning, but differ in how the proposed styles should be defined, categorized and assessed.
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04:21 PM
04:21 PM
I apologize for any inconvenience our policy change has caused. Any animal that formally traveled as an ESA and does not meet the requirements as a trained service dog, may be eligible to travel as a pet under our current pet policy instead. As a peer-to-peer forum, we are not equipped to assist you here, but I'd encourage you to Contact Customer Relations for assistance, especially if you've encountered any inconsistencies on a specific flight. Thank you!
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"family obligations, deaths, " These two are optional, in my opinion. That is to say I don't have any family that would object to my not wanting to fly with a child during a pandemic regardless of the obligation or funeral. Everyone views things differently of course and everyone's situation is unique.
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06:50 AM
06:50 AM
First - I also fly SW for business and have for years. It is a wonderful airline. I agree they are being upfront with their passengers advising if the plane is full or not. What I think is very misleading is they discuss Social Distancing the entire time on the video - in the airport, in the lines, boarding in groups of 10--- just not on the plane. You cannot tell me that is not misleading. Why Social Distance at all in the Southwest process if they are not going to practice it on the plane -- simple. Also - If you have a family member with you - sitting in the middle seat has never been an issue.
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01:33 AM
@gsking we must be flying very different routes, I've been on 4 flights since the middle seat policy was lifted, each one was full, and seen stand by names prior to boarding on each flight as well. I'm sure that isn't the case for many flights, but I'm just saying, full flights for me has been the norm.
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Southwest Vacations is not SWA. Sorry that they ripped you off. if it were me I’d contact my cc company for a partial charge back fir the two missing nights.
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01:09 PM
01:09 PM
Since I have upcoming plans, (not booked yet) to go to CABO or other places in Mexico, does anyone know of testing sites or the process in CABO? Other SWA Mexico destinations? This is in regard to returning. Thanks so very much.
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@skuehl14 wrote: Could you refer me to the studies you mention? "This research is bolstered by another recent study from the IATA which concluded the “risk of contracting the virus on board appears to be in the same category as being struck by lightning,” in the words of CEO and Director General Alexandre de Juniac. Earnest on Thursday stressed that United Airlines, as other airlines said in September, is reporting lower infection rates among its flight attendants than among the general U.S. population. 44. That’s the known number of confirmed Covid-19 cases transmitted on airplanes among the 1.2 billion passengers who have traveled this year, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA)." By my math that is 44 divided by 1,200,000,000 = .0000000367. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2020/10/15/study-risk-of-covid-19-transmission-on-planes-virtually-nonexistent-for-mask-wearers/?sh=8c1ba99787be As apoint of comparison, your chances of dying in a car crash during your lifetime is a little less than 1% --- .01 https://www.thedrive.com/news/18985/lifetime-odds-of-dying-in-a-car-crash-at-1-in-102
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08:43 PM
08:43 PM
Afternoon. Found this thread when researching which airlines will protect my health by following the basic science of viral transmission that we've had locked down for something near a hundred years now. I was getting a kick from the plandemic people in the thread with their hilarious accusations that masks don't work or that the virus isn't real. Let me guess folks, the earth is flat and the moon landing was faked? 😂 They're spying on us with the five gee?? 🤣 Never fails to make me laugh when people are *proud* of their ignorance. Anyway, masks do work: https://www.nature.com/articles https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449/d41586-020-02801-8 If you simply *must* continue to be ignorant on purpose about it, well shoot you know you're right, right? So you should have no problem saying so with your full name and face attached, right? Come on, I bet your employer would love to hear how much smarter you are than every virologist in the world 🙂 what are you, chicken? 🐔🐔
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I keep seeing people mention the CARES act without, apparently, a full of understanding of what it actually is or how it actually works. Yes, Southwest received about $3 billion in government assistance, but all of that money went towards paying employees salaries. It's essentially a form of unemployment assistance, but with the payments going to keep the employees of a vital service (air transportation) working, instead of paying them for not working (while they're on unemployment). Plus Southwest will have to pay back about one third of that $3 billion. It's no more of a "handout" than is unemployment programs. Airlines receive government assistance in times of crisis because they are a vital part of the transportation infrastructure. If the government allowed these companies to go out of business, the US would face significant difficulties across many industries.
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01:05 PM
2 Loves
You can control this yourself. Or, at least to say I can. I take a window seat midplane. I wait until the isle is clear of people, then I deplane. Costs me ten minutes at the most. Often less. Window seat, no one in the middle, also guarantees no one’s butt in my face 😎
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