02:46 PM
Hey there ... so as of tyis posting, the only way to get access to travel funds, is to know the confirmation number? -- that is what an agent just told me -- Do I need that past confirmation number if a booking a new travel and want to access those funds? You think I would have when info while traveling and use mobile app to book a flight??? Is there anyone I can call to really find out what travel funds are available without the confirmation number? It would be okay if I could hit southwest.com and get a historical list of flights I have cancelled so I could get the confirmation numbers, combersome, but doable; but it seems the only way I get the confirmation numbers today is if I held to some email threads -- so many things you guys do right, this seems more like that of an American Airlines shenanigan than something I would expect from SW. Btw, did you change the refund, policy, I swear I use to always cancel and select refund to card -- it didn't let me do that today -- only allowed keep on hold for future use.
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