09:14 AM
I stopped recieving my southwest booking emails on Feb. 22, 2018. I am a frequent flyer and fly as many as 10 to 12 legs some weeks. I fly southwest primarily because i can change flights for free. With this many legs and as many changes in flights i make it is challenging to keep them all straight. without these emails it is impossible. I have a microsoft 365 exchange email though my company and have worked with them to try to find out what is wrong. here is the results. Hello Rick, This is Sushant from Office 365 Team. As per the checks performed emails are not being received at office 365 server level. Domain is also not blocked on your end and last emails received were in Feb. Further I found that this is not a problem that you alone are having, complains even on 03-26-2018 11:19 AM. https://www.southwestaircommunity.com/t5/General-Travel-Policies/Not-Getting-Emails/td-p/52392 http://forums.xfinity.com/t5/Internet-Archive/I-am-not-receiving-emails-from-Southwest-Airlines-They-are/td-p/2944403 Do let me know the outcome. Best Regards, Sushant A. Office 365 Support This issue in on the southwest end of things and i need it fixed asap!!!!
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