09:09 PM
My name is Qiana Hightower and I don't fly often these days but when I do I fly Southwest. My daughter flew for the first time at the age of two in August of 2016. Our most recent flight was to Louisiana to spend Christmas with family in December of 2016. I since then have been working hard to raise her and find employment. She remembers her flying experience and cannot wait for the opportunity to fly again someday. Well despite my resilient persona I haven't secured a full time job and so financially it has been challenging. My cousin TJ is getting married this Sunday night in Miami and we we're invited to the wedding. I refuse to give up hope so late in the game and desire roundtrip tickets for both my 4yr old daughter and I so that we may attend. It's heart wrenching watching my mother and sister pack for the trip considering that they cannot afford to help us go as well. Although I had a 2nd interview today for a position here in Maryland that interests me and things are looking up that doesn't provide the finances to make exciting trips like this happen. Are there any programs that help families in need of flight fare? I enjoy the southwest flying experience and would appreciate the opportunity to fly southwest yet again and surprise and support my cousin TJ.
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